During PAX West last year I attended the Fractured but Whole panel and acquired this pin. It was one of my favorite pins, but I heard a rumor that it would become available on their UPlay Store soon and after confirming this with the Ubisoft booth attendant I decided to trade it. My question is, what the hell Ubisoft?! Where the hell is the pin you promised?! Does anyone know anymore info on this? Now it's one of the most valuable pins, and I don't have anything valuable enough to trade back for it!
Relevant link:
I saw people getting multiples of them in the mail a month or two back.
Why would they end the rewards program before the game has even been released? I hope it comes back, I have a ton of UPlay points I would gladly spend on pins!
Aww man, well that's a bummer. I guess this will just be the pin that got away. Some day I'm sure I'll be able to trade back for it!
So I kept trading all that I got away figuring I could get another. Ended up trading 5 of them during the show and left without one after going back the last day and they were all out. Just got one again a month or two ago.
I can also confirm that there were multiple waves.
Shepard, I know how you feel, I have been trying to get that last mysterion pin as well.
I do but I have yet to figure out how to use the pinnypals. I'm user Tweekerdan1984
I do, I haven't updated it in awhile though. Maybe I'll do that today. It's TheShepard
Pinny Pals Lanyard