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[D&D 5E Recruitment - Introducing the Cooperatives of Ravnica]

DraconiclastDraconiclast Registered User regular

Hi everyone,

Recruiting 2-3 people for a 5th edition game set in Ravnica. I'm new to the setting and have some DM experience but am by no means a pro, so I want to keep this very casual. I'm thinking that if people can post once a week at minimum, I'm happy. I've got a few players who are new to the forum who are already signed up, but I'd like to run a party of 5-6 people if anyone is interested. I'm not much for map based tactics and am more interested in character development. Dice rolls, for now, are run on the honor system. I don't have the time to make any kind of maps or anything in roll20 or whatever, so we're going straight text with this. I was introduced to D&D via Acq Inc, so it's not a coincidence that the storyhook I'm working with is derivative of that. It's not the most original idea but I really like it a lot, especially the structure this approach provides, so it's what I'm running with. If you're interested in playing, please PM me your character information and a little bit of background. If people want to join midstory, that's cool too, I can find ways to make it work.

A little bit of background on the story:

In response to criticism that he is frequently absent from Ravnica, Jace, the Living Guildpact, has ordered the guilds of the city to participate in a new program designed to encourage collaboration between them via the creation of cooperatives whose purpose is to work together for the betterment of the city. Each cooperative will be comprised of low-ranking members of different guilds, each with a specific role assigned to them by Jace. These cooperatives will be tasked with resolving issues facing the city -- placating unrest, tracking down items that could bring harm to the city and its people, investigating threats to the World Soul -- generally anything that could pose a serious and significant threat to Ravnica. Ideally, Jace hopes the cooperatives would be able to find peaceful solutions to the tasks they are face with. Pragmatically, he hopes they're able to keep the bloodshed and chaos to a minimum. To that end, members of the cooperative will be given assignments that push them away from the work their guilds may be known for historically. Jace believes that by putting people into uncomfortable or otherwise unfamiliar roles, it will force cooperation between members of different cooperatives, which in turn might improve relationships between the guilds themselves.

Your character has been ordered by leadership within your guild to participate in this cooperative. What marching orders they were given and how that manifests in the game is something we can work out in private -- but know that the Living Guildpact will not tolerate any overt attempts to destroy the cooperative either as a team or as an overall concept (anything short of sending someone to murder the entire cooperative is *possibly* forgivable, but remember that Jace has ordered the guilds to participate in this, so there isn't really any way of getting out of it immediately).


  • ranmasoloranmasolo Registered User regular
    I'm highly looking forward to this!

  • DaEvlOneDaEvlOne Registered User regular
    I'm ready to rock out.

  • DraconiclastDraconiclast Registered User regular
    Great! Let me know some basics of your characters whenever you get a chance and I'll make the IC thread and write up the intro.
  • GreenGreen Stick around. I'm full of bad ideas.Registered User regular
    I've just started DMing a Ravnica campaign so I am suuuper tempted to get in on this. Are you still looking for players?

  • MamaWolfMamaWolf The wolf pack guides all to safetyRegistered User regular
    I've never done online d&d before and would like to try. Would I be able to join?

    "May the moon watch over you and keep you safe through the night, 'till the morning comes and MamaWolf can protect you through the day"
  • DraconiclastDraconiclast Registered User regular
    @Green @MamaWolf You're both totally welcome to join, I've never run a play by post game before so it's going to be a learning experience for me too, but yeah, please feel free to send me some character ideas and we'll get going once everyone has a basic concept to start with.
  • DraconiclastDraconiclast Registered User regular
    Just a note on character creation - roll 4d6, reroll 1s, take the highest three numbers for each of your stats. We're going to start at level 1 for now and do some very basic warmup quests and RP to get everyone familiarized with their characters and the party and then we'll get into more serious stuff from there. I expect we'll cover the first few levels relatively quickly.
  • MamaWolfMamaWolf The wolf pack guides all to safetyRegistered User regular
    Would character creation only be from the PHB or would any book, including ravnica source book, character be ok?

    "May the moon watch over you and keep you safe through the night, 'till the morning comes and MamaWolf can protect you through the day"
  • DraconiclastDraconiclast Registered User regular
    PHB, Ravnica, or Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Unless there are links to OGL information out there.
  • MamaWolfMamaWolf The wolf pack guides all to safetyRegistered User regular
    Character sent.

    "May the moon watch over you and keep you safe through the night, 'till the morning comes and MamaWolf can protect you through the day"
  • DraconiclastDraconiclast Registered User regular
    I have three character sheets and have been promised two more, so if I don't have those by tomorrow, we'll start and find ways to introduce the others. I'm anxious to get all of you writing because there are some really fun ideas here.
  • DaEvlOneDaEvlOne Registered User regular
    Im super exciteddddd

  • DraconiclastDraconiclast Registered User regular
    And we're off. We can keep this thread going for any kind of table talk/OOC character work type of stuff, which I strongly encourage.
  • GriffmoyGriffmoy Registered User regular
    Rolled a 7 for the introduction order.

    Also, hi everyone! This is gonna be fun.

  • MamaWolfMamaWolf The wolf pack guides all to safetyRegistered User regular
    Not sure if my introduction was good, but I did the best I could for now lol

    "May the moon watch over you and keep you safe through the night, 'till the morning comes and MamaWolf can protect you through the day"
  • DraconiclastDraconiclast Registered User regular
    I'm already so happy with the decision to run this game on here.
  • GreenGreen Stick around. I'm full of bad ideas.Registered User regular
    @MamaWolf just watched me squee in a most unmanly fashion over my lizard friend. Do I get to name it or do we discover the name later?

