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Expo Hall Maps

mrdanmrdan Registered User new member
Does anyone know if they are available on the website since they are on the app? Also, do we get them at the convention as well? I honestly can't remember =p Thank you!


  • BaskeBaske Registered User regular
    mrdan wrote: »
    Does anyone know if they are available on the website since they are on the app? Also, do we get them at the convention as well? I honestly can't remember =p Thank you!

    If the last 5 years continue to hold true, they will be passing out booklets at the main entrance escalators that contain the schedule and maps in it.

  • mrdanmrdan Registered User new member
    Thank you!

  • oldskoolboarderoldskoolboarder Registered User regular
    I got them from here and saved them to my iPad. Also printed them w/ my notes for the daily plan.

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