Mere thousands of years ago, giant beasts walked the Earth. They're pretty cool!
Megafauna like:
Giant Elephant!
Giant Lizard-That-Isn't-A-Dinosaur!
Giant Sloth!
Giant...uh...Stretchy Elephant!
Giant *snort* *giggle* wait seriously?
Oh come on you're fucking with me now aren't you?
No. Nope. I'm done. Megafauna are stupid, this is stupid.
Quick and efficient service, that's the VH standard.
This is distressing.
Maybe I'll just repeat Wid[chat].
Someone entertain me so I don’t claw off my face
Oh I'll entertain you. :winky:
Just an open tab ready to go?
Lack of cave bears!
I do good magic! But for deep, fulfilling love and excellent sex. I am willing to make a change.
Mecha Fauna
Have someone sit on your face
Instant distraction
I only have six tabs open but I recently discovered that the leftmost one was opened in August 2017
Don't tell this tab about what happened kosh. DONT TELL IT.
Crunch Crunch! Munch Munch! Chomp Chomp! Gulp!
No, this one I had saved to drafts.
I didn't want to risk a catastrophic tab failure.
Yeah I mean he's straight and I'm getting a sex change so like
it just doesn't work
it's fairly depressing but I'm managing; also we still talk a lot and are still visiting each other a bit and also haven't filled out the paperwork yet
But yeah that's also why I'm now free to look at jobs with travel, like I was discussing earlier
Also native mega humans.
the hilarious part about the drafts feature
is the one time I used it to save a thread OP the damn thing disappeared on me
why does this never happen any of the other 100s of times it saves a post and im forced to clear it myself
I have family going through actually the same exact thing right now. Its rough dude.