Here's what a friend of mine has to say about punching NAZIs:
If you've chosen non-violence I hope you've done it because you have considered the effects of violence in a particular situation and decided against it.
If you've chosen violence I hope you've done it because you've considered the effects of non-violence in a particular situation and decided against it.
In the context of antifascist antiracist action the consequences of nonviolence are genocide, and if that's not enough of a reason to resort to violence I don't know what to tell you
i'm not sure that necessarily follows and that violence is necessary to stop fascism or racism, but if it is the case that's true, then yeah i guess that would make sense as an argument
I refuse to believe you can be the first sex-anything
humanity's done it all!
On the one hand this is a good point
On the other hand I'm nothing if not creative.
I think the trick is to discover a new frontier for humanity, and then have sex in it. First sexing in space, first sexing on the Internet, etc. You gotta be fast.
I think if you're gonna punch a Nazi you shouldn't launch yourself awkwardly in the last minute and hit him by the neck. Remember that the power comes from your whole body. Set your feet, keep a good base, and get your hips and shoulders behind that punch.
ShivahnUnaware of her barrel shifter privilegeWestern coastal temptressRegistered User, Moderatormod
I refuse to believe you can be the first sex-anything
humanity's done it all!
On the one hand this is a good point
On the other hand I'm nothing if not creative.
I think the trick is to discover a new frontier for humanity, and then have sex in it. First sexing in space, first sexing on the Internet, etc. You gotta be fast.
I was thinking of taking a combinatoric approach
We just multiply low-frequency sex acts together and then find a point at which I can be the first person involved in transsexual anal-wax-rope-knife-scuba-airplane-role-fireplay
All I need is an airplane with a water compartment and something that burns underwater, and also the ability to lie so convincingly that Querry thinks this is a good idea.
Here's what a friend of mine has to say about punching NAZIs:
If you've chosen non-violence I hope you've done it because you have considered the effects of violence in a particular situation and decided against it.
If you've chosen violence I hope you've done it because you've considered the effects of non-violence in a particular situation and decided against it.
In the context of antifascist antiracist action the consequences of nonviolence are genocide, and if that's not enough of a reason to resort to violence I don't know what to tell you
i love the rubric but disagree with the conclusion?
"i hate genocide" is not a reason to punch a nazi today, the effects of punching a nazi will not be to prevent genocide! if you have an argument that genocide is imminent and punching a person is going to stop it, great, i'm listening, but choosing violence and choosing nonviolence is too binary and simplistic, you should make the choice for each violent act or missed opportunity for one, and each one should be justified by the metric. Antifascist antiracist action is likewise a giant kitchen sink summing up, it is not the case that all fascist or racist action leads to genocide.
Powerpuppies on
ChanusHarbinger of the Spicy Rooster ApocalypseThe Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User, Moderatormod
I think if you're gonna punch a Nazi you shouldn't launch yourself awkwardly in the last minute and hit him by the neck. Remember that the power comes from your whole body. Set your feet, keep a good base, and get your hips and shoulders behind that punch.
yeah i mean can we talk about, however you feel about the act, the form was terrible?
In the context of antifascist antiracist action the consequences of nonviolence are genocide
That's a pretty broad leap, and one that relies on the same kind of slippery slope as "punching Nazis will lead to mob justice and gang fighting in the streets"
It's hard to predict volatile political situations, but looking at things like the Nazi brownshirts, it seems like they could be emboldened by other factors (e.g. election of a white supremacist demagogue) and use either the passivity of the populace as a weakness to target or the violence done against them as a rallying cry
It could also be that neither is the deciding factor and if they're going to mobilize, they're going to mobilize.
That said, if there are white supremacist paramilitant groups roaming US streets with violent intent at any point, with an apathetic or complicit law enforcement system, then we'd better fuckin' have some black bloc antifa anarchists ready to beat the shit out of some Nazis.
I'm still perplexed as to whether or not [chat] counts as a Holy Empire or just a secular empire. There's plenty of evidence in favor of both interpretations.
I refuse to believe you can be the first sex-anything
humanity's done it all!
On the one hand this is a good point
On the other hand I'm nothing if not creative.
I think the trick is to discover a new frontier for humanity, and then have sex in it. First sexing in space, first sexing on the Internet, etc. You gotta be fast.
I was thinking of taking a combinatoric approach
We just multiply low-frequency sex acts together and then find a point at which I can be the first person involved in transsexual anal-wax-rope-knife-scuba-airplane-role-fireplay
All I need is an airplane with a water compartment and something that burns underwater, and also the ability to lie so convincingly that Querry thinks this is a good idea.
What they will write on your tombstone... the stuff of legends...
I refuse to believe you can be the first sex-anything
humanity's done it all!
On the one hand this is a good point
On the other hand I'm nothing if not creative.
I think the trick is to discover a new frontier for humanity, and then have sex in it. First sexing in space, first sexing on the Internet, etc. You gotta be fast.
