I made burgers yesterday on the good old Foreman grill. They were good! I make good burgers and I serve them with corn on the cob and BBQ baked beans as a person ought.
I made burgers yesterday on the good old Foreman grill. They were good! I make good burgers and I serve them with corn on the cob and BBQ baked beans as a person ought.
I made burgers yesterday on the good old Foreman grill. They were good! I make good burgers and I serve them with corn on the cob and BBQ baked beans as a person ought.
I heard they were good
they were good!
But without a lawn, how will spool32 play The Lawn Darts?
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Pls enjoy his name is Crowley he is 1 year old
I'd love it if you took a look at my art and my PATREON!
Yes, especially on the good old Foreman grill
geth close the thread
lots of old banned faces in that thread
people got really grumpy about grass
This is turning into an old-timey folk song
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Is this sufficient?
Celeste [Switch] - She'll be wrestling with inner demons when she comes...
Super Mario Wonder - Wowie Zowie!
No, that's a butterfly.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
I would love to make onion rings but for numerous reasons I don't think I can be trusted around a deep fryer
Dirt Darts?
Chrome just offered to translate this post from Vietnamese to Dutch.
good, good
But now I feel gross
hold on, I'm going to post the hex code to render a pic
hold onto your v scroll
Japan and Atomika get it.
Are you getting fat yet
his participation was always a boon
too pure for this world
Maybe you could stop doing that
That seems a reasonable middle ground to reach re: sustainable lawn maintenance
like, for insect treatment?
Or they could not have lawns
Pretty liberating
and increased greenery
or to decrease weed growth
or just for fun
hot take
I've got a lawn, and I simply don't water it since we get plenty of rain here
the environmental horror
*to be clear, the above is the correct way to utilize a front yard*
i could give a shit about 1 and 2, I'm just tired of spending 30 minutes outside and being covered in welts