[Trails/Kiseki] - Trails through Daybreak is out, Daybreak 2 "Early 2025"

RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
What is Trails/Kiseki?
The Trails/Kiseki series is 13 JRPGs (by Falcom and published by XSEED/NISA in NA) centered around the people and politics of a shared world. So far, we have 11 of them in English!

Each game features a huge cast of characters, strategic turn-based combat, an intricate upgrade and spell system, tons of sidequests, fantastic music, and a well-written, twisty-turny plot.

And each game references the other games in such a way that those who pay attention are rewarded, but people who only play one or two of them aren't lost. This is a big reason why fans of the series are so passionate.

The chart below might help explain it better.


What can I play in English?

Liberl Chapter
Trails in the Sky - PC
Trails in the Sky SC - PC
Trails in the Sky The 3rd - PC
The first three games in the series take place in the Kingdom of Liberl, the southernmost country on the Zemurian continent. The first two games follow Estelle and Joshua Bright, young members of the Bracer Guild, a group of peacekeepers who keep watch over the people of Liberl and take on jobs ranging from typical monster extermination and replacing lightbulbs to, well, you'll just have to see. Travel the entire breadth of Liberl on foot, see the sights, meet interesting people, and uncover a sinister plot. It's all in a day's work for a (Junior) Bracer!

The third game acts as a sort of bridge to the rest of the series, and stars other characters, though it still takes place in Liberl. I can't say much about it without getting into details and potentially spoiling things. It comes highly recommended!

Crossbell Chapter
Trails from Zero - Switch, PS4, PC
Trails to Azure - Switch, PS4, PC
To give a very brief intro, Crossbell City is a technologically advanced city inspired by Hong Kong. Crossbell State is positioned between the two largest countries in Zemuria, and part of the story concerns Crossbell's struggles to maintain autonomy while being threatened by Erebonia to the west, Calvard to the east, and the criminal underworld festering in the dark corners of the city. All of this is seen from the perspective of Lloyd Bannings, a new CPD recruit, and his fellow officers in the Special Support Section of the Crossbell Police Department.

Erebonia Chapter
Trails of Cold Steel - PS4 and PC
Trails of Cold Steel II - PS4 and PC
Trails of Cold Steel III - PS4, Switch, and PC
Trails of Cold Steel IV - PS4, Switch, and PC
Welcome to the Erebonian Empire, a region of the Zemurian continent renowned for their military prowess.
Behind the powerhouse face of the Empire, however, lie long-held tensions between the upper class and common citizens.
Calling themselves the Noble and Reformist factions, the two classes have been escalating the power struggle between them for many years.

Rean Schwarzer enters the Thors Military Academy and is placed within the newly-created Class VII.
For the first time in the history of the academy, Class VII does not distinguish its members by the socioeconomic class from which they come.
The nine students in Rean's class all come from different backgrounds and have distinct abilities.
As the students train and get to know each other, with all the tensions that may bring, they find themselves thrust into political events that may threaten the entire Empire.

Trails into Reverie - PS4, PS5, PC, Switch
This is a bridge game, meant to wrap up the current state of things after Cold Steel 4 and set the stage for what is to come. Called Hajimari no Kiseki in Japan, Hajimari means "beginning", and supposedly this game is the beginning of the end of the series.

Calvard Chapter
Trails through Daybreak - PS4, PS5, PC, Switch
Trails through Daybreak II - Early 2025
Kai no Kiseki ~Farewell, O Zemuria~ - Not yet released
It takes place in Calvard, the combat is now turn-based and real-time, with the option to switch mid-combat, and the core cast is all-new. You play as a mercenary who can transform into a superhero? It looks a bit like Kamen Rider, and I'm very into it.

Do I Need To Play All Of Them?
Nope! The first game of each set is considered a jumping on point, as confirmed by the developers. You can just play Trails in the Sky or just Trails from Zero or just Trails of Cold Steel if you want. You may miss small details and hints at the larger, overarching story, but otherwise the games will treat you like a newcomer.

But of course the devs and fans want you to get hooked and decide you have to play all of them.

