Lets read together
Books. They're great. I even read one once! On this amazing qualification I have taken over the SE++ book club.
Things we will not read:
Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce-- There's actually a book club devoted to this book and only this book!
They've been working on it for 18 years! I'm sure they're lonely, so give them a call if you're so inclined. (I actually own this book. I'm not sure how. I think I had bad influences in college.)
A Theory of Justice, by John Rawls-- This is a problematic book to read for a book club because the book itself makes a compelling philosophical argument for why you shouldn't make other people read it. However, it is worth noting that it does so without appealing to a utilitarian or libertarian argument, therefore
shut up, Zoel
Ok sorry.
What we
will read:
What is it about? I have no idea! This is exciting. It's like buying a gift for yourself. If you don't already have it then something something support local bookstores something something ebooks are cheap. This book was brought to you by DEMOCRACY, one of the most over rated values ever comprehended by mankind:
Ok Zoel, so, how does this work?
Ok basically we follow a set of agreed upon principles that I am imposing on you as benevolent dictator.
1. Do not spoil chapters we haven't read. There's an embargo on any part that we haven't gotten around to reading yet. I can't actually enforce this in any way, however,
you will feel guilty! Why? Because I'm adorable. How could you do that to me?
2. I'll indicate how many chapters we're reading and indicate at what date we can talk about them. If stuff happens and you want to catch up later hey whatever, this isn't school or your job or something. The important thing is that you don't break the embargo.
3. If you're SUPER EXTRA ENTHUSIASTIC you should come prepared with some sort of question or analysis that will break minds when we finish the part we're on. But if you don't that's ok too.
4. Concidentally there's no embargo on chapters 1 and 2 because that would be silly. We need to give Raijin time to complain about this right off the bat. The embargo on Chapters 3 through 6 lifts on 06/24/16 at midnight just like we were waiting in line to get a new copy of Windows 95.
A magician gives you a ring that, when worn, will let you see the world as it truly is.
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
EDIT: I mean, I voted for both this one and The Water Knife so I'd be cool with reading either. I just didn't think we were done deciding.
if there's a revolt i am tiny and weak and can't stop it but i thought we did wait over that time frame
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
EDIT: Link to poll in question: http://goo.gl/forms/XvzD6s9MkVDFlhbU2
but dogs wearing pants is the best
I am were wolf.
But Rank.
He isn't wearing those pants correctly.
i somehow thought I voted on that last night
ok i will edit this
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
Don't you start that shit.
@Sir Fabulous
@Mr. G
@Lindsay Lohan
@Mr Fuzzbutt
@Butler For Life #1
If someone can grab the post from the last thread where I linked to all the goodreads for me so I don't have to redo all that coding, I'd appreciate that.
*this is a real question oh god please someone tell me
Werewolf. Adorable.
Also werewolf. Also adorable.
Not werewolf. Nerdlinger. Shame hound.
@whippy don't do it yet i messed up and you might blame me for the rest of your life
please forgive me
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
You know who wears track suits?
Mafia stereotypes, you bigot.
They voted for Kasich.
This dog hates Barack Hussein Obama.
A lot of dogs leave out the Hussein, but he thinks it's super important.
I've proven my point
You all should read that. It's a book.
regardless of whether or not we choose it I will give you something of equal or double value
assuming you aren't being a dirty dirty liar because don't be that, man! comon!
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
I'ts pretty good. Goes off the wall a few times though.
Also I really wish I had time to do a book club thing. Actually maybe if I can come in late on it and catch up around next month?
Special Agent Dale Cooper
I saw the murder junkies play
hell yeah son
You could get aroused
good thing y'all aren't reading Tampa
I work in tampa, how can I help you
I don't know man, how much do you know about pedophilia
you a cop?
what is Tampa?
it's basically meant to address a lot of the gross/weird double standards we have about sexual abuse of boys by women, among other things