In 1700, Spain had a king.
After you've recovered from this shocking revelation, brace yourself for his name, Charles II.
And after you wonder when General Monck restored him to the throne, put down your copy of Hume's Civil War and realise that was a different Charles II. I'm talking about this guy:
What a...looker?
Charles had severe learning troubles, an array of health problems and was sterile. Doctors at the time weren't sure why, but modern folk have a thought
Gotta keep that wealth in the family after all.
So having no children, the Spanish throne by default would have gone to the children of Louis XIV of France, creating the possibility of a personal union between France and Spain. Nobody much in Europe liked this, so they worked on a compromise:
give it to a six year old Austrian duke oh wait he died, new plan! A Grandson of Louis XIV,
Philippe of Anjou Filippo V of Spain would gain the throne if he disavowed any claims to the French throne.
Except Louis said "nah, you can have the throne when I die" and invaded the Spanish Netherlands. Austria got miffed at this and a war started!
When the war ended, Filippo remained King of Spain, Louis properly disinherited him and the Austrians got the now Austrian Netherlands, i.e. Belgium. Spain and France would be allied by their familial ties, but never unified, at least until Napoleon took a stab at it in 1808.
The moral of the story: Stop marrying your neice.
PSN/XBL: Zampanov -- Steam: Zampanov
RMS, I name you usurper
he waited more than 15 min
you have failed this city
PSN/XBL: Zampanov -- Steam: Zampanov
A focus on the family pole was what cause the problem
John never usurped Richard tho
I'm more a Richard III sort, stepping in because the heirs are too weak in tumultuous times
I think it's Charles II's parents at 29 years apart
Philip 3 parents were 22yr's
Ferdinand 2's were 11yr's
Christina of Denmark's were 20yrs
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That's probably a bit too much harsh reality for me
I'm still confused
The space is in the wrong place
It should be due sex: homo revolution
Someone's going to call for their arrest, I'm calling it.
I've already seen some pretty negative things about it.
Nobody wanted that, least of all the Austrian Hapsburgs who had gone through that before and found it way too much
Jack Riley died last night.
Ahh that clears it up
The earliest one I can remember is Worms United
Which started a long love affair with the series
A feline fechtbuch if you will
Hmm. Duke Nukem 3D in 1996, but definitely games before that.
Little Big Adventure was 1995...
Wing Commander: Privateer was 1993, but I dunno if I actually bought that myself.
Im assuming I saved up my allowance and bought a used SNES game from Blockbuster before that but I cant remember if I did, I know that all my N64 and Genesis games were gifts.
As someone who had a dream last night in which a girl became very attracted to me upon finding out that I was a very conscientious and responsible dog owner, I dub this reckless and not in the best interests of the safety of the doges.
I guess the answer is no, I can't remember
I remember that I was wearing an onion on my belt, as was the style at the time
How are you finding it?
I need to try a game as it's hard to work out who is annoyed with it not being the kemet X agricola it was originally teased as and who has genuinely found some problems
My issues is that I mostly love the setting rather than the efficiency-based mechanics so I worry it might be a little flat for me
Nope. I used to buy all kinds of crud
C64 budget games were £2.99 and I got £1/week. Who knows which of those turds was my first game