Current Game Map - Round 7 Action phase
(max component restrictions: 8 destroyers, 8 cruisers, 4 carriers, 5 dreadnoughts, 2 war suns, 5 PDS, 3 space docks)
Over three thousand years ago, the Lazax ruled the galaxy. But after many millennia of control, the Lazax grew complacent with their position over the other races. The six great races of Sol, Hylar, N'orr, Hacan, Letnev, and Xxcha began to chafe under the rule of the Lazax Empire. And so when a trade dispute over the Quann wormhole resulted in the Sol armada acting against the Letnev, a flame spread like wildfire throughout the galaxy, igniting a civil war between races that had only tenuously been held back by the Lazax rule. In the centuries that followed, the Twilight War eradicated the Lazax race and turned back thousands of years of progress. The great races retreated to their home planets to rebuild, and once the Galactic Council was once again able to meet, it was a shadow of its former strength. And now, thousands of years later, after the long era of the Dark Years, the time is right for a new race to step up and become the rulers of the galaxy, and the guiding hand for all races within its domain.
Twilight Imperium is a boardgame of galactic empire-building on a large scale, often described as a 4X game given physical form. Players build ships, conquer planets, research technology, and engage in trade and diplomacy, all in the pursuit of earning victory points toward claiming the Imperial Throne of Mecatol Rex and rule over the entire galaxy. For this game, we will be using the Shattered Empire expansion with its replacement strategy cards along with the optional rules Custodians, Tactical Retreat, and Racial Techs.
Rules and UtilitiesLearn to PlayRules ReferenceGoogle Doc for all tech+component references
Players may post actions in bold using their race's color. Except for conversations between teammates and those initiated by the host, all inter-player conversation must be done in-thread.
Game Objectives
In order to claim the Imperial Throne of Mecatol Rex, players must accumulate 10 victory points (VP). VP are earned by fulfilling Objective cards: at the start of the game, each player has a hidden Secret Objective that only they may fulfill; over the course of the game, cards will be revealed from the Public Objective line that all players may fulfill. As soon as any player has completed 10 VP worth of Objectives, the game ends immediately, even if another player could have gained more VP later in the round.
General Game Flow
The game is played over a number of rounds. Each round is divided into three parts: the Strategy Phase, the Action Phase, and the Status Phase. In the Strategy Phase, players select Strategy Cards: this determines the special action that player may take during the round as well as play order. The bulk of activity takes place in the Action Phase: here players may deploy abilities specified by their choice of Strategy Card, activate systems for unit movement, space combat, invasion of planets, and building of new units, or to play certain action cards. Once everybody has passed their turns in the Action Phase, the Status Phase allows for players to score victory points by claiming objectives and refreshes the board setup for the next round of play.
Strategy Phase + cards
In the Strategy Phase, players select Strategy Cards for the round. Each Strategy Card has a special ability and determines play order in the Action Phase. Starting from the player with the Speaker token and moving clockwise, each player will choose a card; each card may be selected by at most one player.
Action Phase
Starting with the player with the lowest-numbered Strategy Card and moving up in number, players take actions sequentially until all players have passed. A "round" is a complete runthrough of all the phases (strategy, action, political agenda, cleanup, etc) while a "turn" is one player's action during the action phase.
Generally, there are 3 things you can do during your action turn:
Pass- Signal you are done with the action phase. You can no longer do anything for the rest of that round's action phase except play off of the secondary actions of other players' strategy cards. You cannot pass until after you've played your own strategy card.
Play your Strategy Card- Perform the primary action listed on the top half of your strategy card that you chose during the strategy phase. After you do this, everyone goes around the table opting whether or not to perform the secondary action on the bottom of your strategy card (usually a weaker version of the primary). Choosing to perform a secondary usually costs one command token from your strategic action pool.
Tactical Action- Take a command counter from your tactical pool and place it in a system to "activate" it. Any unit that may legally do so may move into that system (units have to end their movement in the activated system). Combat takes place if any. You may then build units off of one or more of your space docks in the system. Once a system has one of your command tokens on it, you may not activated it again for the rest of the round.
Round Overview
Differences from TI3Seriously, read over the first section of the Google doc.
There is no more tech tree. All tech cards have color prerequisites printed in the bottom left. You may only research a tech if you have already researched the number and color of the symbols in the bottom left.
Most unit related techs have been consolidated into separate techs, or
"Mark II" versions of units.
Mecatol Rex custodians are now "defeated" by simply spending 6 influence. There is no other way to remove them.
First player to land on Mecatol Rex receives 1 VP. Further VP can be gained by controlling Mecatol Rex and choosing a specific strategy card. These VP are separate from objectives and available to everyone.
Political Agenda voting begins as soon as someone takes Mecatol Rex and happens automatically at the end of every round.
Space Docks can only be built by the Construction strategy card.
Secret Objectives are only worth 1 VP each. Each player may draw new objectives with a certain strategy card. Players may have a total of 3 claimed or unclaimed secret objectives at any time, for a possible 3 VP from secret objectives.
Transaction/trade rules for PbP game
Anyone can negotiate and propose transactions at any time. The only restrictions are:
1. The transaction will not actually take place until an eligible time (one of the neighboring party's action turns, the agenda phase)
2. You may only make one transaction per player per "table pass" (from your action turn until it comes back around to your action turn again).
