PAX XP @ PAX South: DLC Drop

PAXXPPAXXP Registered User regular
edited January 2019 in PAX South
Hi friends. Lots of you are playing XP so it's almost time for a PAX XP Drop.

Head to the Eurogamer Presents panel that starts at 5:30 in the Bobcat Theater. There will be a PAX XP trophy there soon that awards 3 points to your team.
It will be removed at 5:45 so act fast.

Happy PAX-ing.



  • PAXXPPAXXP Registered User regular
    Did you miss this trophy yesterday?
    Here's your second chance! Head to Broken Crust pizza near the main stage. The trophy will be there from 3:45p-4:30p.

  • PAXXPPAXXP Registered User regular
    Day 3 Update: It's on it's way out for the last time! Head to PAX Arena before 2pm!

  • Cid29Cid29 Registered User regular
    i didn't get to attend the PAX XP finale. Which team won?

    Xbox Live: Cid29
  • PAXXPPAXXP Registered User regular
    Cid29 wrote: »
    i didn't get to attend the PAX XP finale. Which team won?

    Team Tycho! d76idubl1mul.png

  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    Was this a new type of PAX XP this year? PAXU 2017 it was finding and scanning QR codes. But PAXU 2018 didn't have anything afaik. Will this battle continue for each PAX this year?

  • P.D.B. FishsticksP.D.B. Fishsticks Ohio, USARegistered User regular
    edited January 2019
    This time it was tapping your badge on a reader rather than scanning a QR code, but otherwise it was the same concept.

    P.D.B. Fishsticks on
  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    ArcSyn wrote: »
    Was this a new type of PAX XP this year? PAXU 2017 it was finding and scanning QR codes. But PAXU 2018 didn't have anything afaik. Will this battle continue for each PAX this year?

    Not sure why Unplugged has been different, but the other PAXes have had the RFID system for a couple shows now.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
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