I'm considering moving, so I've been thinking about what to do with my stuff. Several years ago, my parents had a storage garage. They put my mom's Christmas ornaments in there (a shitload of them, a lot of them from her mother and grandmother), along with a friend's boat, and a bunch of other stuff. A couple of years ago, the industrial park it was in burned down. It sucked.
So, today, I just realized that
all of my GI Joe toys--which included most of the action figures that the first several seasons of the cartoon was based on (and by "most," I mean all but Stormshadow), a shitload of the guys from later series, and a metric fuckton of vehicles (including the hovercraft)--was also in the storage garage.
It's worth mentioning that my OCD tendencies extend back into childhood: all of these vehicles and guys
still had all of the equipment they came with. Maybe one or two of the vehicles were broken in some minor fashion, but most were still in excellent--if very played-with--condition.
I almost cried.
I even had the Sergeant Slaughter figure you had to send in a bunch of UPCs from the back of other figures to get.
but really, if you had those toys right now, would you feel a lot better?
in actuality it was just a limited edition one they made for that specific purpose and every one got the same one
but you got custom boxart with the name you chose and stuff
Way, way better.
I remember this
it's only $10
i'm planning my next amp projects
need some minor parts to case up my DAC and then need to make an RCA-mini cable
i just like to solder now
i have a shit ton of reading to do, a final to work on and a cheap ass presentation to put together
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum
yeah but like, what would you do with them? Actually play with them? Or just be like, "man, it is awesome that I have these"
what I am getting at: materialism
"hey if the only thing making you sad hadn't happened, would you still be sad?"
JordynNolz.com <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
super trooper
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum
I haven't listened to the demos yet, but one of the songs is called "Big Titted Sluts" so uhhh we'll see what happens.
yeah, that is what my wording conveys there, whoooooops
I was trying to make a broader point about the difference between nostalgia and actual happiness
i seem to remember getting mine by mail in a little brown box with his file card
i got my star wars emperor the same way
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum
it was storm shadow
but the packaging was in all spanish
i was all
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum
was me and four of my friends
disassembling GI Joes by removing the single screw in their backs
and making custom joes
that was so much fun.
I still had all of the weapons to all of my GI Joes.
Not to mention the fact that I don't have the rest of the set to go with it.
hey whatever floats your boat, dude
I like to not let my toys being lost get me down
I don't think I've ever even seen the show
movie was pretty good
duke lived because optimus prime died, true story
the movie was supposed to feature duke dying, by serpentor throwing a snake through his heart
however earlier that year the transformers movie came out and prime was killed in it and it upset so many fans and parents and stuff so they changed it so that duke went into a coma using dialogue spoken by a character off screen
and then at the end of the movie they were like "we just got a message from HQ, Duke's gonna be okay!"
except duke didn't appear for the entire season of GI Joe after the movie because those episodes had already been animated and so far as was decided at the time Duke was dead
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum
starfuck how dare you lastpage me talking about the gi joe movie for a post consisting of a single emoticon
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum
Her pedophile wife-beater ex-husband swore to ruin her life.
He and his lawyer are trying their hardest at it.
clearly the answer is vigilante justice
It's actually my bosses old T40 but it had had the processor, RAM and HDD upgraded and is in pristine condition. New battery even.
It has a Radeon 7500 in it so I will definately be Eve-ing it up on the bus.
Man that Marky Mark sure has a big cock!
Wouldn't mind getting funky with his bunch! :winky:
Sadly that's not really an option.
The guys a paranoid freak and has actually hired a bodyguard.
Personally I'd rather see him in prison.
Man this is a bunch of drama that's been on my mind a lot lately.
SE are you willing to lend an ear y/n.
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum