I really enjoyed playing the unpublished games during PAX Unplugged 2017 and 2018. Looking at this year's maps on the app though, I don't see an UnPub room. Am I looking in the wrong place, or will unpublished games not be on the schedule this year?
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
Not an official or anything, but from speaking with folks who work with unpub, I expect them to have a presence like previous years. The link above showing the blocks available for designers shows it should be fairly similar as well.
If you're into playtesting, hopefully you caught Metatopia last weekend. Also, you should check out the full Unpub con. It's the Unpub room, only something like 10x the size and as a playtester, you can get in for free.
GundabadPAX East & Unplugged Tabletop ManagerNJRegistered Userregular
PAX applied its own branding to the room this year, billing it as the PAX Collaboratory - powered by Unpub. It's on the map and will be a nice big room just like in 2018.
Haven't seen anything beyond that, so perhaps a higher up can chime in.
If you're into playtesting, hopefully you caught Metatopia last weekend. Also, you should check out the full Unpub con. It's the Unpub room, only something like 10x the size and as a playtester, you can get in for free.