Week 5: Another World
(aka Out of this World)
NB: This weekend we are playing Streets of Rage. This is just to give you time to get the week afters gameWikipedia PageFormats: Fucking everything.
Be Lester Knight Chaykin. Go on an adventure. Die, and then Die again. And the die. And then die. And then work out what to do. And then die. A brilliant game by a brilliant frenchman - Eric Chahi.
Beautiful large picture version here)
Interesting Fact: The only text present in the game are the words "Another World."
How to play: Born in the 80's? Then you own a copy. If not there are multiple choices including a Hi-Res offical remake for Win XP by Eric Chahi himself. It's supposed to be beautiful - but I've haven't windows to see. Demo and Full game
Is the GBA port ok to talk about?
Answer: Yes
The other has the rights back to the game and in doing so says
GBA version
Unofficially adapted in 2004 by Cyril Corgordan alias Foxy by creating a reverse engineering of the Atari ST version. I decided in the first place to ban its release in order to make a potential business, but specially authorised its distribution later, in 2005. It required a GBA emulator or a GBA with a Flash cartridge. It was a version for hobbyists. Cyril currently works in the Magic Production company and his C code was the stepping stone for the port of the Symbian mobile version.
Get it here:
http://www.foxysofts.com/index.php?l=content/gba/anworld.incThe 60min CHALLENGES.
1) How long it took complete it or how far you got (roughly) within an hour
2) How many times you died in total
3) How far you got on your first life
(Challenges altered slightly by Mr_Grinch to put them a little more in line with previous challenges. Any complaints...speak up!)
These challenges may be refined.
So I've been going back and forth between quitting the forums due to wasted time when I should be working - or even playing games, rather than just posting about them (Which is why I'm now Lave II). When it hit me. Most threads here make me want to pump hours upon hours (which I don't have) into games (I've yet to buy). This thread will replace this hype/buy/play/post huge time sink with a hype/buy/play/post much smaller time sink.
Of course thats only If anyone wants to join in - but hey at least it's not a poll thread.
And to be honest this thread is probably aimed at the older gentleman, who's time poor, and money adequate. A Gentleman's* Club if you will.
Get to the point! What is it?
- It's like a Book Club - but for "Classic" games. And with a time limit. So it isn't hard to join in.
- Each week we choose a "traditional" game amongst ourselves.
- Each week we set two aims. Typically "Get a High Score" and "Get as far as you can"
- That Sunday you play the game.
- After NO MORE THAN ONE HOUR you make a note of your score etc.
- You get back on with your busy life (and/or keep playing).
- Come Monday we get together and boast, discuss and start over again.
This way we all get to compete in a way that levels the playing field.What it isn't:
- It isn't a [game on] thread
- It isn't a thread for on-line games.
- It isn't a thread for long, complicated games.
- It isn't a thread for games with a (proper) story.
- This isn't a thread for the "latest and best" games.
Any of those can survive in their very own thread. So in that case...However:
Examples of Games I think will work well
The Obvious: Super Mario Bros, Tetris, Elite Beat Agents, Wario Ware, Sonic the Hedgehog (Megadrive).
The Not so obvious: Pinball Fantasies (Amiga/GBA/CD32), Comix Zone, DoDonPachi (Saturn/PS), Rhythm Tenoka (GBA). Sonic the Hedgehog (MasterSystem/Game Gear).
I think it would be great if this thread gave us a chance to play all those obscure classics most of us missed, and then have a chance to talk about em as a community. Giving them that hype that makes new releases so enjoyable. Obviously this leads us towards games that are more easily pirated/emulated. Whilst I don't condone that action - if you are going to join the club by playing via the E word AT LEAST DON'T FUCKING MENTION IT.
So anyone like the idea?
* And ladies of course!
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
Week 3: Super Mario Land
Yes, were sticking with a platforming theme for this week. The often forgotten 1989 hit Super Mario Land. The first true portable mario game.
Secondly my none gamer girlfriend as a kid would play and complete this game once a day. I bow before her power (and we will be borrowing the cart of her for this.)
Thirdly this game was HUGE in the UK.
A remix by the Ambassadors of Funk made #8 in the UK charts in 1992.
Challenges - TBA
WEEK ONE: Sunday 13th May: Sonic the Hedgehog (8bit)
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
Count me in ;D
I really want one session to be the MasterSystem/GameGear version of Sonic the Hedgehog. It's such a under appreciated classic.
So I put that forward as a candidate for this weeks game. Goals could be:
In one hour of play:
1) How fast can you complete level 1
2) How far can you get.
3) Highest Score.
Anyone other ideas?
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
Sonic 2 - "how far can you get" sounds awesome too, pretty much everyone will have access to it via either mega drive or mega collection.
Also, doesn't the PAL version run 1/6 slower than the USA version or most older games?
I just hope there is enough interest to warrent it actually happening.
Maybe we should have a some general guide to how to "submit" games for consideration. Basically they should be little cases for hyping the game we want to play, a couple of screen shots if possible, and what you think the challenges should be. I'll try and collect them and bang them in one of the OPs.
That way we have a library to choose from.
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
Freeware/independent games could solve these problems.
Indeed. I can probably still do a six minute run on SMB, and I know people on this forum with near perfect Ouendan runs.
