New California Declares Independence From California For Economic Anxiety Reasons
Anybody remember the whole State of Jefferson silliness a few years back?
Now they're at it again, but this time...
With the reading of their own version of a Declaration of Independence, founders of the state of New California took the first steps to what they hope will eventually lead to statehood. CBS Sacramento reports they don't want to leave the United States, just California.
"Well, it's been ungovernable for a long time. High taxes, education, you name it, and we're rated around 48th or 50th from a business climate and standpoint in California," said founder Robert Paul Preston.
The state of New California would incorporate most of the state's rural counties, leaving the urban coastal counties to the current state of California.
"There's something wrong when you have a rural county such as this one, and you go down to Orange County which is mostly urban, and it has the same set of problems, and it happens because of how the state is being governed and taxed," Preston said.
The map they've drawn up is something special. It reads like a Who's Who of red counties vs blue counties. So, not obvious at all.
For anybody who was wondering what East California would look like from the Kim Wilde song, this is it!
You're muckin' with a G!
Do not engage the Watermelons.
They want to be yet another red welfare state.
I'm from Butte County, there are so many college towns/cities you'd have to carve away every populous area to get what these fucking morons want.
It just goes to show that if you get far enough outside of a population dense area you can always find some dipshits willing to do stupid things. Though I m pretty sure no one really wants to be in this new derpy state.
Thing is, I'm not even opposed to the idea that north and south need different governments. The interests of southern California often run contrary to that of northern California. I could see an honest split below the elbow that would benefit everyone in some way. I just don't think we have a government capable of not fucking it up and the state constitution would make Lovecrafts Great Old Ones cry.
I've been in favor of a California exit, as a whole, from the USA. But splitting California is dumb as fuck.
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But the Bay Area, valley, and southern California are what people really think of as far as "what is California?"
"Orkses never lose a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fightin so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!".
Here is a quick guide:
Is someone in the US talking about seceding? If so, they are red/rural counties.
I'd be inclined to say fuck it and let them leave, but they'd just drop taxes to zero and siphon money away from us, anyway.
No, they'd talk about how the water is all theirs and try to charge a ridiculous amount of money for it.
An exit of California as a whole state would result in a California taking care of itself but Christ the USA would hurt for it. Those red states you mentioned being the ones to feel it the most. For as many problems as California has with its budget, it still manages to do its part carrying the USA, and if it was able to sever those connections it would rebound like a motherfucker.
And they both have to serve multiple goals. Drinking water for urban southern California, farm water for the valley, flood protection for the everyone along the main rivers, hydropower for the grid. And everyone bitches about the part that fucks them over but don't want to get rid of the parts that protects them.
There's also a cluster fuck of water rights issues that depend on what was law when you first started getting your water and how long you've maintained those rights. LA gets water from way the hell up in Owens valley in the Sierras because they don't get enough rain so they went out and bought a valley (more or less) in the mountains to secure a reliable source. San Francisco gets water from Hetch Hetchy, also in the Sierras, because even though they probably have enough rain in and around the Bay area some private company bought up all the water rights around the city back in the day to gouge prices, and the city said "well fuck all y'all" and went and built their own supply on the other side of the state. Two major cities in California pumping water hundreds of miles away.
The only way this vaguely works (for whatever value of work you apply to the current situation) is legal precedent, institutional inertia, and the state government being able to rule by more or less fiat when it gets down to it. You split that into two or more states with the water in one state and the customers in the other and there's no way in hell you're ever going to get it to work. Lawsuits for daaaaaays. Let alone what happens if New California tries to cut off old California for whatever reason, legal or not.
As in Jarndyce v Jarndyce, but orders of magnitude larger.
I think they are also wildly overestimating how "red" that new state be if they are going off the map in the original post.
That’s my main thought on this. It’d be utter bullshit to give this group state recognition but not PR and DC.
I've seen that Bond movie.
I only ever hear about the Cascadian independence thing up in WA/OR from young liberal leftist types. Its mostly a joke up in this next of the woods, but the idea of leaving the problems of the US behind because your area is doing better/worse than average isn't just confined to the right.
edit: of course the proponent pushing this is a bitcoin investor
No fuck that, that's like telling the northern part of the state to fuck off and die. In this stupid hypothetical where CA gets divided into north and south, north california gets the full extended bay area, south california gets the LA metro area. The bay area is the core of the northern californian economy. Doesn't matter that it's close to the middle of the state physically, dividing things up that that way makes about as much sense as the way european colonial powers arbitrarily drew borders for the former colony territories when the colonial age ended and all the bad shit that arose from that.
Also don't give these fucking separatist morons any air time, they're not worth the brain cells.
You're really minimizing how much different the Bay Area is from Southern California. Also there's no way you get a sustainable state without a metro.
Redding is larger than Cheyenne.
Which is where I get into "why the hell is Wyoming still a state" but that's neither here nor there.
Yeah, the split is just south of Monterey, where there's a bunch of nothing until you get to ~Santa Barbara.
As others have said, the biggest issue in splitting CA (aside from taxes and such) is the water rights problem. It is very disconcerting to be five hours from LA and see "property of LADWP" signs everywhere.
I moved here yesterday.
We do not want to split the red side of the population off away from us. We want to keep them with us so the blue population can overwhelm and silence their idiocy/evil.
it may shock you to learn that the southern half of the state ALSO has rural crazy people
And orange county.
San Bernardino county comes to mind
Red as fuck.
Making New Cali a purplish state afterall
Honestly this plan doesn't even seem to do what the founders want. The state they are trying to carve off is too big. San Diego + other towns make the state blue.
So sure! I'm all for giving democrats 1 or 2 more senators.
I used to work as a Firefighter in Calaveras county. It's the exact same way. Meth labs and wannabe rednecks.