Hello [chat] friends, did you know that Steven Universe...
…is super good??
Well, you probably already did know, it’s pretty popular on the forums. But if you didn’t, hey, check it out sometime? Even if you’re normally one of those people who feels a little weird watching a kid’s cartoon. Because, really, would I bother to embed not one but several images into this post if the show wasn’t good?
Steven Universe is a show about how it’s better to talk about things than not talk about them.
About how it’s ok to be emotionally honest and vulnerable.
About how gender roles are baloney.
It's a show about queer people and queer romance, at a time when most studios are sadly still way too timid about putting queer stuff into family media.
It's about how love is better than hate and violence, at a time when most fantasy entertainment is still about gleefully mowing down bad guys.
It's about a dog that is also a helicopter.
It's about unrequited love.
It's about life and death and love and birth and peace and war on the planet earth.
Steven Universe is a wise and compassionate and moving show that'll make you laugh and also cry. It’s also the best ever TV show about superhero lesbian rocks from outer space. Check it out sometime!
Related: have you listened to the Rebecca Sugar episode of Cameron Esposito's podcast Queery?
You should, it is excellent (although it's mostly about Rebecca coming out as bisexual and her experiences before and after that, with a little about the show here and there).
But I am here to support you as a friend
I still haven't seen an episode yet. I really should.
i named them XT in honor of XT-002 Deconstructor, one of the most hilariously creepy bosses in WoW
I'm currently at 1.71 or so off per gallon of gas with my fuel saver card, so.. I should push it a little further before being conservative, yeah?
I am so angry and sad and I feel sick in my stomach and I just want to punch things and cry
Yikes. and :bro:
Please tell me you've filed a police report and the person who did it is currently in jail?
She might go to the police tomorrow. I’m not sure.
Possibly triggering spoilers:
I highly doubt it was her fault. I'm glad you were there for her.
Positive post
I won 300 euro on the MLS
The rest is the night took the sheen off that but still
maybe i'm streaming terrible dj right now if i am its here
I think that Chewie costume at 8:10 is just a brown gorilla suit.
I think I need to start getting into gambling on football properly.
LMS isn't cutting it for me.
On the other hand, I picked Arsenal this weekend, so maybe this is just protecting me from myself.
Celeste [Switch] - She'll be wrestling with inner demons when she comes...
Super Mario Wonder - Wowie Zowie!
I guess I will sleep out of lack of attractive options
free monies
This girl we're visiting has graciously laid in a lot of stuff to smoke and booze and pizza and she told us excitedly about Party of Five, which she has just discovered on Netflix and has been binging. (She's bab, like 27.)
"Wow," she said, watching the screen raptly, "I want to fuck, like, all of these 90's guys."
She showed us the art of her ex-boyfriend, who was nice but "thirsty." He was a cartoonist who did furry stuff and she showed us a series he did of important Black HIstory Month figures as dinosaurs.
"I think that might be, like, a problem?" she said.
updates as they happen
Martin Luther Rex Jr?
I don’t think I could physically handle someone enthusiastically telling me about this new “Party of Five” show they discovered
Malcolm Rex was the obvious one.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Hanging out with 20 year olds is uuuuugh.
No offense to the 20 somethings in here
And I know this is silly because it's all about rockets, but I want to explain a little bit about my SpaceX fanboyism
Maybe I'm being a bit defensive, because Elon Musk is regularly criticized for a lot of things: Being a creator of Paypal, demanding a lot of his employees, having a lot of weird side projects that seem improbable / impossible, and of course - infamously - Musk-time, which is a ratio of promised delivery date vs. actual delivery date that skews wildly depending on the product but is almost certainly never the original promised delivery date.
On September 12th, 1962, a young, arrogant President made a declaration in front of a crowd of onlookers at Rice Stadium in Houston, Texas.
At the time of the speech, the United States had about 10 hours of manned spaceflight under its belt.
By the end of the decade, humans would walk on the Moon and return safely to the Earth.
I was born in 1987. Long after the moon landings. Long after the first space stations. But just in time for the resurgence of the Shuttle era.
The Shuttle wasn't perfect. It was expensive, it was costly to refurbish after every flight, and it limited manned flight to Low Earth Orbit.
