I don't have anything prepared so I'm just gonna ramble about ultimate.
Yeah the sport is actually called ultimate. I usually refer to it as ultimate Frisbee because everyone knows what a Frisbee is but what the fuck is ultimate? Turns out Frisbee is trademarked by Wham-o (they make shitty fucking discs by the way) so ultimate is the name.
Great game. Played 7 vs 7. Can't run with the disc other than the amount of steps it takes you to come to a complete stop. Disc touches the ground or is caught out of bounds and it's a turnover and the other team gains possession at the spot. In co-ed formats offense dictates whether there will be 4 guys or 4 girls on the field.
I haven't played in about a decade now but Facebook tells me many of my former teammates are now on, like, semi pro teams? So if you're in a major metropolitan area look up MLU (Major League Ultimate) or AUDL (american ultimate disc league??) and maybe check out a game in your nabe. Or send me a PM and maybe I can score free tickets for you, but honestly I doubt it's that expensive you cheap fuck.
Umm, cool highlights I just googled:
Famous plays from back when I played:
Please consider the environment before printing this post.
I feel like maybe a @Ludious will enjoy this.
the entire sport is broish slang
It is called self preservation
Ultra violence?
A bit of it?
How many points for a dunk? How do you bounce a frisbee?
The system is rigged.
It is really just called ultimate, and also people generally say disc instead of frisbee.
Great OP yay ultimate!
Also I am so sick of grading. I've gotta keep going but it's seven PM and I'm exhausted.
I agree that a lot of it seemed like they were lashed to nostalgia; the class design was definitely "we can't mess up the D&D formula." But I think the biggest sign to me that they are at least partially incompetent was their "graze" system. This was a decent part of their pitch for how they were "modernizing" the classic D&D formula; a system that would make combat less granular and allow more meaningful character building, while limiting the frequent situations you'd only hit on a 20 or miss on a 1.
And maybe it did that, to some extent. But it showed their complete lack of understanding for why Save or Dies were so threatening, because they made grazes apply full strength debuffs with half duration. So now not only are wizards as powerful and versatile as normal, but they're also almost always going to petrify or stun your enemies, and it doesn't matter if they're stunned for 1 round instead of 2 when you can keep reapplying it.
Maybe the graze system could have been a worthwhile addition, with a couple other QoL features, to the mundane classes; at least they'd be reliable compared to wizards high-risk strategy. But instead you're suddenly presented with "always hits, sometimes for half damage" and "always petrifies the enemy, who cares." And this was something they were bragging about and completely of their own design, meaning that when they did manage to unchain themselves from typical D&D mechanics they made them worse.
I'm the villain you deserve
An adjective without a noun? We are not barbarians, scientologists, chiropractors or post modernists, we shall not fall to such depths
rumor has it a stoned out quad bro coined it (this game is just the ultimate, maaaannnnn) and sure, sounds about right
0 points for a dunk
you can air bounce a disc by throwing it downward with an upwards tilt. generates a lot of lift to counteract the initial downward throw so the disc goes down low and comes back up. not super practical other than a cool trick throw but has occasional uses.
This seems fairly intuitive if you assume the causation is the other way (sexual satisfaction tends to produce long term relationships and decrease the rate at which you acquire partners).
"I'm more of a caudate nucleus girl myself"
is something I overheard today from two of my now-favorite students
prolly gets hard to get attention if you get more than a handful going at once.
lots of D1 athletes and former high school sports stars and the like that moved to ultimate for various reasons
Also fuck I am sore. I had a migraine and took my meds. So all the pain from everything else is in full view.
it's like . . . pure, substance free masturbation
have you uh
met eddy?
Gonna grade and take brief looks at chat, but
1) is almost certainly bidirectional, though I think there's evidence to support the idea that emotionally rewarding sex is significantly better
and 2) the inverse relationship there is often studied in married couples, so I don't actually think that one's the case.
Pretty sure you're right about the bidirectional nature of the first one.
(though I also want to point out that I didn't state causation, even if you're right about my assumptions)
The variable is lifetime number of partners. I don't think I've ever seen research on present number.
Except he holds onto a thrown frisbee instead of a hammer
Like, when I was away a couple months with no women the first one I saw always seemed supermodel hot.
Oh also (SWEAR I'M GOING BACK TO GRADING) one of the students looked through a microscope that I'd had everyone gather around to see some crayfish anatomy and said "Wait, that's the nerve? HOLY SHIT
Basically I have students that want to be fkin done and don't give a fuck and then I have occasional students who are amazed by everything and it's super weird how much impact that has on how much I like having lab with them. I mean, you'd expect an impact, but it's p big.
most of the collisions are with the ground (as you can see with the clips, due to the slow tail end flight of a disc and the fact that the receiver can't run with it there's tons of opportunities for diving catches/defenses)
however, in college especially, lots of games and practices are played on relatively shit fields. sometimes more gravel than grass. many tournaments I would end the day with fist-sized oozing raspberries on my right hip and left elbow from repeated dives to the ground.
And in the other room the control group is just sitting on a bed by themselves.
I somehow missed when this was on the air.
"Rachel you are aren't stupid."
*imposes self exile, walks the desert in deep contemplation*
Interesting. So if I'm clear, you're saying that marriage tends to cause an increase in partners (e.g. fosters cheating?) Or just that marriage is correlated with a high number of partners? Or am I misreading 2) entirely?