tynic wrote: » Five minutes to wake up, five minutes actual showering, ten minutes standing motionless in a welter of existential dread, summoning the energy to face the day.
Enc wrote: » My water heater can support 10 minutes, tops, for both Mrs. Enc and I to shower. You get in and you get out. Or you get super cold. I can't even imagine something like an hour shower. Is he a merperson?
bowen wrote: » < 10 minutes of hot water is some sort of war crime I'm pretty sure
I should try and get it down to just ten minutes.
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I can't even imagine something like an hour shower. Is he a merperson?
You need a tankless water heater.
Hour showers were great when I was younger. Now, I have no time, I have to pay for the water, and I'm a bit more aware that it's pretty wasteful...
But even then I knew not to do that when others needed to use the bathroom.
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