This thread is for talking about:
The election interference and collusion investigation, both in the FBI and congress.
The firing of James Comey, and continuing fallout of it.
The search for a new FBI director.
The special counsel, Robert Mueller and his investigation, et all.
Any further claims about wiretapping of Donald Trump.
Things we will not be talking about:
Impeachment, until further notice. So far this includes a lot of speculation with the investigation itself remaining unresolved, so we're leaving it off the table until a notable event happens.
The media.
Some links re: the latest news -- Sums up the whole dealio and what it might mean. -- The smoking gun. Donald Trump Jr. LOVES IT. -- CNN covering a summary of the debacle so far. TPM article linking Kushner to the meeting. Talk about Kushner's SF86
AP story with Akhmetshin's account of the meeting, and a note that Goldstone is now saying he was in the meeting. (So up to 3 on the Russia side + translator of indeterminate origin)
Official prevention of cross contamination post.
Trump's foreign trip and other foreign policy issues:
Foreign Policy Thread
Trump admin/family corruption and grift not related to Russia:
Corruption/Grift/Ethics Violations in the Trump Administration
General Middle East goings on:
The Middle East Thread
Trump immigration policy, Muslim ban and beyond:
Immigration Policy Thread
Reminder: Watergate comparison/discussion is on topic here, but don't get too into the weeds on it.
And has been since 2016.
Like, what he actually got out of it DOESN'T MATTER! What seems undeniable at this point is that he attempted to collude. With a foreign power. To undermine his political opponent. During the election. I feel like that fact should be being thrown in the face of every spin representative that tries to distract from that issue.
Yet what I see is the same old endless coverage and regurgitating of the administration's defenses and debate over the latest tweet to come out.
FFS this is how he gets out of every fucking scandal.
E: aaaand I started posting this before the media no-no post. Sorry, SIG!
PSN: ShogunGunshow
Origin: ShogunGunshow
It's fuckin mind boggling to watch right?
Sadly, d'Artagnan died taking a Dutch fort and can't look into this.
~ Buckaroo Banzai -- The smoking gun. Donald Trump Jr. LOVES IT. -- CNN covering a summary of the debacle so far. TPM article linking Kushner to the meeting. Talk about Kushner's SF86
Talking Points Memo guy:
GOP Insider Brief is some spam group, but it tracks with a lot of the defenses so far.
AP story with Akhmetshin's account of the meeting, and a note that Goldstone is now saying he was in the meeting. (So up to 3 on the Russia side + translator of indeterminate origin)
What kind of maniac just pastes "text" 45 times?
@RNC :, people!
Edit: Oh, not official. Roger.
PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
it wasn't even a visa. it was temporary parole, which DHS can grant if it serves the public interest. parole is not a visa, it's specifically a limited stay for a limited purpose.
the attorney was representing her Russian client in a U.S. court, and DHS at the time rightly so granted her brief entry. because our justice system sometimes remembers that parties to U.S. court proceedings do have a right to representation.
Trump is bringing it up as obfuscation. he is confusing the issue. he probably doesn't even care about the details.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Conservatives and journalists of both sides of the aisle are fond of saying whatever the fuck they want in a headline and putting a question mark at the end of it to avoid liability.
Because both are staffed by immoral shitbirds.
They don't care about clearing anyone. They're just trying to make things confusing and partisan.
Well we eventually have to make it to "fuck you, we did it and it was awesome."
It looks like it was both, she had a temporary parole in effect which expired so she applied for and received a b1/b2. Which again is all pretty standard, as far as I am aware they are issued on a "shall issue" basis meaning pretty much anyone that asks gets one unless there is a compelling reason to deny.
Also thread should be titled High Quality Boys
And "The person I tried to collude with shouldn't have been here for me to try to collude with" is a fucking stupid defense anyway.
So... Yeah.
Games: Ad Astra Per Phalla | Choose Your Own Phalla
Because they have no other play
All that matters is if it's enough to placate the base.
They can just claim executive privilege for that. Apparently.
We all know the answer to that, the question is meant for Fox. Which, heh. As if they'd answer.
It got me wondering today, that since a Twitter account isn't like a personal email account and is often managed by multiple people posting under a single user name will there have to be some sort of validation or investigation surrounding each piece of information / post as evidence proving that the post came from a specific person? Or will it be simply a matter of, "Well it's under your verified account, which means you consented to it!" I can see plenty of people being thrown under the bus as various people claim "wasn't me".
A good chunk of it's probably the difference between "I know you broke the law" and "I know you broke the law and have sufficiently comprehensive evidence to set your defense counsel on fire in front of the judge."
The stakes are a lot higher than, well, most other legal scenarios, so I can see would-be prosecutors being really careful about lining up their shot.
Because Jr isn't the prize. The prize is the entire GOP.
As for everyone else, Twitter has verified users (as in confirmed via fucking official identification, it's insane), and those users consenting to staff using the account wouldn't clear them in the court of law. You'd have to make some insane legal argument that someone intentionally got the job with the goal of sabotaging said account.
Just out of tinfoil hat related curiosity, does an impeachment conviction require two thirds of the senate (i.e. 67 votes) or two thirds of the senators who are present at the time of the vote?
Also on Steam and PSN: twobadcats