On November 25th, 1970, Mishima Yukio -- a famous Japanese author, playwright, bodybuilder, right-wing nationalist, and amateur erotic model -- attended a meeting with generals Japan's military headquarters. What the generals assumed would be a brief exchange of pleasantaries ended up turning into a hostage situation, as Mishima and his young companions captured the generals, locked the room, and Mishima proceeded to go out and address the gathered members of Japan's military forces.
Mishima hectored them about the need for constitutional reform and fulminated that the “Peace Constitution” did not even recognize their existence. Intending to speak for a half-hour, he was immediately confronted with a barrage of abuse (“Madman!” “Idiot!” “Japan is at peace!”) and gave up after only seven minutes. He retired to the general’s room, where he began his meticulously prepared ritual suicide. He plunged a short sword deeply into his abdomen and excruciatingly pulled it across his stomach before his attendant and probable lover Morita Masakatsu attempted to perform kaishaku, beheading Mishima with a long sword to end his agony.
Unfortunately, Morita’s swordsmanship was hopeless, and he repeatedly missed Mishima’s head, striking him agonizingly on the shoulders instead. Another of the cadets—an experienced kendō practitioner—then stepped in and expertly performed the kaishaku. Morita himself then performed ritual suicide and was in turn decapitated. When the police entered the room shortly afterwards, the heads of Mishima and Morita were resting side by side on the carpet.
Mishima's death poem -- a traditional thing to write before committing ritual suicide -- was:
A small night storm blows
Saying ‘falling is the essence of a flower’
Preceding those who hesitate
actually this entire OP is just an excuse to re-post my favourite research outcome from my current project on Joan of Arc in Japan: as a child, Mishima was obsessed (and probably cranked it) to an image of a beautiful knight he had found in a picture book:
I feel you, Mishima
Being the [chat]maker isn't about a pretty OP - it's about quick turnaround, and then creating a pretty OP if you're so inclined!
The needs of the community should be served first, cB. The wants of the community can be addressed later.
I have half of a busy day tomorrow, so I'm going to sleep.
Be good to yourself, to each other, and to our planet
In another, more accurate way, they are not
i mean sure but
I think his relationship with that Joan of Arc picture sums up the dude's entire literary output
though also there’s trixie
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
also i could watch al and wu try and have a conversation forever
Al and Bullock scenes were always fun.
Actually just any scene with Al in it.
It’s X on Xbox, the canonical platform for modern shooting.
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
Hey, you do what you can to get ahead in this world.
It has the power of a fairly decent gaming PC, and lots of developer support.
Really looking forward to seeing the gap widen as the xbox gets much higher wuality assets and better performance in the years to come.
I wonder what the first game will be that requires an X or better
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
We are the worst.
Head and shoulders above the rest.
gotta hand it to em
wait shit
apparently when people were listening to the radio and kept hearing Mishima's name, they assumed he'd finally won the Nobel Prize after being nominated three times
Mishima Yukio: a strange dude, but dang that bod
I approve
Gon' give it to ya
One of us one of us one of us
Except you betrayed us all buying battlefront 2. Reddit said so
I can’t get enough rocket league and final fantasies.
Someone please make X-Wing vs TIE Fighter VR.