Baba is You is a puzzle game that recently came out on Steam and Nintendo Switch. You are a sheep (?) named Baba, except when you're Keke, or a rock, or a box, or floating text, or whatever else. Your goal in each level is to win, though you might have to change your win conditions to do so while pushing around objects, transforming things, and performing weirdly mathematical grammar.
All the elements that you would need to solve each puzzle (sometimes in several ways) are all up front, there are no hidden secrets or extra screens, you can undo as many of your moves as you like or just reset levels infinitely if you need. It's chill and welcoming and often
hard as heck, y'all. The difficulty ramps up fast and I can spend thirty minutes or more just pushing around things hoping to come up with some insight into some elegant solution to solve the latest puzzle.
I've seen people talking about the game in other places, so I'm making the thread here. Got locked up in some mental infinite loop and need a hint to break it? Confused about some of the internal grammar? Want to brag about finding some wacky method of solving a puzzle? THIS is THREAD.
LAVA IS MORE, LAVA IS HOT, BABA IS HOT, WALL IS STOP are all surrounded by walls. BABA IS YOU written horizontal, bounded by walls on the bottom and right. FLAG IS WIN, FLAG IS MELT out in the open, alongside a flag. Can’t reach FLAG IS MELT to break the rule before the lava hits it, and I can’t seem to reach anything with FLAG or WIN to make a new win condition. This is a tricky one, but so are most that I still have.
For sure. Some levels only seem solvable by essentially QA testing the rules and seeing where they behave weirdly.
The other thing is to deliberately identify which entities can be interacted with and work backwards from the winning moves, seeing which items you'll need to get there. The hardest levels are the ones where you have to experiment to even see how a win could be possible.