So, I haven't used my PC to play games for quite some time now, which is a total bummer. The only new game out right now that I may be interested in is STALKER. Is there any cool stuff on the horizon for someone who doesn't like RPGs or Strategy games? I mainly play FPS, Adventure, and Action (think Prince of Persia, Beyond Good and Evil) games and it doesn't seem like there is too much to look forward to, aside from the games which have been like 2 years coming (HL2 Episode 2, Hellgate London, etc).
So basically this is a thread about upcoming Action/Adventure/FPS games for PC which I might be interested in so I can finally start playing games on this thing again. What I have so far:
Hellgate: London (FPS)
Spore (yes it is a strategy game but I am willing to accept this in rare cases of complete awesome)
A Vampyre Story (adventure by the developers of Grim Fandango/Monkey Island)
Crysis (FPS)
HL2: Episode 2 + Portal (DURR DURR)
Unreal Tournament 2007 (DURR DURR)
Bioshock (FPS)
Alan Wake (Action)
Anything else? Maybe in the "action" genre?
Other games that might be worth thinking about:
Gray Matter (from Jane Jensen - Gabriel Knight)
Assassins Creed
Splinter Cell 5 - Hobo Agent
But that list should cover quite a lot of the stuff that might get you a bit excited.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
Sam & Max episodes (Adventure)
Insecticide (Action)
Warmonger (FPS)
Also, I believe the sequel to Hello Kitty Island Adventure is due Q4 2007.
Very few things appealed to me, and I just built an awesome new computer. I'm thinking I picked the wrong time to get a new computer
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Yeah I'm going to agree with this guy. Your list (OP) was pretty much exactly the same as mine, it appears as if our tastes are pretty much identical, but Company of Heroes really is something else. It's an amazing game, even for people not into RTS (like myself). It reminded me more of Commandos than of Command and Conquer.
Between this, the fact that DX10 cards just started coming out, and rumors about Intel doing another round of price cuts in July, I wouldn't even dream about an upgrade, not unless my current rig totally bit the dust (and even then I might hold out on my laptop for a few months).
I have a feeling Unreal Tournament 3 is going to need a beast of a machine, so my current plan is to wait for benchmarks, then build accordingly.
Left 4 Dead looks extreme in its awesomeness. I've been mainlining Counter-Strike: Source ZombieMod for a while now, and this takes that concept to a whole new level.
I see you mentioned the HL2: Episode 2 + Portal, but I believe it has been announced that Team Fortress 2 (Trailer 1, Trailer 2, and Meet the Heavy) will be added in on that, which turns up the win volume to 11.
Because it's in the opening post?
Haze looks really cool too, but I fear it will just become a bad port.
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