But The Shuttle saved Hubble. The Shuttle pioneered the idea of reusable rocketry. It pioneered the idea of putting an experiment in space, and going up weeks, months, even years later, and returning it to Earth. And The Shuttle built the International Space Station.
My interest in space really came of age during the construction of the ISS. My tragedy in space wasn't Apollo 1, it wasn't Challenger ... for me, it was Columbia.
Columbia wasn't even a flight to the new space station. It was a scientific mission, a couple weeks in duration. But I paid attention to as many Shuttle flights as I could back then. We were still in raw days back then - September 11th was less than 18 months previous, and the world itself seemed thrown into a god-awful War on Terror. So I found solace in scientific progress. I looked to new frontiers to see the bright light of hope for humanity's future. In our darkest hours, I looked for the helpers. Mr Rogers taught us that one.
And so it was on a bright February morning in 2003 that I was eagerly awaiting the landing of yet another of these winged birds straight from mythology - reusable spacecrafts, with a near-perfect flight record, for all its failings one of the most important scientific instruments in the waning years of the 20th century.
Columbia never touched down. A foam strike, suffered at liftoff, doomed the crew on day 1. The shuttle disintegrated upon reentry, spreading debris across 3 states.
The Shuttle was grounded for over two years after the incident, only brought out of retirement to finish its mission of constructing the International Space Station.
Meanwhile, a South African immigrant to Canada and the United States had recently sold his ownership stakes in PayPal after eBay made a successful bid to purchase the company. The sale made him a millionaire a hundred times over, but he wasn't sure what to do next. He had this vision, however, of green plants growing on the Red Planet, and that thought along with the stated goal of creating a "true spacefaring civilization" is what drove him to found SpaceX.
Elon Musk and SpaceX came to my attention at a time in my life where I still maintained my obsession with space exploration, but when it looked like manned exploration beyond Low Earth Orbit was never likely to happen in my lifetime. And SpaceX came with this audacious goal - not just humans on the surface of Mars, but what about rockets as cheap as airliners, flying as frequently, being reflown as often?
I'd heard the reusable promise before. I was skeptical. But with the Shuttle retiring and with the Atlas and the Delta rocket families offering little in the way of ground-breaking innovation at the time, I figured I'd pay attention to this silly little startup in Hawthorne, California.
It very nearly went bankrupt. Mr Musk very nearly lost all of his wealth in this one silly gamble. But that 4th Falcon 1 made it into orbit, and that was enough for NASA to offer him a lifeline - build a bigger rocket, and deliver supplies to the ISS for us.
Again, the ISS was the bulk of my space-daydreaming, growing up. Its construction, and its continuous occupation for 17 years now, is nearly all that I've known of manned spaceflight. And now my other spaceflight interest, this SpaceX, was becoming intertwined with it.
And SpaceX delivered - literally. A modest 525kg of cargo for the crew onboard the space station. That was in 2012.
Three years later, SpaceX landed their first rocket - back on land, not far down the coast from where it had launched from. Just 4 months later, they landed a rocket on a boat in the ocean. Just last year in March, for the very first time ever, an orbital-class first stage was reflown when B1021 launched SES-10 to a geostationary transfer orbit - and then landed again.
Less than 11 months after the first successful reflight of one of those boosters, SpaceX took two previously-flown boosters and strapped them to the side of an all-new kind of booster - the center core for an all-new type of vehicle, the sheer power of which the world hasn't seen since the Apollo era - the Falcon Heavy:
(Made on Earth by humans)
And I know that video is a bit of self-service, and a lot of fan-service. But did you notice something? It's something I haven't seen down at Cape Canaveral since the last Shuttle flight, and something that, out of all of this, is what brings a tear to my eyes ...
The crowds.
People are excited again! People are excited about spaceflight again! Do you have any idea what that means to me?
That's why I don't apologize for being a fanboy. That's why I'm going to support every crazy word that comes out of Elon's mouth. Because he's kept me believing, and he's making other people believe, too. And because as trite as it is, as transparent as it may be to all of us, he still cares enough to tweet out something like this:
Seriously me right now
is that Taddy Mason
PSN/XBL: Zampanov -- Steam: Zampanov