A new thread to discuss what amounts to our mercurial relationship with the world. Like, will we honor our commitments to Iran? Stay tuned for sweeps to find out!
Over/Under on Rex Tillerson being Secretary of State is currently tomorrow. I'm going with over, but he doesn't make it to Thanksgiving.
Official prevention of cross contamination post.
The Russian investigation, and related issues: Russian Investigation Thread
Trump admin/family corruption and grift not related to Russia: Corruption/Grift/Ethics Violations in the Trump Administration
General Middle East goings on: The Middle East Thread
Trump admin/government's treatment of the press: Freedom of the Press Thread
Trump immigration policy, Muslim ban and beyond: Immigration Policy Thread
"de-certifying isn't necessarily ending the deal. It's doing what Trump does best, pass the buck to Congress. They'll probably punt too, which will just create a limbo situation where we've declared them to be in breach but have taken no punitive action."
We also have a East Asia and a Central/South America thread too, if you want to link those.
NBC News is a news channel:
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A) Someone gunned down almost 60 people and injured over 500 others
You visited a nation ravaged by a literal storm, and contemplated throwing canned chicken at them
How can someone possibly be this densely ignorant about his words.
Fucking clown
NNID: Hakkekage
A lifetime of easy privilege and zero consequences.
Do not engage the Watermelons.
He's going to kill us all.
Here I am with the leaders of the US military. Let's hint and joke at the idea that we might be starting a massive war soon. This is totally not insane at all.
Seriously America, the fuck is wrong with you?
White supremacy.
So many things.
Entrenched racism and a rigid class hierarchy that we refuse to acknowledge in any way.
Yes, but that's not what's going on here.
Trump's Middle East foreign policy is actually entirely normal, when compared with the last several decades. Iran is evil, check. Such the cocks of the Saudis and Israelis, check. Keep friendly dictators armed to the teeth, check. Make the odd comment suggesting war is possible, check.
Having this dingbat in charge certainly doesn't help for optics or the chance of an accidental conflict, but threatening Iran is par for the course.
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | Battle.net: FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
He literally can't view reality through any other lens.
Everything is par for the course EXCEPT for capriciously pulling out of a narrowly tailored multilateral agreement to prevent a nuclear outcome that is in the interest of the United States
NNID: Hakkekage
Good thing we didn't get Hillary right? She was totally itching to get us into another war! (yes, that's sarcasm)
But from a PR standpoint it would have been pretty hard for her to renege on her predecessor's main foreign policy success, whereas Trump and the GOP have made take-backsies part of their platform. It's odd to see Trump deescalate from Obama's confrontational Syria policy (a welcome move) while simultaneously escalating in hostile rhetoric towards Iran, but maybe coherence is too much to ask for at this point.
Ehh, I'd argue the nuclear deal itself was the exception to the rule.
I remember W Bush unilaterally pulling out of a bunch of important treaties, and that was before 9/11. Pretty good chance other Republicans would have also tried to break the deal. Clinton may have, but would have waited for some flare up in relations with Iran before doing so.
There's zero reason Clinton would have pulled out of the Iran deal.
Or started this kind of madman shit with North Korea.
I've brought it up a few times that I grew up in a very blue collar area in the Midwest and still talk to friends/family who never left the area. Their opinions haven't changed much. Politically, the mindset of the current regime's voter bloc (I.E. the blue collar worker) absolutely loves how Trump is running the country on the world stage. To those who don't understand world politics, they view diplomacy, working together, culture toleration, respect, etc. as a sign of weakness. The reason IMO drifts into xenophobia in that they don't think that they or a sitting President needs to tiptoe around foreign emissaries to get shit down. In the past, things like Bowing to the Saudi King are absolute signs of weakness. (This next sentence is extreme sarcasm. Bear with me, I'm getting to my point) Since America is obviously the greatest country in the world, we shouldn't have the need to respect other foreign leaders. Instead, those foreign emissaries should be kissing our asses to have the privilege to talking to the United States. The 2008-2016 era of diplomacy was seen as a tarnishment to the "big, strong America" image. These same people are eating up what Trump does because frankly, unless you're attuned to foreign diplomacy like the majority of us thread posters are, international diplomacy is boring to observe. Trump's foreign agenda policy being 140 in length and him telling everyone to do what America wants or we will destroy you runs deep with the rural voter or the rust belt audience. What they see are short term results of a President "Telling uppity people off" These are the same people that can't forward plan and their lives suffer for it. This same concept applies to American foreign relations. They don't understand that being disrespectful and telling people to do things or we'll beat them up doesn't have great long term effects. Right now, that tool is effective. In 50 to 100 years it won't be when blocs like the European Union in theory could become more united militarily and no longer need American hard power to act as a protective curtain. That's what those people who love the Trump theatrics don't realize nor do they care because to quote an elderly friend, "I'll be dead by then. So why do I care?". The end result is American foreign policy being 140 characters in lengths and why our country's international policy is being shaped around "Do what we say or we'll beat you up". We're now a world-wide bully on the world stage.
TLDR Version - American's love Trump's 140 character or less policy and his theatrics because he has made international relations fun to read at the expense of American political influence in the long term.
Just FYI: people in Europe are by no means oblivious to the danger of Rus expansionism, and they live in developed, highly industrialised first world economies with very extensive military experience and history. "50-100 years", you say? More like 5-10, I reckon.
The thing about european re-militarisation is that the US has until now been pretty unenthusiastic about it, for a number of geopolitical reasons. And for related reasons, so was the UK. But almost the first effect of it happening - and note that the UK is no longer in a position to delay and obstruct its development - and the biggest reason that the US hasn't made a big deal about it, is that a hypothetical* newly armed and operational EU will not care much about US priorities or cultural preferences in that new world order.
*Suddenly much less hypothetical, due to recent events.
Am I to assume this person doesn't have kids or grandkids? Or friends or relatives who do?
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He said it again
CNN reporter
He did this before, with the Paris Accords
Sometimes I want to shake people like that.
This is not entertainment. It is not a game. It is not a matter of trolling/pissing off not-people you don't like.
It is real, it is the future - if not yours, then your children's, the country's, the world's. It is people's lives.
he's quite the dickbag