So, today I hit a very annoying issue with my cellphone. For the record, I am using a CAT S60 phone. (Android version 6. something)
I reset the phone, and afterwards I where of course prompted to log onto my gmail account.
However, I drew a blank on the password to the account and as such used the nice reset password button and succesfully reset the password.
Sadly, that did not help - instead of managing to sign in, I where greeted by the following error message "Please sign in using one of the owner's accounts for this device".
Now, I am the only person that has used this phone, and I only have one gmail account ( I did have two work related exchange accounts linked to the phone, but that should not affect I think.)
During some cursory google searches I have found that if you change your password and then reset your phone it gets hit with a 72 hour lockdown for safety reasons - is this what happened to me here? I mean, I can still receive phone calls for the moment, but going without being able to call for 3 days is kind of annoying (although not as bad as it could be since two of those days are during the weekend).
TLDR: Can't get into my phone, is there anything I can do? I'd prefer not having to root it and such, but I don't even know if I am able to do that at the moment to be honest.
Steam id:
LoL EU West nickname: Irridan
You mean sending a lock command to the device through the android device page - tried that, but nothing showed up on the phone sadly.
LoL EU West nickname: Irridan
Generate a password there
And try starting the process with that
Luckily, it seems to work now! I guess waiting for some timeout after changing the password did the trick? At any rate, I am glad it is working, and I guess the thread can be locked.
LoL EU West nickname: Irridan