XSEED Localization Blog Posts
Trails Series Localization Blog
Trails of Cold Steel Localization Blog #1
Trails of Cold Steel Localization Blog #2

Trails in the Sky PC Trailer
Trails of Cold Steel - Battle
Trails of Cold Steel - Story
Trails of Cold Steel - Launch Trailer

Renzo on


  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    edited August 2016
    Trails of Cold Steel left on a giant cliffhanger, so I know what I'm doing on September 6. This is my most anticipated game right now, and I've been waiting for FFXV since it was announced 10 years ago.

    One of the superfans on gaf who imports and can read japanese is going to wait on Persona 5 to play Cold Steel II, a game they already played twice, but this time in English.

    These are good JRPGs y'all. And the Sky games run on basically any computer and go on sale on Steam often.

    Renzo on
  • Zerozaki IshikiZerozaki Ishiki Registered User regular
    Six months ago I thought I'd have time to play both Trails in the Sky and replay Cold Steel on Nightmare for the Platinum.
    I only managed FC.
    What happened to my summer!?

  • GroveGrove Los AngelesRegistered User regular
    Would I like these games Renzo?

    Selling PS3 & 360 Madcatz TE Stick
  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    edited August 2016
    Grove wrote: »
    Would I like these games Renzo?

    That's a toughie. This series both expects and rewards your time. Trails in the Sky FC and Trails in the Sky SC, for example, are two halves of one story. FC ends on a cliffhanger and needs you to play SC in order to finish the story. I think the complete story is fantastic, but you only see it all once you've played through two full length RPGs.

    And then I think some of the music wouldn't really be your style. Some of it would (this is the same company that makes Ys, with the same music team), but the battle music for Sky FC and Sky SC, for example, is very jazzy. I like it, but you know me.

    Cold Steel might be more your avenue, but it has a school setting, which has turned some people off just on a conceptual level. I think it's used to great effect if only in that you get to learn about the townspeople and fellow classmates over the course of a year instead of just getting one-off NPC monologue like in most JRPGs. It makes for a cool sense of community if you want to put the time in.

    The combat is a lot of fun in both Sky and Cold Steel once you get a few hours in. They both allow you to get creative as to how you outfit your characters and how you approach combat. There's a bit of positioning and turn order strategy mixed in with the typical turn based stuff.

    Both Sky and Cold Steel start slow, and do not try to rush the story along. This series takes its time. It feels like they have everything planned out well in advance and make sure every story beat is in there.

    But as I mentioned above, the stories are all connected in various ways, if you pay attention. I've compared the whole thing to A Song Of Ice And Fire before, not in terms of content or continuity, but in the way that astute readers/players are rewarded. And I know you eat that up. So do I. It's awesome to catch all the references, hints, and teases they drop into these games.

    I wish Trails to Zero and Trails to Azure were out, since those look to match your preferences a bit more closely than the rest.


    Still, you can't go wrong with trying Trails in the Sky FC, since it's bound to be discounted on Steam again when Cold Steel II launches.

    Oh, and there's a fishing minigame in all of them.


    Here's a post I made a few years ago about the combat system in Sky FC. And another after I finished it.
    Still slowly chipping away at Trails FC.

    I was just in a boss fight, and had an awesome stroke of luck. The big bad, like most bosses in the game, had a ton of HP and a lot of defense, so even if you hit him hard, he's not going down quickly.

    One of Joshua's orbment slots has a 10% chance to petrify gem.

    After buffing the party, I got close with Joshua and used Double Hit. The first hit petrified the boss. Any hit on a petrified enemy kills them outright. Apparently this includes bosses, because the second hit killed him.

    Hell. Yes.
    Oh right, I was going to post about Trails in the Sky.

    I loved it, and I didn't really expect to. I thought the character designs were kind of generic, and the visuals were pretty primitive, even for PSP. Then the battle music's jazziness really threw me off. And it seemed like the battle system was a tactics-style affair, minus some key features like the ability to manually move + attack in one turn. And then oh my god when does the story start? So many sidequests. Where's the core plot?

    But I came around on every single concern. I still think some of the character designs are a little rough, but I grew to love a lot of the characters, especially Estelle, Joshua, and Kloe (and Seig!). The sidequests were substantial and served to further flesh out the rich setting. I ended up really liking most of the visuals. I think I just needed to see more than just the starting town, which is a little generic. And a lot of the music is really good. I found myself listening to it while working a few days ago. I would still like to be able to move + attack manually in one turn, but that would probably break the game. So I found at least one way around that, by positioning characters on the grid so they often line up favorably with typical enemy configurations.

