All life, love, and peace has its start within the heart of the World Tree. A tree that is miles in diameter and grasps the outer reaches of the sky with its tallest branches. Several peaceful civilizations live and thrive within it, some living in the trunk, some in the branches, and some amongst the leaves. Life is idyllic for all the citizens of the many towns and kingdoms of the tree. This is thanks to the fantastic sap that flows through the tree, the water of life. The two most powerful kingdoms in the World Tree, the Elves of the trunk and the Dwarves of the highest heights take great care to protect this water and thus maintain peace and prosperity in the tree and the world.
Produced and directed by 38thDoe
Special thanks to @Egos for balance testing
What’s all this now?This is a game of peace and happiness. I can't imagine anything threatening might happen here. I assume this will end with a shared everyone entering victory. If by some outlandish miracle things do get threatening I'm sure you could just vote the threat out of the game.
In the chance that happens, you might look at the link below for more information.
General rules of Phalla can be found
here. New players are welcome as are old of course.
Specific rules can be found below:
Standard Phalla Rules/Mechanics:
You must vote each day. Vote in
bold red for whomever you think is likely to be a threat to you. The winner of the vote will be eliminated every night. Tie votes will kill both people involved and the person causing the tie.
Be careful.
In addition, everyone should make at least two posts each day. Failure to vote or contribute will lead to warning and replacement. One of these days I'll track this sort of thing. I'm serious!
Do not directly quote anything from PMs with me, or take screenshots of them. It is okay to paraphrase role PMs however.
Do not add other players to PM conversations.
Do not anonymously contact anyone.
When you die you may make one ghost post which cannot contain any game information whatsoever.
Ask for clarifications in
Bold DarkOrange. You can always PM me with clarification requests, or post them directly in the thread. If you have questions about your role you should probably use the PM method to avoid giving away info to the other players. They are
*already* suspicious of you.
Make sure you invite me to any PMs or proboards you might form.
Order of actions:
VOTE >Inquisition>Guard>Kill> ???
The Day will Close at 8PM EST. I’M OLD!
Signup in
bold limegreen
Psycho wasn’t converted. That was the big one.
Clarification: he died Dwarven Villager. He still could have been infected or whatever, maybe his communications were tapped; all we know is that he died Dwarven Villager.
Can death results be trusted?
I'd believe it were a pacifism game if we dind't get warned for not voting.
Is abstaining from the vote a legit vote?
LostNinja - Dwarven Paladin
Also this is fascinating when compared with:
Virgil_Leads_You - Elven Villager
Are these death results true and accurate? ie, LostNinja was a Dwarven Paladin - not Dwarven Villager - and Virgil_Leads_You was an Elven Villager, not Elven Executioner or whatever?
Yes. Death results can be trusted. LostNinja was a Dwarven Paladin when he died. Virgil Leads You was an Elven Villager when he died.
Narration Links:
Opening Narration
Day One
Day Two
Meanwhile in the Branches
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Host Notes
+3 Chill Points.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
Oh dang, I think you're right!
Which bodes ill, since I could never figure out what in blazes I was supposed to be doing in that game.
The worldtree prophecy has been made real.
We gotta prepare!
Go fuckin crazy with all your energy
No trouble, trouble I see
There will be peace in the tree for me
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
And we'll push someone else off, because falling Dwarves always need a friend
No, uh, no gods around here, right?
The Faxandu evidence seems pretty strong, but given the authors we can't trust it 100%.
I'm sure I don't know what you mean.
How is everyone feeling about weekends? It seems to be difficult to get activity on weekends if previous trends continue. Would just having weekends be a day off be best? Sat+Sun combined extended day? I'm open to ideas.
Also how do people feel about vote closes at 3-4PM EST vs 8PM EST?
@ecco the dolphin
@Iron Weasel
@mi-go hunter
@Rawkking Goodguy
@Shiny New Toys
@Sir Fabulous
@That Dave Fella
@The Anonymous
@The Dagon
@Void Slayer
@Zombie Hero
// Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
As long as the game doesn't START on the weekend, personally I"m good either way.
I'm also in favor of earlier vote close. Though people in the US will likely be working or at school at 3-4 PM, so I'm not sure how feasible it is for everyone else.
Looks fun though!
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
It's like, I shouldn't bother posting or checking the thread on a Saturday because probably nobody else will and it's frustrating to post something and then see no responses for like a full day. Then comes Sunday morning, I check and there's still barely any activity, let's just put this phalla off until later in the day, if I still remember... And so on, like a self perpetuating cycle of nobody doing anything because nobody is doing anything. It feels like giving everyone extra time just discourages activity.
I can't imagine most of us are really busier on the weekend, seems like a lot of us have full time jobs during the week and more of us have spouses/kids/etc to come home to in the evening than we used to.
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
So it's not the worst thing to have phalla on weekends, it just doesn't mesh well with my schedule. Nothing to do with the activity level overall.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
As kime's saying, I think it's more a problem of competing commitments (and sometimes lack of access to a screen due to them) that've accumulated as the phalla population has aged, not literal lack f availability. I agree that it hasn't been the best way to solve the problem, though!
I think the real issue to work around is the momentum killing premium rightly describes happening over the weekend. If you just said see you see you guys Monday, would Monday be a similar "everyone is fashionably late to the party" situation? Has it ever been tried?
I don't remember anyone ever skipping the weekend entirely. I wouldn't be opposed to trying that?
I'm fine with normal weekend 24-hour days too, but I personally will find it harder.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
So I vote to skip weekends completely and see if that hampers/helps/does nothing.
With his eye all red, with the wine in his head
His weekdays looking to be better instead
I'm ok trying this. Would probably get better results than having normal days all weekend.
Confusion will be my epitaph
Still dead.
Have fun y'all.
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
@Erin The Red need to update my lists.