Beginner Advice
Although holding lots of planets with lots of units and lots of resources helps, ultimately all that matter in the end is victory points. Try to ask yourself "how will this help me score an objective?" with every action you take.
One of the most powerful abilities you can get is an infantry carrying unit faster than 1 movement. This can be upgraded carriers, cruisers, dreadnoughts, or war suns. Also certain action cards let you move faster. Don't forget that the Warfare strategy card primary ability essentially lets you move units twice in a round.
Game will be 6 players (4th edition currently does not support 8). There are 5 free slots with 1 slot reserved for Mr. Blarney since he will be hosting a 2nd game.
I was planning on going random races for everyone since all "tiers" have (theoretically) been reset from TI3 and we're all brand new babes handling them. This could possibly change (or allow players to swap after random assignments).
Signups below!
Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
3ds: 3282-2248-0453
Sign me up
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
Very interested. Sign up.
As much as I love TI3, I haven't played it in years. Gonna be so rusty.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
I'd be impressed if more than one or two have played before, it only came out the other week and it's a bit of a beast
I'm fine with either. I strongly strongly recommend reading the "Learn to Play" link though.
I'm updating the OP with a very basic turn overview.
I mean, never played Twilight Imperium at all.
If it's cool, I'll definitely read the directions / watch how-to-plays before we start.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
3ds: 3282-2248-0453
Their flagship is pretty kickass too. 3 range 1 space cannon shots! pew pew pew!
As noted by MrBody, I will be hosting a second game (hopefully over the next weekend or two) so anyone who doesn't make it into this one will have priority in mine.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
The game is divided into "rounds", which are divided into "phases".
The 2 big phases are "strategy phase" and "action phase".
Strategy phase everyone, in order, selects one of the 8 strategy cards. Then we go to the action phase.
Action phase, everyone takes a "turn" where they can generally do one of three actions:
-activates a system to move units into it, fight any combat, then build units if able.
-Exhaust your strategy card to perform the primary (top) action. Then, in order, everyone gets to decide if they want to perform the secondary (bottom) action on your card (usually a weaker version of the primary).
-Pass, to signal that you are done with the action phase. Your turns will be skipped for the rest of the phase. You can continue to act on the secondaries of other player's using their action cards but that's it. You cannot pass if you have yet to play your strategy card.
That's the bare basics and 90% of the game right there. There are other actions. Some race abilities, action cards, or techs will say "Action" to denote that it takes up one of your action turns to play.
General advice is to remember that it's ultimately all about victory points, not total power like a typical 4X game. While getting more planets and units certainly helps, in the end all that matter is victory points. All actions you take should ultimately be with the goal in mind to score objectives.
I will throw my hat into the space ring. Sign.
Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
3ds: 3282-2248-0453
geth roll 1d1000 for mojo
geth roll 1d1000 for Brody
geth roll 1d1000 for Hedgethorn
geth roll 1d1000 for Daemonis
geth roll 1d1000 for Ketar
geth roll 1d1000 for El Skid
geth roll 1d1000 for Elvenshae
geth roll 1d1000 for Preda
geth roll 1d1000 for Zombie Hero
are in. Everyone else can join Blarney's game.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
2.The Arborec
3.The Barony of Letnev
4.The Clan of Saar
5.The Embers of Muaat
6.The Emirates of Hacan
7.The Federation of Sol
8.The Ghosts of Creuss
9.The L1z1x Mindnet
10.The Mentak Coalition
11.The Naalu Collective
12.The Nekro Virus
13.The Universities of Jol-Nor
14.The Winnu
15.The Xxcha Kindgom
16.The Yin Brotherhood
17.The Yssaril Tribes
geth roll 1d17 for Mojo
geth roll 1d17 for Brody
geth roll 1d17 for Hedgethorn
geth roll 1d17 for Elvenshae
geth roll 1d17 for Preda
geth roll 1d17 for MrBlarney
2.The Arborec
3.The Clan of Saar
4.The Embers of Muaat
5.The Emirates of Hacan
6.The Federation of Sol
7.The Mentak Coalition
8.The Naalu Collective
9.The Nekro Virus
10.The Winnu
11.The Xxcha Kindgom
12.The Yin Brotherhood
13.The Yssaril Tribes
geth roll 1d13 for Hedgethorn
geth roll 1d13 for Preda
I think I've got this right, but - a carrier starts in my home system ("off-board," or at least off the main map). It gets +1 movement from my Slipstream ability. I move that ship through my Delta wormhole to the Creuss Gate system (1 move) and can then move it into an adjacent tile (2 moves). ED: If the carrier is starting in the Creuss Gate system, it's "not a home system", so it has a movement of 1. I'm reading that properly, right?
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
That's correct. The Vorlons...errr Ghosts are an exception where their home system is off the board, connected to a special D wormhole system located where your home system would normally be located. The Ghosts get +1 movement moving out of their home system to compensate for this.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
Though I have some reservations about the balance of the page 23 map. The starting locations with an unobstructed shot to Mecatol usually have an advantage (especially now that everyone gets VP off of it). I'll have to take a look at the neighboring systems they get to see if it compensates.