I was thinking of taking a combinatoric approach
We just multiply low-frequency sex acts together and then find a point at which I can be the first person involved in transsexual anal-wax-rope-knife-scuba-airplane-role-fireplay
All I need is an airplane with a water compartment and something that burns underwater, and also the ability to lie so convincingly that Querry thinks this is a good idea.
What they will write on your tombstone... the stuff of legends...
Tombstones, probably
I doubt one will fit the monster hyphenation of my notable sex act.
Here's what a friend of mine has to say about punching NAZIs:
If you've chosen non-violence I hope you've done it because you have considered the effects of violence in a particular situation and decided against it.
If you've chosen violence I hope you've done it because you've considered the effects of non-violence in a particular situation and decided against it.
In the context of antifascist antiracist action the consequences of nonviolence are genocide, and if that's not enough of a reason to resort to violence I don't know what to tell you
i'm not sure that necessarily follows and that violence is necessary to stop fascism or racism, but if it is the case that's true, then yeah i guess that would make sense as an argument
He followed it up with:
I mean it has to be contextualized obviously. Violent antifa action during a peaceful march is actually perpetuating violence against nonviolent protesters, which is why the black bloc performed their disruptive violent resistance during the inauguration NOT during the March.
AtomikaLive fast and get fucked or whateverRegistered Userregular
Cats are great
Fascists seek to subvert democracy by using its freedoms against itself and then once in power removing or restricting those freedoms.
Trump, the Hitler Youth alt-Right, and the GOP at large have worked for years now to disenfranchise voters, stifle free speech and the press, and cast their hateful ideology as victims of an intolerant liberal agenda.
A tolerant society cannot tolerate ideologies that classify the value of one group over another for any reason. Allowing a platform for fascism out of an appeal to egalitarianism is pointing the gun at your own face.
In conclusion, yes, punch Nazis and support others in their punching.
ChanusHarbinger of the Spicy Rooster ApocalypseThe Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User, Moderatormod
Here's what a friend of mine has to say about punching NAZIs:
If you've chosen non-violence I hope you've done it because you have considered the effects of violence in a particular situation and decided against it.
If you've chosen violence I hope you've done it because you've considered the effects of non-violence in a particular situation and decided against it.
In the context of antifascist antiracist action the consequences of nonviolence are genocide, and if that's not enough of a reason to resort to violence I don't know what to tell you
i'm not sure that necessarily follows and that violence is necessary to stop fascism or racism, but if it is the case that's true, then yeah i guess that would make sense as an argument
He followed it up with:
I mean it has to be contextualized obviously. Violent antifa action during a peaceful march is actually perpetuating violence against nonviolent protesters, which is why the black bloc performed their disruptive violent resistance during the inauguration NOT during the March.
i don't necessarily disagree, though i do think these caveats are important to include with the original formulation
which then makes it a bit clunky
complex issues are complex ugh
Allegedly a voice of reason.
AtomikaLive fast and get fucked or whateverRegistered Userregular
In the context of antifascist antiracist action the consequences of nonviolence are genocide
That's a pretty broad leap, and one that relies on the same kind of slippery slope as "punching Nazis will lead to mob justice and gang fighting in the streets"
It's hard to predict volatile political situations, but looking at things like the Nazi brownshirts, it seems like they could be emboldened by other factors (e.g. election of a white supremacist demagogue) and use either the passivity of the populace as a weakness to target or the violence done against them as a rallying cry
It could also be that neither is the deciding factor and if they're going to mobilize, they're going to mobilize.
That said, if there are white supremacist paramilitant groups roaming US streets with violent intent at any point, with an apathetic or complicit law enforcement system, then we'd better fuckin' have some black bloc antifa anarchists ready to beat the shit out of some Nazis.
Richard Spencer, the guy that got punched, is on record as saying, and I paraphrase because I can't find the article, we need to ask ourselves do we need the black race so you see a slippery slope, I see a NAZI that got what he deserved.
ShivahnUnaware of her barrel shifter privilegeWestern coastal temptressRegistered User, Moderatormod
So long as there are nazis, there will be people punching those nazis. Right or Wrong does not factor into it; 'tis natural and inevitable as the tides. Grass grows, birds fly, and nazis get punched on camera.
I think if you're gonna punch a Nazi you shouldn't launch yourself awkwardly in the last minute and hit him by the neck. Remember that the power comes from your whole body. Set your feet, keep a good base, and get your hips and shoulders behind that punch.
yeah i mean can we talk about, however you feel about the act, the form was terrible?
It was not bad form if your goal is just to make contact and immediately flee
I just got a call from a recruiter and went over my experience and education and she's like "gee yeah I dunno, you don't have any desktop support experience", and I said, did you direct your attention to the 2 desktop support jobs on my resume?
she says "1 of these is remote support, you have no face to face experience"
how about the 3 help desk positions on my resume? 2 of those are face to face, also I was an IT tutor
"well I dunno, you're asking a lot of money (min $20 an hour) for someone who has junior level experience"
motherfucker I got 2 degrees and 6 years experience at this point, my nephew is making that and he has a HSED and 2 months of experience, and you want me to drive further towards chicago
why did you call me?
