Hi folks, this thread is a collection of all the pinny related info for PAX Aus 2018. I'll keep this thread updated as new info comes to light.
Pre-PAX pinny dinner - Thursday 25 October - don't forget to register!
Aussie Pin Pal Community Panel - Friday 4:30pm - 5:30pm in Kookaburra theatre
Staff Trading - Saturday 1:00pm - 3:00pm in the Queue Hall
Community Trading - every day 3:00pm - 4:00pm in the Queue Hall
Post-PAX pinny pizza dinner - Sunday night after the Omegathon final - let myself or
@limedragonfly know if you're coming, either here on the forums or on Slack
PAX Aus 2018 pin list
Can't make it to PAX Aus?
@luckycharm has once again
kindly offered to proxy pins.
Definitely! Post-PAX table pizza on Sunday night!