In Fire Emblem Colon Three Houses you play a professor working at Garreg Mach Monastery, overseeing the training of students of one of three houses. Those houses are
The Blue Lions house at the Officers Academy is comprised of students who hail from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. As their homeland is known for its knights, many of the students are proficient at using spears.
Their leader is Dimitri, who seems like he sucks
The Golden Deer house at the Officers Academy is comprised of students who hail from the Leicester Alliance. Compared to the other houses, Golden Deer has more students from a commoner background, many of whom are proficient at using bows
Their leader is Claude, who is objectively cool.
The Black Eagles house at the Officers Academy is comprised of students who hail from the Adrestian Empire. They favor the use of axes and black magic.
Their leader is Edelgard, who uses axes which means she's the best
The Church of Seiros is a religious organization in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and serve as your employer. They are lead by Archbishop Lady Rhea, who is not the Pope. Much like the Catholic Church they are inspired by, the Church of Seiros is completely free of corruption or scandal. Also much like the Catholic Church, you [JOKE REDACTED]
The five greatest tanks
can he?
I kind of disagree while agreeing
I don't think the acting of Holden is stilted, I read him as a stilted person. Also, adorable, really. Bill is bill.
So desu ne.
which kind of klondike bar
I find their quick back and forth without any intermediate verbalization or acknowledgement of each other to be really jarring, which is as much the script tbh
Just cause they can sing and dance and fly and are beautiful
Fuckin birds
yeah I'd say that seems to be an intentional style
it's kind of odd, but I've come to enjoy it
of course, the standout in season 1 was Kemper
Didn’t you do the shuttle on occasion
How do I avoid this annoying mounting expense of long term parking
So fucking metal
You know, maybe it's okay to not actualize your handle.
I thought the american thing to do would be to shoot the neighbour's door, tires and dog while attempting to hit the skun before it wanders off, and getting congratulated by the cops for it afterwards
Sweet Jesus
with no planning, just picking what seems intuitive, and spending an extra hour or two getting to the city because I chose very poorly
I am very glad E met me at the airport in Berlin because I would not have made it. Even though with her directions we spent thirty minutes watching four trains pass, two of which were the right ones.
as a kobold,
Can you repeat that into this karaoke mic while throwing horns.
my ability to be completely un-stressed by the prospect of missing my flight - because it will never happen - served me well
and, besides, I wouldn't have been able to do better, I don't know german and I immediately lost the train map she gave me upon arrival
please tell me which one is the second best one because i think we all know that mystery dungeon 2: explorers of [x] is the best
with Tench, who knows exceedingly well how to talk to cops, and Holden, who doesn't know how to speak to anyone at all except serial killers (but seems unaware of this)
I'm playing Fire Emblem Conquest to help ease the pain. I'm not very good at it and I frequently wish I had a rewind button.
None of this newfangled nonsense