All right, listen up. We are here on a mission to study and investigate the movement of the mysterious and powerful entities known as Elder Dragons, and to find out why they migrate to this area every ten years. Of course, Elder Dragons are the most dangerous of all the various kinds of monsters that inhabit this world....
Luckily, I've been informed that apparently
you lot represent the best and brightest hunters that the Hunter's Guild could find. Welcome to the new world, Fivers, and do
try not to get eaten!
What is Monster Hunter World?
It is the latest installment of the hit franchise Monster Hunter.
What kind of game is it?
Well, it's kind of like Dark Sou-akjh gauhfakjsfdaf
It's a game where you go out into the wilderness armed with some ludicrously gigantic weapons to kill monsters, carve them to pieces, and make even bigger weapons out of them.
Here, watch this instructional video:
Why should I play this game?
Well, for starters, you begin the game with a trusty partner in the form of a sentient cat, known as a Palico.
You can also spend a lot of the game catching bugs and letting them loose in your room to scare your roommates!
......oh, also I guess the game is a really engaging grind hidden behind what is, essentially, entirely fights against gigantic monsters who can and will defeat you if you slip even for a second. I've sunk hours and hours into this game and still got beat by one of the first monsters because I got cocky. It also has a really fun multiplayer aspect, where you and up to three other players team up to hunt powerful monsters together, with the bonds of friendship!
Speaking of friends....
Who is playing this game, and where?
You can play this game on the Xbox or Ps4 as of TODAY, January 26th. It will be coming to PC eventually, but for now you should pick a console of choice.
I have a few people from [chat] that I know are playing. If your name isn't on this list, PM Elki to get your gamertag edited into the OP
Hahnsoo1: Hahnsoo
navgoose: user_dad
Element Brian:
The Thread in G&T also has more complete player lists for the
PS4 and
The PS4 side of things is managed by Entaru, and the Xbox side of things is managed by Darkewolfe, so hit them up to get in on these groups.
I been working non-stop
The Undertale thread is that way.
Check out my site, the Bismuth Heart | My Twitter
HURT im not on this list Arch
bloodyroarxx on PSN
One of those weird things that only was visible because of compression, I hate when that happens.
Check out my site, the Bismuth Heart | My Twitter
I'm on PS4 (and PC when that comes out, likely) as Hahnsoo
DAMNNIT knew I forget something
Maybe I'll pick it up tomorrow after work
Pm me or Elki
Jeez first you forget him then you call him a thing.
It looks like as if Im trying to voice chat on a Switch game
I'll have game installed by tonight. It's bought tho.
Edit That's premature. Don't know if game will setup another handle or not
Check out my site, the Bismuth Heart | My Twitter
But.... doesn't the new game have integrated voice chat
I'm confused BRX
i suppose i could just download it
my thing is i don't want to go to the story or wait for shipping
Idk but this has occurred before. They just come here and hang out until she leaves like I think maybe it's a carpool thing?
*makes unhappy grunty noises*
But but but but my glorious 4K gaming PC
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Time to start farting
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Seems a bit plain
Maybe if I use more mushrooms and oil and a stronger sauce next time...
*looks at Xbox One*
*looks at thread*
*looks at XBox One*
*looks at thread*
*makes unhappy grunty noises*
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
I was just about to ask!
Yay (very quietly)
If there's a 4k monitor but no game to play on it is it really 4k?
I shall meditate upon this koan in my zen garden.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.