AtomikaLive fast and get fucked or whateverRegistered Userregular
I think if you're gonna punch a Nazi you shouldn't launch yourself awkwardly in the last minute and hit him by the neck. Remember that the power comes from your whole body. Set your feet, keep a good base, and get your hips and shoulders behind that punch.
yeah i mean can we talk about, however you feel about the act, the form was terrible?
It was not bad form if your goal is just to make contact and immediately flee
i'm not sure that necessarily follows and that violence is necessary to stop fascism or racism, but if it is the case that's true, then yeah i guess that would make sense as an argument
i'm against the nazi colonization of mars
Visit him at Monstrous Pigments' Instagram and Facebook pages!
i have two cats and no dogs and yes
but after extensive research it turns out that the reporter was also a nazi
I guess what we can pay them back for working to revoke our long-cherished liberties is to punch them in the fucking face.
I was thinking of taking a combinatoric approach
We just multiply low-frequency sex acts together and then find a point at which I can be the first person involved in transsexual anal-wax-rope-knife-scuba-airplane-role-fireplay
All I need is an airplane with a water compartment and something that burns underwater, and also the ability to lie so convincingly that Querry thinks this is a good idea.
Oh, woe is me, the person who wants to use the state to commit violence on a massive scale! Oh woe is me!
i love the rubric but disagree with the conclusion?
"i hate genocide" is not a reason to punch a nazi today, the effects of punching a nazi will not be to prevent genocide! if you have an argument that genocide is imminent and punching a person is going to stop it, great, i'm listening, but choosing violence and choosing nonviolence is too binary and simplistic, you should make the choice for each violent act or missed opportunity for one, and each one should be justified by the metric. Antifascist antiracist action is likewise a giant kitchen sink summing up, it is not the case that all fascist or racist action leads to genocide.
yeah i mean can we talk about, however you feel about the act, the form was terrible?
That's a pretty broad leap, and one that relies on the same kind of slippery slope as "punching Nazis will lead to mob justice and gang fighting in the streets"
It's hard to predict volatile political situations, but looking at things like the Nazi brownshirts, it seems like they could be emboldened by other factors (e.g. election of a white supremacist demagogue) and use either the passivity of the populace as a weakness to target or the violence done against them as a rallying cry
It could also be that neither is the deciding factor and if they're going to mobilize, they're going to mobilize.
That said, if there are white supremacist paramilitant groups roaming US streets with violent intent at any point, with an apathetic or complicit law enforcement system, then we'd better fuckin' have some black bloc antifa anarchists ready to beat the shit out of some Nazis.
Also there may be a pope of some youthfulness?
Tombstones, probably
I doubt one will fit the monster hyphenation of my notable sex act.
He followed it up with:
I mean it has to be contextualized obviously. Violent antifa action during a peaceful march is actually perpetuating violence against nonviolent protesters, which is why the black bloc performed their disruptive violent resistance during the inauguration NOT during the March.
*punches chat punchily*
Trump, the Hitler Youth alt-Right, and the GOP at large have worked for years now to disenfranchise voters, stifle free speech and the press, and cast their hateful ideology as victims of an intolerant liberal agenda.
A tolerant society cannot tolerate ideologies that classify the value of one group over another for any reason. Allowing a platform for fascism out of an appeal to egalitarianism is pointing the gun at your own face.
In conclusion, yes, punch Nazis and support others in their punching.
i don't necessarily disagree, though i do think these caveats are important to include with the original formulation
which then makes it a bit clunky
complex issues are complex ugh
Japan made a Neko Atsume movie
Looks like some people sit around in a house full of cats and buy food and toys for the cats
Probably going to be the best video game movie ever made
Because punching Nazis is, like, ~*~*~FUCKING AWESOME~*~*~
*punches pantyhose*
". . . and the last thing out of Pandora's Box . . . was hope."
Richard Spencer, the guy that got punched, is on record as saying, and I paraphrase because I can't find the article, we need to ask ourselves do we need the black race so you see a slippery slope, I see a NAZI that got what he deserved.
I don't know where to get that right now, it seems like all suppliers are out, so it'll be hard to work into sex.
So long as there are nazis, there will be people punching those nazis. Right or Wrong does not factor into it; 'tis natural and inevitable as the tides. Grass grows, birds fly, and nazis get punched on camera.
It was not bad form if your goal is just to make contact and immediately flee
she says "1 of these is remote support, you have no face to face experience"
how about the 3 help desk positions on my resume? 2 of those are face to face, also I was an IT tutor
"well I dunno, you're asking a lot of money (min $20 an hour) for someone who has junior level experience"
motherfucker I got 2 degrees and 6 years experience at this point, my nephew is making that and he has a HSED and 2 months of experience, and you want me to drive further towards chicago
why did you call me?
yeah we've kinda run out of hope, but I think we've got a bunch of activist rage in the back
I'll cut you a deal
maybe you should aim higher
in life and in punch