    I really liked how un-punishing the game is, and how at no point did I feel the need to grind.

    The story is a SLOW burn. So slow. But in between, you're meeting people, getting teased on the seemingly dozens of subplots and other characters' motivations. And when the plot DOES kick into high gear, there's no need to stop and introduce people or focus on anything but the crazy shenanigans.

    I guess the only thing I wasn't totally taken with was the orbment system. I just didn't like having to mix and match quartz to get what I wanted in terms of skills.

    Can't wait for the next one. I want to see these characters again and see what's happened to them since the end of FC. SC is supposedly the favorite among much of the fanbase in Japan.

    Renzo on
  • QuiotuQuiotu Registered User regular
    The combat in Cold Steel eventually becomes building your team up in the dungeon, then blitzing bosses with S-crafts and team attacks. Once you get that S-crafts can be done literally anytime, you start planning them ahead.

    I think the hardest part of Cold Steel is having to work with whoever you're teamed up with during the field studies. Because you will have some favorites that half the time are taken from you, and it sucks having to change tactics because of character limitations. Some characters are just better than others, which is good and means they made each character unique. But, well... No one likes being stuck with Jusis...

  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    But Jusis' Noble Command is one of the best support abilities in the game. Maybe the best. He's a jerk at first, but once the story works through that, you have a good character with some great combat utility.

  • QuiotuQuiotu Registered User regular
    edited August 2016
    So Cold Steel Ch. 6 end spoilers.
    Those two boss battles back to back can EAT A BAG OF DICKS. That is a cardinal sin in the RPG and especially the JRPG rulebook... you don't reward winning a hard boss fight with a HARDER boss fight, with no ability to save in between. Granted they filled your HP and EP, but my CP was wrecked. That was the first time I had to retry a boss batle, and one of the first times I had to use items. Also, while I like Angelica a whole lot, she needs a fainting couch a WHOLE lot for a butch lesbian. She was getting knocked out faster than anyone else there, and she's supposed to be the second year. That made no sense, even when I tried to bulk up her equipment and quartz.

    Quiotu on
  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    Remind me of the context in ch6? Probably in spoilers.

  • DonnictonDonnicton Registered User regular
    I'm somewhat tempted to run through Cold Steel 1 a second time just to secure Fie as best girl. Can anyone tell me if you can beat the fights that were plot-loss the first playthrough if you go back through fully powered up? That's probably the only other reason I'd want to go through a second time after burning 70 hours on it the first time.

  • BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    Donnicton wrote: »
    I'm somewhat tempted to run through Cold Steel 1 a second time just to secure Fie as best girl. Can anyone tell me if you can beat the fights that were plot-loss the first playthrough if you go back through fully powered up? That's probably the only other reason I'd want to go through a second time after burning 70 hours on it the first time.
    Pretty sure you can't. You just start missing/doing 0 damage once the enemy is at 1 HP.
    Renzo wrote: »
    Remind me of the context in ch6? Probably in spoilers.
    The one where you fight C in the mines

    I personally liked Cold Steel 1 a lot more than Sky FC. After FC I very nearly skipped on the rest of the series, actually.


    3DS: 1607-3034-6970
  • Zerozaki IshikiZerozaki Ishiki Registered User regular
    I definitely only got through FC because I'd played Cold Steel first. The combat is just...dry, by comparison.
    Cold Steel's side quests also play into the world building more, while FCs are often just trying to give you a sense of what bracers USUALLY do.

  • QuiotuQuiotu Registered User regular
    Renzo wrote: »
    Remind me of the context in ch6? Probably in spoilers.
    Basically you fight V and his group at the end of the mines, take him out, then C comes to bail him out and you have to fight him and a few high level robots immediately after. It's pretty bullshit, especially considering that's apparently one of if not THE hardest boss fights in the game.

  • QuiotuQuiotu Registered User regular
    Oh, that's rich.

    Rean: Hey, we went to my homeland in Ymir! We don't have time to talk about that though.

    ... fuck you, game...

    Apparently there's a Drama CD that talks about the events there, including the obligatory hot springs scene that's not in the actual game. I have no idea why they'd make that separate, maybe it was an easy way to make the game a lower rating? I mean part of me gets why XSEED left it out... and yet, it's like an hour of story we're just flat out missing. It's a bit of a dick move.

  • BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    Quiotu wrote: »
    Oh, that's rich.

