Some quick background, first: it's a launch DS, or at least relatively close. Approximately 2 years ago, during a trip to Europe, the DS would no longer hold a charge. I had a spare, so I decided to simply use that until I got back from the states and hopefully get it fixed. Unfortunately, i'm rather forgetful, so by the time I even remembered I had said old DS, the Warranty had long expired. I've tried 2 replacement batteries and at least 5 different chargers without any luck, and I was gonna let it be until I discovered a Tri Wing Screwdriver a few days ago. I decided it would be a nice opportunity to take a peek inside the DS once I finished up with finals.
Now that i'm finished with those, i'm gonna take apart my DS and see if the cause of the charge problem is more than a few faulty batteries. With that in mind, I was wondering if any of you have had this problem before and know what I should be looking for, or if there are any guides floating around concerning the problem so I don't make a total fool of myself and render my DS completely irreparable.
I think that's about it, unless you guys would like some more info, in which case please let me know. So, uh... help? *puppy eyes*
Their customer service is bar-none.
Then sell it.
DS-s are always in demand.
You will make enough to buy a few more DS games.
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