All the rules outlined in our announcement apply to this thread
This thread will cover all speeches by Trump and administration officials, rallies, press conferences, and hearings. Talk about Sean Spicer's conferences, for example, should go here. Events by anyone else are not covered by this thread, nor are other media appearances, etc. This is not a general media thread.
I half expected a 'please clap' moment. But I find it funny that he repeats the compliment until you feel compelled to awkwardly clap.
Also asked if there were any cops that didn't support his policies, but then quickly changed topics. I'd like to imagine he saw a bunch of Chiefs beginning to raise their hands.
Dear Satan.....
I have trouble watching him talk. I just get the writeup later.
The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
I'm interested to hear police chiefs not seeing eye-to-eye with Trump though.
Well, they probably realize that taking him up on his offer to crush the careers of the politicians that try to regulate them will probably result in them getting brought to heel at some point.
*Though that depends on the area a lot too, since lots of PDs have large numbers of minorities and immigrants. Especially in the cities that Trump claims he's going to "fix" by getting tough on brown people.
Is this the thread to talk about Conway and the other "fair and balanced" people spinning their FAKE NEWS? Or (preferably) can we get the media thread back?
No, I don't think we're doing another media thread. Spin sessions can go into one of the other threads if their topic is directly relevant.
His style of speaking makes the writeups 10x harder to follow, but I still prefer it so I don't have to see his godawful face
Since the raid, which saw the death of Seal team chief officer Owens as well as 23 civilians including young children, Yemen has revoked the US' permission to conduct ground operations within their borders. The raid was given the go-ahead by President Trump over dinner, a drastic change from predecessors Obama and Bush, who made their military decisions from the White House's secure Situation Room surrounded by military intelligence officers and other cabinet members.
To summarize, what has transpired is our president was convinced over dinner by Pentagon officials who opposed to the lack of autonomy given to them by the Obama administration to greenlight an intelligence-gathering raid that Obama had already denied on the grounds it was too risky and dangerous. While intelligence was indeed gathered, it cost the life of 23 civilians and one SEAL officer. Senator McCain expressed concern over the administration touting such a high-casualty outcome as a "success," to which Press Sec. Spicer responded by immediately rebuking the Senator and politicizing the death of the killed soldier as justification for the overly-positive language being used to describe an operation that resulted in both loss of innocent life and a significant hampering of our military's ability to fight terror threats abroad.
I get that we've all been talking about how this administration is a bunch of fascists and democracy is over etc., but this aggressive stance that any negative discourse about a military action is out of bounds is pretty alarming.
It was a really common Bush-era Iraq War argument to argue that criticizing the Iraq War was dishonoring those who died in it. Trump has no problem calling the Iraq War, Benghazi, and anything else a disaster despite the people who died in them so it makes little sense for him to be using it.
It's pretty close to "sounds like you don't support our soldiers", yeah.
Like, are they at a specific time every day?
This channel has them, the press briefings are usually around 1:00 PM EST or so, but can vary depending on the day's schedule.
Police chiefs aren't stupid their goal is to move up the ranks just like any other government employee and part of that is being politically smart. It's the untrained uniformed officers that support Trump not aware that a hammer will fall and all he's providing is a way to avoid it for 4 years ( or two at best).
I would think here?
They're I think pretty related to hearings in most cases =P
his style and mannerisms are the worst.
The way he has to wind up his mouth to say certain words ("No" from the debates springs to mind) reminds me of how a dog has to wiggle around first before taking a dump, and the results are often the same as well.
Maybe find a thread* for whatever the order pertains to, ask a mod** if one does not exist?
We've got Cabinet, Mideast, Muslim Ban, SCOTUS, Climate Change. Might be an LGBT / Civil rights thread out there, and I think the labor thread is still open. Might need an immigration/ mexico thread for Wall / Illegal Immigrant stuff; but we've got pretty good issue coverage.
I guess the NSC one would go in Cabinet?
*Not sure*** if thread resurrection is preferable to starting fresh.
**Because there's possibly*** a fine line here where we could hit a megathread inversion with 10 pages active topics.
***Glad I'm not a mod!
yeah, i've no interest in watching live. the fact that he cares so much about rating and how many people are paying attention to him just strengthens that feeling. i understand why the media needs to cover it, but i'm not going to contribute to his ego boosting sessions. articles, clips, tweets and threads like this will keep me up to date without having to endure his petulant ramblings.
This is what I was wondering as well, particularly with Conway ostensibly breaking the law by endorsing Ivanka's products on air.
Also the DoD having to rent space in Trump Tower
Also the entire DeVos nomination.
And the President and Spicer both attacking Nordstrom because they didn't want to sell Ivanka's clothing line anymore.
And on...and on...and on
that's a clear and blatent violation of ethics laws, though they require enforcement by the Congressional Ethics Committee, which is chaired by head Bengazi witchhunter Jason Chaffetz, so like I said, we no longer have an enforcement body for our country
Press briefing starting any minute.
Cant the Governor or Mayor use eminent domain and just take the whole tower?
oh ho ho, you can't use eminent domain on rich people! that's just for regular folks. especially folks who are rich and also the president.
Yeah, it seems like every day the delay between the scheduled start and when it actually starts gets longer.
Not the same, but didn't the Clinton's charge SS rent for an office in their house to provide protection post presidency or something?
Also whats the deal with the need for DoD to have space in Trump Tower?
The pile of post it notes isn't getting any smaller as time goes on.
It's on now