Heh, I know a pretty good one though that still uses my concern, Street Fighter Alpha 3, world tour mode.
Does it even matter?
I think it would be interesting to see where peoples skills lie. For instance, I hope I will do very well if play Master System Sonic as I played it continuously as a child. But at the same time I would love to see how The_Sonic_Retard would do. But for most shoot em ups I'll do terrible at.
I'm mean it's a pure honesty system anyhow. You could just lie your ass off.
It's just meant to be a weekly hour of fun - so everyone can just declare "prior skills" or "never played before." And if priors dominate the list - I'll make a "virgin's hi score table"
Also for selfish reasons I would like to avoid Windows games at least for the first week. (as I don't have one).
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
Obviously they don't have to be that detailed - I'm just really into the idea.
And I would love some shoot em up suggestions. The Wii's VC always helps that...
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
I'm so in on this, though. Is the VC Sonic the same game, or no? I'm not versed in Sega history. Also, A few more recent games I think would be awesome: Elebits Time Attacks, Kororinpa Time Attacks, Trauma Center Points Battle. If we're trying to keep it classic, though, that's fine, I know they don't fit under the 'must be 2d' rule, but they fit the other requirements.
I high score competitions, and kinda have the same thing going on with some of my friends.
It's just about getting as much fun as possible into an hour's break at the weekend.
You know by planning it in detail during work hours...
(And Master System Sonic isn't on the Wii. But its basically the same as the GameGear version. Which is on a lot of mega collections for the PS2, XBox and GC I think.)
Also that Windows game LewieP mentioned looks awesome. Defintly should be done at some point. Wish there was a mac port....
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
Prince of Persia 1 - PC/Amiga. The very idea is to complete it within an hour. See if you can do it.
Another World - Took me just over an hour to complete. Not much in the way of getting high scores, but you could potentially do a "death count".
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
I have Rez, Godhand and Okami sitting in a draw at home. But I've yet to ever own a PS2.
My time will come. I'm prepping like the batman.
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
Super Monkey Ball (maybe a tad too recent?)
I can tell I'm going to keep coming back to this thread.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Breaking out of the 2D well, the Katamari game should probably be included, they record high scores and are pretty readily available to anyone that doesn't already have them. Plus they really lend themselves to an hour or less of play time.
How about this as a time plan:
Wed/Thus: Come up with possibles (Game/Format/Goals/Where you can get it)/see if people are interested.
Thu/Fri: Ask a mod to put up a poll to vote for this weeks game? I know poll's are a big 'no no' but maybe this'll be ok. No harm in seeing.
Most Votes as of Friday at 5pm GMT becomes that weekends Sunday Challenge.
Mon: Post your epeen.
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
It's seems myself, ben0207, Mr Grinch are up for this at least this weekend, and I'm sure we can pick up a few more (MikeRyu, Nickle, LewieP and so on seem interested).
Maybe we should settle on the first 8bit Sonic this weeked to give people a chance to find it - and then a classic shmup next week? What say you Mr Grinch?
I'll change the thread title to whatever we settle on to try and get more interest.
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
Master System or Gamegear? Either fine with me.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
The gamegear version is a straight port with only minor differences. Mr Wikipedia says .
As this isn't meant to be the most serious competition I think either version is fine. And will make a good excuse come monday.
The competition is on! I will crush you all.
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
I played that game to death as a child, I really am intrigued as to how far I can get in an hour after all this time.
Regardless I shall give it my all and if I pale in comparison to everyone else then I have a slight excuse
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Back in my day, we didn't get any fancy power-ups, or tons of side-quests. He had a number that signified how good we were, and that worked perfectly fine, thank you.
/old man rant
Seriously - I honestly put this way ahead of the 16bit version.
Everyone happy with 3 challenges? 1) How fast you can get through level 1 2) Hi Score challenge 3) How far you can get.
I think for the Sega Power competition 25secs was the aim to beat for 1. I think.
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
Is this just called "Sonic the Hedgehog" or is there another name?
I look forward to it: Drop girlfriend at work, gym, eat, clean the house, 60mins of sonic, fix a pc, prepare some work for Monday, pick up girlfriend from work, go to her parents for Sunday dinner.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
I better get back to work, I'm really busy at the mo, so I really like the idea of something like this. Something feasible.
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
In Sonic the Hedgehog 1 for the Sega Master System/Game gear, it's possible to get an extra life just prior to the final boss in Sky Zone Act 3. Post a screenshot of yourself getting the hidden extra life (hint: I use the word "hidden" loosely) and explain how you did it.
this should be elementary to anyone who religiously played sonic 1 on the Sega Master System.
Man, I can still picture that Sega Power wallchart I used to have that showed the location of all the extra lives and chaos emeralds.
And now I'm singing the end credits tune to myself as I walk around the office!
This is why I demand you take part TSR.
Put your money where your mouth is. Crush us!
I'm adding this as TSR's ridiculous challenge bonus points.
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
These credits?
Oh man. It's all coming back. I'm really quite giddy...
(EDIT: Double post - sorry.)
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
I would have gotten a few seconds shorter but I hit a box. I should improve this time by saturday, for anyone who thinks they have what it takes.