    Rean: Hey, we went to my homeland in Ymir! We don't have time to talk about that though.

    ... fuck you, game...

    Apparently there's a Drama CD that talks about the events there, including the obligatory hot springs scene that's not in the actual game. I have no idea why they'd make that separate, maybe it was an easy way to make the game a lower rating? I mean part of me gets why XSEED left it out... and yet, it's like an hour of story we're just flat out missing. It's a bit of a dick move.

    It wasn't cut from the game.

    Or, more likely, it was, but it was cut from the original, due to time constraints. Not in localization or anything.


    3DS: 1607-3034-6970
  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    edited August 2016
    The trip to Ymir is right here, officially translated: http://www.trailsofcoldsteel.com/cs2/memoirs1.html

    It says to wait until you finish the game though. I can't recall if it's safe to read right after Ch.6 or not.

    edit: I just re-read it. It's totally fine to read right after finishing Ch.6.

    Renzo on
  • QuiotuQuiotu Registered User regular
    edited August 2016
    Renzo wrote: »
    The trip to Ymir is right here, officially translated: http://www.trailsofcoldsteel.com/cs2/memoirs1.html

    It says to wait until you finish the game though. I can't recall if it's safe to read right after Ch.6 or not.

    edit: I just re-read it. It's totally fine to read right after finishing Ch.6.

    Oh, I get I can find it, and read up at leisure. But missing content is missing content, and workaround or not, I'm gonna call it out in an unbiased manner like any other game. I'm not blaming XSEED, there's a myriad of reasons to omit it... budget, time, content concerns, probably a combination of several. It still needs to be addressed though, and hopefully won't happen with the second game.

    Quiotu on
  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    edited August 2016
    Quiotu wrote: »
    Renzo wrote: »
    The trip to Ymir is right here, officially translated: http://www.trailsofcoldsteel.com/cs2/memoirs1.html

    It says to wait until you finish the game though. I can't recall if it's safe to read right after Ch.6 or not.

    edit: I just re-read it. It's totally fine to read right after finishing Ch.6.

    Oh, I get I can find it, and read up at leisure. But missing content is missing content, and workaround or not, I'm gonna call it out in an unbiased manner like any other game. I'm not blaming XSEED, there's a myriad of reasons to omit it... budget, time, content concerns, probably a combination of several. It still needs to be addressed though, and hopefully won't happen with the second game.

    Oh it happened with Cold Steel II also, haha. On that same page, there's a link to a translation of a part of CSII that didn't make it into the game and had a drama CD. At least the translation is available early, as opposed to getting the official translation 8ish months later like this Ymir visit section from CS1.

    It's a bummer, but at least we get the info one way or another. To me, it's better than if it had been omitted entirely.

    Renzo on
  • BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    Man, Cold Steel 2 apparently has a crapload of characters. According to GameFAQs anyway.
    You got all of Class VII (Rean, Gaius, Elliot, Jusis, Machias, Laura, Emma, Fie, Alisa, and Millium) and Sara as more or less "permanent" members and then Toval, Sharon, Claire, Alfin, Towa, Elise, and Angelica are "playable for a short amount of time before being fully playable in the epilogue. There's also 3 secret characters that are usable in the epilogue, but don't play any role in the actual story."


    3DS: 1607-3034-6970
  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    Definitely not looking at that list! I did briefly look at the official ToCS2 site, and jeez y'all, there is so much stuff in that game. I can't wait.

  • QuiotuQuiotu Registered User regular
    Blackjack wrote: »
    Man, Cold Steel 2 apparently has a crapload of characters. According to GameFAQs anyway.
    You got all of Class VII (Rean, Gaius, Elliot, Jusis, Machias, Laura, Emma, Fie, Alisa, and Millium) and Sara as more or less "permanent" members and then Toval, Sharon, Claire, Alfin, Towa, Elise, and Angelica are "playable for a short amount of time before being fully playable in the epilogue. There's also 3 secret characters that are usable in the epilogue, but don't play any role in the actual story."
    Okay, seriously WTF are Elise and Alfin supposed to do for the group? We need more healers/mages who can't take a hit? Also, we got enough young teens in the group, the last thing we need is rounding it out with Princess Instigator and her friend Sister Mary Wincest.

  • BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    Quiotu wrote: »
    Blackjack wrote: »
    Man, Cold Steel 2 apparently has a crapload of characters. According to GameFAQs anyway.
    You got all of Class VII (Rean, Gaius, Elliot, Jusis, Machias, Laura, Emma, Fie, Alisa, and Millium) and Sara as more or less "permanent" members and then Toval, Sharon, Claire, Alfin, Towa, Elise, and Angelica are "playable for a short amount of time before being fully playable in the epilogue. There's also 3 secret characters that are usable in the epilogue, but don't play any role in the actual story."
    Okay, seriously WTF are Elise and Alfin supposed to do for the group? We need more healers/mages who can't take a hit? Also, we got enough young teens in the group, the last thing we need is rounding it out with Princess Instigator and her friend Sister Mary Wincest.
    If I had to guess, you have Toval, Claire, George (who is also playable, according to the wiki), and Angelica as the physical powerhouses; Elise and Sharon as the hybrids (Elise more Jusis/Alisa like and Sharon more Fie-like), and Towa and Alfin as the mages.

    The "secret" characters seem to be one physical, one hybrid, and one mage as well.


    3DS: 1607-3034-6970
  • QuiotuQuiotu Registered User regular
    This (I assume) Cold Steel final dungeon... goddamn. It's nice that they finally set up something different, but it's like they're putting all the dungeons of a normal field study into one giant neverending one. I'm getting flashbacks of Persona 3, which would be fine if I wasn't completely unprepared for it.

  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    I feel like it stands out because the dungeons we've seen so far haven't been very big at all. It's a change, that's for sure.

  • QuiotuQuiotu Registered User regular
    edited August 2016
    Hmm... so over 110 hours in, playing on normal difficulty, my character levels are in their 60's. I'm fighting Old Schoolhouse final boss, and... I can't dent this fucker. Between sapping HP, calling minions and just in general hitting like a tank hard and often, he's gaining HP faster than I can dish out. This isn't even the final boss.

    I shouldn't have to grind on normal difficulty, but I've been doing so a little anyway. I might have to put this game down and consider not getting Cold Steel 2. I really like everything else about the game, but the level curve just took a turn like a clown car, and I'm debating if I feel like suffering through more of this anytime soon.

    Again, this is NORMAL. If it was SMT tough from the start, I'd be okay with this. It starts out easy and normal enough, and now it's cock teasing me at the end, and it's beginning to piss me off now.

    Quiotu on
  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    edited August 2016
    Maybe spoiler tag the enemy name up there?

    As for the difficulty, what's your party and general strategy right now? I remember that fight being tough, but not overly so.

    But I do remember bumping the difficulty down to Easy for the final boss fight.

    Renzo on
  • BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    edited August 2016
    It's been a good while since I played that far (currently doing another playthrough for CS2), but I can say that a team of Rean, Laura, Gaius, and Emma basically tore him apart with no real challenge.

    Also Quartz setup and tactics matter way more than a few levels, so that may be where your problem is.

    Blackjack on

    3DS: 1607-3034-6970
  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    I think my team by then was Rean, Laura, Emma, and Fie. Maybe Elliot instead of Emma? But yeah, the Quartz setup was crucial. I had boosted Laura's attack as much as possible, gave her the quartz that boosts her first attack, then made sure I had 200CP so that she opened the battle with huge damage. Keeping your physical attackers close-ish and your mages close-ish, so that you have two groups of two, allows you to heal two people at a time, but also avoid party wipe due to a big AoE. I constantly kept buffs up as much as I could. I also remember using Rean's dash attack to move him around the field to dodge attacks or get in position for healing, etc.

  • BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    Having someone dodge-tank is absolutely great, too. My Gaius had like 70-80% evasion pre-buffs, and the Chevalier Master Quartz to draw attacks, so most enemies just whiffed and ate a Wrath-Crit counter every time they attacked.


    3DS: 1607-3034-6970
  • QuiotuQuiotu Registered User regular
    Renzo wrote: »
    Maybe spoiler tag the enemy name up there?

    As for the difficulty, what's your party and general strategy right now? I remember that fight being tough, but not overly so.

    But I do remember bumping the difficulty down to Easy for the final boss fight.

    Would someone even know who that enemy was until you met it? I certainly didn't.

