Going to have to sell my collection :( Any tips?

Spy112Spy112 VancouverRegistered User regular
edited August 2018 in Pinny Arcade
Hey all,

I have been collecting since the beginning but due to life, I will be selling my collection. I was thinking of posting on ebay with a detailed list of everything included and have it all together rather then selling piece by piece. Does any one have any expierence selling collections like this or have any general tips or things I should watch out for?

Its hard to let these go but I hope they will go to someone in the community. The pin pals community has always been very good to me and has some amazing people in it.

Anyways let me know you thoughts. There are more then those pictured. Ill try to post them all

Cheers, ]

Spy112 on


  • adambargadambarg Forward the Pinglorious Basterds!Registered User regular
    If money is a concern, I would sell the valuable pins individually and then bulk the rest ($5 / ea is common). The biggest audience for larger lots are resellers, not collectors. You're far more likely to get close to full value on the rare pins by breaking them out.

    Also you can probably avoid some hassle by trying private sales in the #yardsale channel on the pinny Slack (not the PA Slack).

  • Spy112Spy112 VancouverRegistered User regular
    Ya I was thinking that too. My thought was selling them as a bundle with the rarer pins in the collection makes more insentive to grab the whole batch rather then the only rare ones. Less work for me I guess

  • Spy112Spy112 VancouverRegistered User regular
    Well Its posted now. Hope it all goes well.

    Just wanted to say that this group and the people within have been amazing. Meeting you guys at events and such and trading has been great. I'll still be lurking like I usually do, I post so little. But I wont be collecting like I used to.

    Cheers, to you all.

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