potatoe wrote: » i think i remember the final decision as it being fake
Seph wrote: » its ice cream that tastes like creamsicles which is dumb, the creamsicle doesn't function, doesn't fufill it's purpose all mashed up inside a box with other sicles. it's blasphemy
Seph wrote: » are you suggesting the bryer's people are cacodemons
Oh. You're right.
I'm stupid. Twice.
Hamlet will be Hamlet
An ineffable tragedy of the human spirit that still resonates, even today.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
the product they are selling is ice cream, you dont lick ice cream, unless it's on a cone
or a stick
which its in a box
box is code for vagina
or creamsicle-flavored ice cream
either way lickability would be a sell
which is dumb, the creamsicle doesn't function, doesn't fufill it's purpose all mashed up inside a box with other sicles.
it's blasphemy
which is exactly why you'd be like "hey it's still lickable"
are you a moron
look you are going to have to work with me here
I use the second person frequently
I am suggesting that and more
so much more
make out with me
I'll bring my DSLite
you can like
wifi there, right
didn't really work.