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Loads of maths just depends on the teacher, and that was not the clearest way of explaining what I meant.
I remember being taught vectors in three different ways by different teachers and only on the third attempt did I actually understand what the calculations were doing. It's the same for calculus; I suspect if I hadn't been shown the graphical explanation, I would never have really seen it as anything except just bizarre equations.
Calculus was pretty good, but a few years ago. But I knew what the calculations did.
I got into matrix algebra, did an entire semester, and still have no clue what the bloomin hell it's used for.
It's best to think of matrices as a tool. They are a structure that helps you do things not a thing onto themselves. So some people use the structure this way, others that way and they aren't necessarily conceptually related at all. They just use roughly the same notation on paper.
It's like in those movies with lost kids that end up going back to their shitty parents.
Give it a year, he'll get back on the speaking circuit, and every news organization will want his opinion on the Trump administration. It's not goodbye, it's see you soon.
Loads of maths just depends on the teacher, and that was not the clearest way of explaining what I meant.
I remember being taught vectors in three different ways by different teachers and only on the third attempt did I actually understand what the calculations were doing. It's the same for calculus; I suspect if I hadn't been shown the graphical explanation, I would never have really seen it as anything except just bizarre equations.
Calculus was pretty good, but a few years ago. But I knew what the calculations did.
I got into matrix algebra, did an entire semester, and still have no clue what the bloomin hell it's used for.
It's best to think of matrices as a tool. They are a structure that helps you do things not a thing onto themselves. So some people use the structure this way, others that way and they aren't necessarily conceptually related at all. They just use roughly the same notation on paper.
Yeah, but it's like teaching someone how to use a sextant when they don't know what the hell it's used for, and without a map.
I love how programming makes me feel barely literate when, for example, I spend an hour trying to figure out why my program doesn't match the professor's example and the main reason is that I was not giving mine the same input.
much grunting is heard, but nary a splash hits the bowl
"go on without me guys, im gonna be a while" Havelock tells his companions
they oblige, meanwhile, an opportunistic group of bandits descends upon our otherwise preoccupied hero
Geth roll 1d20+4 for Stealth to hide and poop quietly
Havelock hears the approaching bandits, and quietly sneaks out of the outhouse undetected. He makes his way to a nearby trail and finds a secluded spot to finish pooping in peace.
Unbeknownst to him, he left a giant trail of tp behind as he had quickly stuffed a bunch in his pants (THERE WASNT ANY TIME TO PROPERLY WIPE OK) and never detached from the roll back at the outhouse.
Not that it likely would have mattered, as he soon realized the secluded den he had chosen was actually home to two adorable grizzly bear cubs.
"Awww hey these guys are cu-oh shit"
You go in the cage, cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water, our shark.
Loads of maths just depends on the teacher, and that was not the clearest way of explaining what I meant.
I remember being taught vectors in three different ways by different teachers and only on the third attempt did I actually understand what the calculations were doing. It's the same for calculus; I suspect if I hadn't been shown the graphical explanation, I would never have really seen it as anything except just bizarre equations.
Calculus was pretty good, but a few years ago. But I knew what the calculations did.
I got into matrix algebra, did an entire semester, and still have no clue what the bloomin hell it's used for.
It's best to think of matrices as a tool. They are a structure that helps you do things not a thing onto themselves. So some people use the structure this way, others that way and they aren't necessarily conceptually related at all. They just use roughly the same notation on paper.
Yeah, but it's like teaching someone how to use a sextant when they don't know what the hell it's used for, and without a map.
It's more like someone trying to circumcise Wolverine.
So, winter in Houston this year is nuts. It's been between 65-80F all but like 3 days so far. I was sweating outside in mid-January... in a t-shirt.
I mean winter is usually wimpy as fuck here but this is just way beyond and I don't even know. Apparently there are now no months when you can go outside and not sweat.
My zombie survival life simulator They Don't Sleep is out now on Steam if you want to check it out.
So, winter in Houston this year is nuts. It's been between 65-80F all but like 3 days so far. I was sweating outside in mid-January... in a t-shirt.
I mean winter is usually wimpy as fuck here but this is just way beyond and I don't even know. Apparently there are now no months when you can go outside and not sweat.
It's okay enough here in Mississippi to wear shorts. :mad:
so my work laptop stopped working properly yesterday
i'd start it up and it'd just keep resetting instead of load up properly
took it to IT and watched as the guy went through all the steps i tried (just taking the battery out and starting it up like that)
then i watched as he exasperatedly unscrewed the bottom off my laptop, took out the hard drive and just plugged it into an identical shell laptop
which i feel like is gotta be the kinda fix people do in IT more than you'd expect
I love how you just lowkey dropped that it "stopped working" when we all know you poured shit into the side of it a couple days ago...
that's the other reason we buy identical computers
so when somebody comes to you with a laptop that they clearly drop-kicked, but you can't prove they drop-kicked, begging you for a newer computer, you can hand them exactly the same laptop model
Who even does that? We've been on Core series processors for like a decade now, they all run Word and Facebook equally well
It's rare but it happens. A healthy organization disincentivizes that sort of behavior through all sorts of soft ways.
every person who doesn't like an acquired taste always seems to think everyone who likes it is faking it. it should be an official fallacy.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
jungleroomxIt's never too many graves, it's always not enough shovelsRegistered Userregular
It's best to think of matrices as a tool. They are a structure that helps you do things not a thing onto themselves. So some people use the structure this way, others that way and they aren't necessarily conceptually related at all. They just use roughly the same notation on paper.
Also remind them that indecent exposure is a class two felony.
I mean, eventually they will
After they have a completely rebuilt infrastructure.
She appears to be giving me a ride, paying for my ticket and, given the timing, presumably taking me out to lunch
So I'm gonna keep my mouth shut :P
Give it a year, he'll get back on the speaking circuit, and every news organization will want his opinion on the Trump administration. It's not goodbye, it's see you soon.
except for actual grapes, which are good
Yeah, but it's like teaching someone how to use a sextant when they don't know what the hell it's used for, and without a map.
Grapes are good, grape flavored grapes are bad
But you already preordered 3 of them!
But grape flavored candy can go fuuuuuuuuck off
He just yelled SHUT UP YOU
I've never been more proud
"Awww hey these guys are cu-oh shit"
I mean winter is usually wimpy as fuck here but this is just way beyond and I don't even know. Apparently there are now no months when you can go outside and not sweat.
It's okay enough here in Mississippi to wear shorts. :mad:
This is little more than a no true scots fallacy.
There are a variety of shitty things America has a history of, and Trump represents a bunch of them.
Saying he's unamerican implies that america has never embodied the things he stands for. Which is false.
that shit is tense as a tank
I did roll max HP (I didn't realize I could just take 6), so I rolled a 1d10 and got a 10. Working out well being the tank.
Save money, if switch bombs then you dodged a bullet. If switch is great pick it up at the first price drop.
It's rare but it happens. A healthy organization disincentivizes that sort of behavior through all sorts of soft ways.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Fridays disappointing older brother.
a bright screen in a dark room can be pretty distracting
I fling the cub to the bandits and take off as fast as I can in the other direction