I've debated whether to just roll this into the Vermintide thread, but we all love our warhammer so... NEW THREAD!
After searching the youtubes for a bit, these are the two videos that stand out the most, and probably explain what Space Hulk Deathwing (now referred to as SHD from here on out) is all about.
Angry Joe Interview with a Designer with heavy french accent.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZBGqXXRQ-A
I've been a bit reticent about posting this vid, mainly because its two months from launch and all I can find of gameplay is a Work In Progress build from April. I dunno, Ubisoft has destroyed any faith I have in work-in-progress builds anymore. It could just be FMV eye-candy vid anymore. But this is what Cyanide-Studios has available. Who knows, maybe they have a lock on this and are gonna do good.
Here's an off screen view of gameplay... be forewarned, the quality is kinda garbage, but its the only other vid in town right now...
The development companies are Cyanide-Studios and Streum On Studios
Here's Cyanide's game list.
Streum On released
E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy
and a Half Life mod named Syndicate Black Ops
So now that we have some of the pedigree out of the way, what about Space Hulk Deathwing?
The game is a first person shooter, with single and multiplayer capability. In single player, you are a Librarian with AI teammates, in multiplayer... you have other humies to help with.
That said, I'm anticipating PUGs shouting "FOR THE EMPRA!!!" in my headset and then promptly dying. I'll want to play with people around these parts.
Health is LOCATION SPECIFIC. just like the old Fallout games or the original Deus Ex.
Your arm got crippled? You can't use that weapon until its healed.
Both arms crippled? Do the rest of us a solid and be a meat shield and plug that door with your body.
Your leg broke? I'm probably gonna have to mag dump your face to spare you the humiliation of being a genestealer chew toy, and so we can GTFO on the getaway space boat.
The limited view of customization popped up in that video. Lots of neat toys to turn genestealer insides into outsides.
It doesn't look like there will be any classes save the specific Librarian, so pick what appeals to you.
Chainsword and board? go for it.
Flamers forever? spycheck that shit.
Bolter and nades? always a solid choice.
Here's the Steam Page.
Current Launch Date on Steam: November 2016
Price: $39.99 USD
Pre-Ordering gets you 15% off and an in game item The Lost Mace of Corswain. Which is probably a welfare purple...
Watch and shoot for this one on me, I loved vermintide, and anything 40k is good in my books. Just want some more info and such and I'll pull the trigger once that happens.
I know I didn't make a gushing pro-game OP, but until something more substantial comes out, that's what I've got.
While I don't care for Angry Joe's internet personality, he's tolerable as an interviewer and I do find our game interests usually line up, so I'll give it a shake.
There is a video from E3 or gamescon that shows some gameplay, but its from a year ago, off screen in a dark room and the camera guy got the dev 'playing' it in screen with a laptop.
I guess I'll add it but be forewarned, its rather low quality.
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
That's exactly why I'm a bit doubtful about this. I love me some Warhams and I want this to be good, so show me the goods!
I also love the idea of a more slow-paced game where you stomp around in Terminator armor instead of zipping all over the place.
But I have been proven wrong with this in the past. This could be a gold mine for fun if it's any good. I would love to strap on an assault cannon and mow some genestealers down.... please get it right!
The source material is there just hope they can do it justice.
That was the second Space Hulk game, and man, I thought it was terrible. It was pretty hard to fail the hand-to-hand QTE, so your normal Terminator would chew through them with the power fist, but then the Chaos Marines had some kind of super armor and one of them would mow down my entire squad. I think they were Plague Marines, but still.
The first one was a much better game in my opinion. Not so much variety, though.
Key thing to note:
This was in march though so they could have binned off actual classes?
Do you know how hard it is to wash tyranids of jeans once they've been in-pant-ed?
The dark angels are one of my least favourite loyalist chapter (iron hands for worst loyalist chapter) but I'm hoping for dlc with new chapters post release
Blood angels I'm looking at you
Looks like infinite ammo, and just had to reload/unjam. Nice!
looks pretty smooth gameplay-wise, but again... its in house vid. no preliminary scrimmages with a youtuber or 2...
weapons look pretty boss. its a good thing when I'm trying to decide what I want to take with me but the flamer is calling me.
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
If you have never played it, you should at least check out the demo.
And I loved vermintide. So...
This looks rad although Terminator Apothecaries is kind of ?????
9 levels focused on solo play doesn't quiet fill me with confidence on the co-op aspect. I can think of nothing better than killing in the name of the emperor with other people.
Guess we have to wait and see as more details release.
Damn that looks shit hot, of course all I think when I am watching it is.. how sick would that be in VR.
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
Makes it sounds like it's going to be Republic Commando 40k.
Republic Commando was fucking awesome.
I am now even more excited
Single player story missions with 2 AI squadmates with a smaller tacked on co-op mode...not so much.