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Rift offer here: Reality!
It's a well established thing now. The era of home VR is upon us. Starting off with a plucky Luckey's kickstarter back in 2012, Virtual Reality has slowly made its way in to the main stream. Following a series of development kits, each increasing in quality and features, the Oculus Rift eventually launched in 2016, followed swiftly by the Vive. Lots of people argued; some citing the Vive's motion controllers and lighthouse solution to tracking as superior, others preferred the screen of the Rift and the initial focus on seated gaming, no pack in motion controllers and some exclusive content.
They're both awesome though and Oculus soon released their own expensive motion controllers which may or may not be better than the Vive's. It's sort of like discussing that this awesome chocolate cake is better than that awesome chocolate cake because it has different sprinkles though. So none of that "console war" style nonsense here please, we ain't playing favourites.
Then late 2016 Sony released the best headset, with the coolest blue glowing lights:
PSVR (PS4)(This is me, getting ready to punch anyone who starts console war nonsense, or doesn't agree the PSVR is the best)
So this is the PSVR, it's got an awesome head band that's really easy to slip on and off, which is fantastic for when you're scared shitless in Resident Evil VII. It also works with the Playstation Move controllers, which instantly makes it better than all the other VR motion controllers because everyone of course has these to hand and there's no chance there'd be a shortage allowing for people to sell them ridiculously overpriced on Ebay. Oh and you need the Playstation Camera too. And a PS4. Actually, best make that a PS4 Pro. And a house to put it all in.
There were some doubts about the PS4 being able to pump out decent VR visuals given the relatively high spec required for PC VR games. I jest above about the need for a PS4 Pro but honestly, my base PS4 worked great and it's definitely a good experience. Sony have done a good job.
The screen is made of magic pixie dust so it means you don't see the "screen door effect" like you do on the Vive and Rift (visible space between pixels). Ok, instead you get a moire effect on dark backgrounds, but that's just a bit like film grain, which everyone likes, right?
The library of games is pretty impressive for what's almost a new platform launch. There's enough there to keep most people interested, though as with a lot of VR games they tend to be more tech demos and experiences. That said, as a huge light gun fan, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is my game of the year.
Suggested games:
Batman: VR
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
Job Simulator (Also PC)
Thumper (Also PC)
Resident Evil VII games:
Dirt (VR) (Also PC)
Arizona Sunshine (Port confirmed by devs)
Oculus Rift (PC)(There are some sort of fancy motion controllers, but they weren't within the first 4 google image search results)
So this is the headset that started it all, if you forget about all previous VR en-devours. Initially it required a pretty beefy machine to hit the minimum spec, but thanks to fancy technology involving time warps and flux capacitors that minimum spec has been lowered and more people can get involved.
Undoubtedly a high quality headset, with built in headphones. It uses cameras to track what you do, when you eat and what colour your eyes are. And the headset/controllers. You can buy more cameras to help cover more of your room. Initially packed in with an Xbox One controller it also now supports additional motion controllers, which don't look awesome and which I'm not totally, 100% jealous of.
Suggested games:
Raw Data
Elite Dangerous
Arizona Sunshine (PC)(Green screen sold separately)
Just as everyone was getting super excited for the Rift, Valve piped up saying they were partnering up with HTC and releasing a headset themselves. It's designed more around the concept of 'room scale' and by all accounts you need a spare wing of your mansion to use it. Or a small square in your living room, depends who you listen to. Anyway, it came with some cool motion controllers. It tracks using lighthouses, which means people can't see you in your pants, but conversely if you don't live near the sea you probably don't have one close by, so you're out of luck.
Suggested games:
See Oculus list above.
Half Life 3?
Anyway, discuss VR here. But let's not argue about which headset is best, because we all know it's the PSVR. Ok?
Here's the image link, I won't inline it -
To be fair I'm at work and all imgur links are blocked, so they could have been pictures of ANYTHING.
And in case it's not clear, I'm actually completely jealous of PC VR. I think everyone is aware that the PSVR isn't as refined or as 'premium' a quality experience. I wish I had the cash to splash on an up to date PC and one of the headsets.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Also a topic from the last thread: has anybody here actually tried Resident Evil 7 in PSVR? How are first-person cutscenes handled, like when you die and fall to the floor? Do they just wrench head/camera control away to animate the sequence? Is it horribly nauseating? How are VHS sequences done? Does the title card take up your full vision? I have so many questions!
For the title, might I suggest;
We Are [VR] Headsets - Three? (Woah!) [Virtual Reality]
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
Just as a point of interest for future reference, don't do that. If you store the headset face-down, not only will the optics get dusty, but if any stray sunlight hits the thing, the screens will burn out in a matter of seconds. Store it in a box. (Most PSVR owners use the inner, white, clamshell box for storage.)
Hmm. Apparently he says something else. Oh well
Can we change thread title to "Obscure reference from 3 years ago by universally loathed psuedo-founder (lawsuit pending) of modern VR"?
1. Major Kudos on the new OP! As a PSVR fan, I, too, think it is the "best" system - except for the lousy limited tracking, lack of thumbsticks or joypads on the motion controls, and the single-source optical sensing. I mean aside from that stuff. I would never be jealous of the totally superior Touch controllers or the obviously better tracking on the PC systems. I mean, why would I?