  • GreenGreen Stick around. I'm full of bad ideas.Registered User regular
    @Draconiclast A+ on these job titles, by the way

  • DraconiclastDraconiclast Registered User regular
    @Green I'm so glad you like it. You can name him whatever you want to.
  • MamaWolfMamaWolf The wolf pack guides all to safetyRegistered User regular
    Also, my phone keeps autocorrecting Joarah=Norah :x

    "May the moon watch over you and keep you safe through the night, 'till the morning comes and MamaWolf can protect you through the day"
  • ranmasoloranmasolo Registered User regular
    This is so fun already

  • DraconiclastDraconiclast Registered User regular
    So I just got an email from Worldbuilders telling me I won a D&D card they were raffling off from their most recent fundraiser! I am totally going to digitally incorporate this into our game once it gets here. I think it's probably just one card from this set:

    Also, now that we have our whole party, here's the full composition as it stands now:

    Dragonborn Fighter
    Simic Hybrid (Vedalken) Monk
    Half-Orc Barbarian
    Loxodon Druid
    Vedalken Cleric

    If there's anyone lurking who wants to jump in with a rogue or a wizard, there's room. Or if you want to jump in and make them even more tanky, that's cool, too.
  • GreenGreen Stick around. I'm full of bad ideas.Registered User regular
    edited December 2018
    Should I wait for a result of Uldin's attack before making mine?

    Green on
  • DraconiclastDraconiclast Registered User regular
    Sorry, had to login at work to keep this going.
  • MamaWolfMamaWolf The wolf pack guides all to safetyRegistered User regular
    So, I really like this little bickering backhand forth between Uldin and Rawk. It makes me smile! @DaEvlOne love Uldin btw great idea.

    I also really love @ranmasolo Vaamuj!! He's super funny and just all around great!!

    @Griffmoy can't wait to interact more with your dragonborn!! Interesting and very joyful to read!!

    "May the moon watch over you and keep you safe through the night, 'till the morning comes and MamaWolf can protect you through the day"
  • GreenGreen Stick around. I'm full of bad ideas.Registered User regular
    Hey, what about me? :P

  • MamaWolfMamaWolf The wolf pack guides all to safetyRegistered User regular
    Green wrote: »
    Hey, what about me? :P

    As my husband, I already tell you what I think. Silly goose :p

    "May the moon watch over you and keep you safe through the night, 'till the morning comes and MamaWolf can protect you through the day"
  • ranmasoloranmasolo Registered User regular
    I had such a different idea at first! I was thinking very laid back, hippie, Buddhist monk... I may still play some of that into him, when he's... in control. Haha. I also didn't think he'd be so overtly inspired by PETA. Haha.

  • DaEvlOneDaEvlOne Registered User regular
    @MamaWolf Its been fun so far. Uldin’s going to be quite the character. Man of few words but elegant action lol

  • MamaWolfMamaWolf The wolf pack guides all to safetyRegistered User regular
    Did Rawk's seconds turn get skipped? Cause last I saw you said it was Delveed's turn and he held action, then it skipped right to Vaamuj

    "May the moon watch over you and keep you safe through the night, 'till the morning comes and MamaWolf can protect you through the day"
  • MamaWolfMamaWolf The wolf pack guides all to safetyRegistered User regular
    Cause you said the order was Uldin, Delveed, Rawk, Jorah, the muggers, and then the outraged Vaamuj.

    It seemed after Delveed went the muggers ran...and then Vaamuj went

    "May the moon watch over you and keep you safe through the night, 'till the morning comes and MamaWolf can protect you through the day"
  • DraconiclastDraconiclast Registered User regular
    oh no, my mistake, the holding actions threw me off. I skipped Rawk and Jorah. You both go now before Uldin.
  • MamaWolfMamaWolf The wolf pack guides all to safetyRegistered User regular
    All good :) I was just confused haha

    "May the moon watch over you and keep you safe through the night, 'till the morning comes and MamaWolf can protect you through the day"
  • DaEvlOneDaEvlOne Registered User regular
    Just a thought... maybe we post here to say when we’re going to role play and such. So we don’t step over each other or ask the sane questions or such. What you guys think?

  • GreenGreen Stick around. I'm full of bad ideas.Registered User regular
    I think having 1 or 2 people take the lead on social interactions would make things simpler, yeah.

  • MamaWolfMamaWolf The wolf pack guides all to safetyRegistered User regular
    I think that's a good idea. Especially with all of our characters being fairly social it could be helpful to have a more organized idea.

    "May the moon watch over you and keep you safe through the night, 'till the morning comes and MamaWolf can protect you through the day"
  • DraconiclastDraconiclast Registered User regular
    I think that's a good idea too, because we have a tendency to be online at the same time. Coordinate what you want to do in here and then let me know when you're ready to proceed.
  • DaEvlOneDaEvlOne Registered User regular
    I nominate Teapot and Scales.... lol.. my nicknames for Rawk and Jorah.

  • DraconiclastDraconiclast Registered User regular
    Vaamuj is the emissary, though, and part of his job is interacting with the public. I would say that he and Rawk would make the most sense for all of these kinds of situations. Jorah's gonna Jorah though, since, as the Chaotician, he's basically the wild card.
  • DaEvlOneDaEvlOne Registered User regular
    Ah... then Teapot and Trunks!

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