So Hasbro is having a pretty interesting fan vote right now. (Prior fan votes brought us the new character Windblade, the new female combiner Victorion, and an upcoming Trypticon toy) Basically fans will vote out of 9 preselected characters on which one will be chosen by the Matrix of Leadership to become the next Prime and leader of Cybertron; this will affect the Generations toyline, the excellent IDW comics and the in production machinima series. The interesting thing here is the lack of the obvious choices (Optimus, Hot Rod/Rodimus, Bumblebee, Starscream (Long Story)) in addition to some super esoteric choices.
Let's go over the candidates
Ultra Magnus: Autobot Commander, perennial second-in-command and all-around stick-in-the-mud, Magnus is no stranger to leadership, but he prefers the life of a soldier; following someone else's orders or working alone. He'd rather be the one to make the sacrifice play than order someone else to.
Hound: Autobot Scout and Tracker, Hound finds himself more at home on squishy human Earth than the cold metal planet of Cybertron. He's also the only 1984 Autobot to make the list, which is a bit unusual as one would expect more prominent characters like Prowl or Jazz to be on the list before him.
Arcee: Arcee has been everything from from a Autobot warrior, to a brooding assassin for the Wreckers, and even a vengeful berserker with her own agenda. But no matter what, she's an incredibly capable soldier, skilled in both hand-to-hand combat and an expert sharpshooter. She wouldn't be the first female Prime, but she'd be joining the ranks of a very distinguished few.
Shockwave: Decepticon Commander, Shockwave is ruled by logic. Logic dictated he join Decepticons, either because their philosophy makes more sense to him, or because they're the quickest means to accomplish Shockwave's goals. Logic has, in the past, lead him to heights such as usurping control of the Decepticons, but it has also be used to force him to abandon the position, and he's shown to have difficulty processing the illogical.
Megatron: Supreme Commander of the Decepticons and the most notorious Transformers to ever live. Believing it to be Cybertron's destiny to conquer the galaxy, Megatron has lead the Decepticon war-machine for millions of years, nearly achieving ultimate victory on numerous occasions, though either through the persistence of his enemies, the treachery of his subordinates, or just plain overconfidence, he routinely fails to accomplish his goals. Also, in the IDW comics
He recently abandoned the Decepticon cause and is now working with the Autobots in the name of peace.
Star Saber: Supreme Commander of the Autobots some time after the era of Optimus and Rodimus, Star Saber is a being of extreme conviction. Frequently known as a champion of justice and defender of the defenseless, Star Saber is unyielding in battle against those who stand with Evil. This conviction has occasionally been shown to have a dark side, as Saber's mission can become a zero-tolerance crusade of religious signifiance.
Thunderwing: Decepticon Espionage Agent, Thunderwing is also an incredibly powerful warrior in his own right. He's known to be an exceptional leader, uncharacteristically concerned with the welfare of his underlings. However, he is prone to delusions of grandeur and obsessive tendencies. Thunderwing has more than once pursued his goals to the ruination of everyone around him.
Unknown Evil: The shilloutte appears to be Deathsaurus, the main villain and leader of the Destrons in Transfomers Victory. Deathsaurus was the Decepticon Emperor of Destruction, ruling during the same era as Star Saber. A consummate Decepticon, powerful, cruel and savage. Despite his power, Deathsaurus often avoids direct intervention when possible, delegating to his subordinates, even indulging them in the schemes and backstabbing that comes from the increased autonomy.
Optimus Primal: Maximal Star Captain, Optimus Primal is a young, down-to-earth leader despite being in war he wasn't expecting. Primal strongly believes in Maximal honor and justice, but isn't above bending the rules when the situation requires it. Primal is not revered by his subordinates in the way his namesake was, but his determination and leadership can quickly earn the respect of even his enemies.
Anywho, there's also a movie coming out, which looks about on par with previous movies. Although if they actually address why so much cybertronian crap somehow makes it way to Earth time and time again, I will be pleased.
I hadn't heard about this so I googled her and was reminded why I enjoy TFWiki so much despite abysmal loading
Arcee because Ultra Magnus is a little too stuffy and I don't wnat to see him become top of the political food chain. He's much more entertaining in the thick of things.
Primal, because I never heard of Thunderwing and I don't trust "Mysterious shadowy bad guy"
And Megatron, because I would legitimately like to see how how Megatron has changed such that the Matrix of Leadership would choose him, and how he would go about helping Cybertron.
why can't I stop getting older
I voted Primal for Chaos (Thunderwing is a monster and Deathsaurus is no saint either) and Star Saber for Order, though I wouldn't mind seeing Megatron win that one. Maybe even Shockwave. Star Saber kinda got a raw deal in IDW, which was basically his only real US appearance so far.
Hoping Arcee takes it.
Last one I knew about was the 2013 bit that Furman did, which I thought was really neat, but understandably caused a bit of controversy, most of which was to do with her origin and what it meant in light of there being no other women cybertronians.
Is that still the version we've got going, or have they retconned that one out by now?
Well that's why there are signs warning you to stay away from them if you're not a trained professional. You gotta wear protective gear when that much voltage and current is involved.
IDW seems to be gearing up for a upcoming war with beasts (Hur Hur) so he'll probably get introduced during that. I wouldn't be surprised to find Beast Wars to be the theme that follows the Prime Trilogy (Combiner Wars, Titans Return, Power of the Primes)
It's still that version, though now that they've introduced the concept of female Transformers being a thing, including an entire colony of female Transformers, which is where Windblade, Chromia and Nautica come from. They retconned this by saying Jhiaxus was reintroducing female Transformers onto Cybertron rather than creating them from whole cloth. Arcee herself seems to have chilled out a bit now that there are others running around.
Chaos: Primal, hard to vote for a name like "Unknown Evil", and I'm not familiar with the other guy.
Order: Shockwave, it seemed logical at the time.
Unknown Evil, (not seen/read anything with either Thunderwing or Optimus Primal so its just a random choice
Megatron. Just going by IDW here. Because what they are doing with megatron is great and not only entertaining as fuck (Co-captaining a ship with Rodimus) but bringing depth to him and I want that to continue
also Last Stand of the Wreckers might be one of the best stories about war ever written
I will be forever bitter that High Moon is stuck making COD maps instead of giving us another Cybertron game (one wherein we could have possibly seen a kickass Arcee level).
Equally bitter that the PS4 version of Fall of Cybertron is still somehow $50.
I would love a new Cybertron game. (Especially if they just went and decided it was its own continuity instead of shoving it into the Prime/Robots in Disguise universe). Between High Moon and Raven, Call of Duty/Activision has a lot to answer for.
Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Heatwave#11356
On the other, I really want to see what Megatron as he is in IDW's comics be Prime. However I really like what they're doing with him in MTMtE/Lost Light and I don't want to lose that. It's going to be extremely interesting and has been good since Roberts has been left alone to write a comic without too much meddling after Dark Cybertron.
I wouldn't vote for Star Saber. Not based on who he is in the comics.
At the same time, I hope the toys mostly get to do their thing and the comics are left alone, but so far it seems the Optimus Prime focused ones get hit with the toy line requirements.
Or maybe he just starts a holy war.
He tends to go ape when working under pressure.
Which is weird because the version of Star Saber they describe is his Victory version rather than the IDW version.
Edit: also why do so many of those character portraits look really off-model?
You know what could be amazing?
He gets the matrix, gets a message of peace...
And decides this is because he was so good at holy warring that now Cybertron is primed for the nice guy route. No regret over his past actions, he's just done with those, moved on to the next thing, why are you dwelling on the past?
Not even a total monster trying for redemption. A total monster putting the monster thing on pause and wondering why people are making such a big deal out of things?
Why I fear the ocean.
And I hadn't read the other ongoing since they went back to earth. My enjoyment of Transformers media tends to scale in the other direction proportional to the number of humans in it.
Hound, Optimus Primal and Megatron.
Hound because I want him to get more spotlight in the comics and other series. It might also push Takra into releasing Masterpiece figure of him.
Optimus Primal remained the same because in Beast Wars he was probably my favourite Optimus after G1.
Megatron got my vote because he's redemption in the IDW comics is really great, and it'd be interesting to see how being a prime would change him.
Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Heatwave#11356
although saying that the MtMtE revolution special was one of the best comics of last year.
Also, don't forget you can vote daily!
Calling Shockwave since he's a fan favorite.
Primal would be cool because it means a new Optimal Optimus mold maybe?
Arcee would maybe allow an Elita one retool . . .
Tough choice
Honor - Ultra Magnus (Seriously, what?)
Chaos - Optimus Primal
Order - Star Saber
Wildcard - Unknown Evil
Not sure who I'd vote for now, honestly.
Definitely don't want "Unknown Evil", Ultra Magnus is better as not the leader (especially IDW) and Optimus Primal always struck me as being cool BECAUSE he wasn't the supreme commander. Though if it's "King of Eurakis" then that's already out the window.
So Primal or Saber. Hmm...
Seriously though, this is tough.
Ultra Magnus probably wouldn't make a great Prime, but damn it he's so cool looking and fuck Hot Rod for stealing his chance in the movie.
Optimus Primal is basically the perfect Prime, based on his idealistic personality and cheerful manner in the 90s cartoon.
Star Saber could either be an evil Prime if he's the same as his last appearance from the IDW comic, or a someone looking for redemption. Honestly, he feels more like a wild card than the actual wild card.
Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Heatwave#11356
Lots of potential for good stories there in the IDW verse anyway
How does Optimus react to not being Prime anymore, does he once again become Orion Pax supercop?
How does Starscream try to hold onto his position as Cybetron's leader or does he finally get dethroned
Do the Decepticons start agitating against another Prime (remember they hate Primes). Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo?
How do the Autobots react to an outsider coming in and being Prime (with presumably his own supporters) when at the moment they pretty much hold all the best jobs and run most of the government of Cybertron.
Not to mention that there's been an undercurrent of beast formers being treated shittily by regular bots.
"trukk, not munky"
Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852