Wow, Jamiroquai... Rock of the 90's! (Somehow I thought this came out in the late 1980s.)
III> I have RE7 near the top of my Gamefly rental list, but I'm not hopeful that I'll get it any time soon. I'm not a huge horror fan; I just don't find most of that stuff scary. Jump-scares make me jump just like everyone else, but jump-scares are IMO stupid and not "scary". I played the entire Rush of Blood game in one sitting without any issues (other than my butt getting sore from sitting for two hours). Oh, and I did instinctively try to claw the headset off at one point when a virtual spider jumped on to my virtual face. But other than that, no issues.
four: BONUS ITEM!! Apparently the second wave of PSVR headsets were released in Japan today/yesterday. Long lines at retailers and sold out stock again/still! I, for one, found it amusing that the demand for this thing is larger than the demand for the new Nintendo.
This is good to know, thanks!
Clearly I need some sort of techo-vr bath to set it in
Wait what the fuck? Sunlight ruins the screens?
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
I mean I knew it because of these threads, but they should plaster that stuff everywhere on the packaging!
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Thanks! I tried to get that into the old thread several times to no avail!
No, no, Dhalphir added it at some point, I nicked it from the old OP (well, the second post).
I just figured he was ignoring me each time haha
The op needs to, AND the op needs to sign up himself.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
All titles must be signed off by @PikaPuff from this point forward. That is the new way of things.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
I think I fixed it
Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
I got you, boo
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
And the New Game+ gives you a reason to go through everything all over again :biggrin:
Basically this is the game with which I really impress people when they first encounter VR; I usually let them experience the following:
- first Invasion, as it is short and sweet
- optionally, Allumette
- then the Deep See Dive from PSVR Worlds (the demo disc version is good enough)
- optionally, Kitchen
- and then Arkham VR, starting from the Manor, and letting them go down in the Batcave, directing them to the Batcomputer, the Garage and the weapons database.
And afterwards, when I meet them again, they're always talking about "that Batman experience" :biggrin:
It does!
Are you using a wheel? If so, which one?
Steam/PSN/XBox Live:LutExIV
Yes. I use the Thrustmaster TX Ferrari 458 Italia wheel and Fanatec ClubSport V3 pedals. The TX set was a really nice starter set to get going with, didn't break the bank. I upgraded to the Fanatec pedals to get a load cell brake system at a reasonable price. I'd like to upgrade the wheel, but for now the TX is working fine.
EDIT: This image:
Seems to indicate that the ratio is 1:1? If so, horizontally mounted sensors should work just as well as vertical?
EDIT2: Ahh, twitter formatting made it look 1:1. The actual posted picture is not.
So it's better if they're mounted vertically. Shit. There goes that plan.
Ceiling mounting isn't super easy for me since I have stipling on my ceiling. I was going to mount the sensors to the wall. Will have to figure out something better.
I use these on my ceiling but they can be used on the wall:
Stonebridge Virtual College demo: Did not want to recognize the Touch, and it took me way too long to realize that was what was going on. The first thing it wants you to do is click on a little guy, and it doesn't tell you what button it's waiting for. But it must have recognized the Touch at first, because there are some menus to click through. Also, you finish the demo pretty quickly, but it doesn't tell you that you've done everything. So that could use some work. The game itself is going into a classroom and clicking on a bunch of environmental hazards like unattended Bunsen burners, people not wearing coats or goggles in the lab, open windows, etc. It kind of makes me feel like Dwight from The Office being the safety officer. "(gasp) Backpack on the floor! Fact: 500 workers *every year* are seriously injured by tripping hazards. By adopting a prone form of locomotion I extend my life expectancy by 0.02 percent."
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ - VR Experience: Well, it's free, the environments are pretty, and the sound effects are good. Downsides are a pre-load menu that requires you to get out of the headset, didn't recognize my Touch and I had to use the gamepad, no teleportation movement and head bob on top of that. Really shows up the Rift's god rays, too, and everything is disconcertingly fisheye-bendy when you look around. Eh, free is free.
ARTAAL VR: Somehow I couldn't get "Press A to Start" to trigger using any of the controllers. Don't know what was up with that.
Portal Stories: Some short Portal-style puzzles in VR, about 20-30 minutes' worth. It was fun enough, and free (assuming you own Portal 2 like everyone on the planet). Oddly, the game stuck me in the floor even though it's fine in SteamVR; changing the compatibility mode of the executables to Windows 7 fixes that. Somehow I thought this was the game where everyone was seeing how big GlaDOS is, but no.
The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed: Started playing this but didn't get very far before calling it a night. It's got decent teleportation movement and inventory mechanics and seems like it could be fun. I kind of don't like adventure games with a ton of extraneous items you can pick up, but I guess it's to make it more immersive in VR.
I just noticed that I'm getting tiny white flashing dots on my display when the screen is mostly black. Or maybe they're happening all the time but I'm only seeing them on black backgrounds. A Google search shows people with a similar problem with red dots, but I'm pretty sure mine were white. The red dots are apparently usually down to a poor HDMI connection, so I guess I'll check that when I get home. Maybe something got loose when I moved it over the holidays; definitely hope nothing's broken.