PAX Pokemon League 2018

primalwulfprimalwulf Registered User regular
PAX Pokemon League (PPL) continues it's presence at PAX West with an all new array of gym leaders, elites, and champion to play against!

Our theme this year is Ultra Recon Squad!

What do you need to play?
--a 2DS or 3DS
--a copy of Pokemon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, or Ultra Moon

Where can you play?
--Handheld Lounge (mostly, sometimes gym leaders are in the Diversity Lounge)

How do I play?
--each gym leader and Elite has a BRIGHT green scarf with the PPL logo on it: introduce yourself and challenge them to a battle
--each gym leader has a different theme, and some gym leaders don't even use a Nintendo DS
--win against a gym leader and earn their badge. . .YES, a REAL badge! (gym leaders design and manufacture their own badges, so they are excellently unique!)
--earn as many badges as you like, and even the option of battling the Champion

How do I battle the Champion?
--win at least 8 gym leader badges (18 possible gym leaders), THEN. . .
--. . .win at least 4 Elite badges (6 possible Elite), THEN. . .
--contest the champion!

Is there more?
--yes! Each day pickup an Ultra Recon Squad card from the PPL booth in the Diversity Lounge. Complete a set number of challenges to be entered into daily raffles to win FUN, NEAT, USEFUL Pokemon and electronic gear (like rechargeable battery packs for gaming & phones, etc.)

For full rules, gym leader info for PAX West '18, and more info, check out the PPL website and tell 'em Mondo sent ya!

Question, curiosities, etc? Leave a response and I'll follow up gladly!

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