    As for my strategy, I tend to have Elliot/Alisa on healing watch, Rean/Laura/Millium for heavy hitters, and slowly build up CP, throwing out S-Crafts when available. I tend to have Alisa/Jusis/Elliot buff everyone at the beginning. But eventually it just gets to where I'm spending 100% of the time keeping people alive, or killing the minions, or trying to stop it from sapping my party to death. Started using Zeram Powders and Capsules to try and cheese a win, but that only goes so far.

  • QuiotuQuiotu Registered User regular
    I'm finding a few strategies for the fight that I'll have to try. Apparently freezing him is possible, and is the win button if you do. Spamming Chrono skills apparently works well.

    I guess I'm just unnerved that 95% of the game is pretty easy to work out, and the last handful of bosses are the game getting a sudden case of sadistic tendencies. It's like the Ch. 6 boss onward has me playing a completely different game.

    Also, having the largest dungeon/boss battle before finding if my festival choices work is a tremendous dick move.

    Later on I'll probably get over all this. But currently I'm sitting at over 110 hours of play, and like with the Persona games, for the love of God I just want the Ending!!

  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    I also remember noticing that my healer was so loaded up with EP and other magic stats but had nothing in the way of speed, so they were taking 1 turn for every 2 turns that everyone else was taking. Made it impossible to keep up. So I reconfigured their Quartz to try and fix that.

  • QuiotuQuiotu Registered User regular
    Renzo wrote: »
    I also remember noticing that my healer was so loaded up with EP and other magic stats but had nothing in the way of speed, so they were taking 1 turn for every 2 turns that everyone else was taking. Made it impossible to keep up. So I reconfigured their Quartz to try and fix that.

    Yeah, it's clear some setup is needed. It's just irritating it went straight from 'I can make this work' to 'I need a specific strategy' in one fight. It's not a build up, but a switch flip, and it's annoying because it was completely unnecessary until basically the final chapter.

  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    I loaded up my save near the end of the game.
    My party is Rean, Laura, Alisa, and Elliott. My entire strategy revolves around Alisa constantly gaining and distributing CP while Elliott buffs and heals. Rean and Laura attack and use S-Breaks. I think Alisa has an item equipped that grants her CP every turn.

  • PrjctD_CaptainPrjctD_Captain iFizzRegistered User regular
    I just grabbed Trails in the Sky on pc. Any trip ups I need to be aware of? Easy missables, that dirt of thing? Or an I safe playing completely safe going in blind?

    Steam: BrightWing
    PSN: BrightWing13 FFX|V:ARR Bright Asuna
  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    edited August 2016
    I just grabbed Trails in the Sky on pc. Any trip ups I need to be aware of? Easy missables, that dirt of thing? Or an I safe playing completely safe going in blind?

    There are a bunch of missables in each Trails game. Nothing critical. We're talking small sidequests, extra money/potions, etc.

    Depending on your completionist tendencies, you may want to look up how to get every volume of the in-game book series, Carnelia. Only by collecting each one will you be able to get one (only one per playthrough!) ultimate weapon. But that's also not critical. It's mostly just extra damage output.

    The amount of missables has put off plenty of people, but if you can get past it, I would just play it blind. Enjoy it as it is, rather than with a guide.

    And whatever you do, don't look at a wiki. Thar be spoilers. Like, series-wide spoilers.

    Renzo on
  • PrjctD_CaptainPrjctD_Captain iFizzRegistered User regular
    Nah, little optional stuff doesn't really bother me. And pita weapon sidequests are something I've dealt with before (Brionac).

    Initial impressions: I like Estelle. She's good people. I wonder what Joshua's deal is. And this magic system is good stuff. Kinda reminds me of FF 6 in a way. Where magic is really interchangeable.

    Steam: BrightWing
    PSN: BrightWing13 FFX|V:ARR Bright Asuna
  • BlackjackBlackjack Registered User regular
    And this magic system is good stuff. Kinda reminds me of FF 6 in a way. Where magic is really interchangeable.

    I'm gonna tell you something that I needed to be told, about the magic system. Use the in-game documentation! It is really good and will tell you how to get every single spell in the game.


    3DS: 1607-3034-6970
  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    Yes! The Bracer notebook is super useful. There were several times during my playthroughs of FC and SC that I look inventory of my Quartz, looked at the Arts section of the notebook, and realized I had access to some awesome high level spells if I wanted to arrange my Quartz a certain way.

  • DonnictonDonnicton Registered User regular


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