So this one is a bit weird.
I can't broadcast, or watch other people's broadcasts using my PC. However, if I use my phone it works fine.
What happens is that the broadcast is on an endless loop of loading, it seems to load for a split second and then I see the loading icon again.
PC: Connected via LAN, already tried within Steam and on different browsers, same results. I turned off the Firewall, same results. Windows 10.
My phone is connected to the same network, and it loads broadcasts fine.
Any idea where to start troubleshooting? Could it be some sort of system-wide codec?
So I guess it's how my PC is handling whatever format Steam Broadcast is, right?
This is what Firefox loops on when trying to watch a broadcast:
Do read up and take care, though; sounds like if not done correctly your games and user data can get deleted if you do a straight-up uninstall.
I find it weird that I'm getting 404 errors in the log. I assume something is simply blocking it right? Is there a way to see if a process blocks a connection?
On my PC: Ping request could not find host Please check the name and try again.
And it worked perfectly on the VM, with an average 2ms response time.
Interesting development, when I ping said address above, the VM gets a response from and if I try to ping that in my PC, it works.
This seems like a DNS issue, I did a flush and switched to Google's DNS and it still isn't working. Arghhh!
I managed to get some really good support from Steam (I had to insist on escalating because they were just sending me to the FAQs) and after several back and forths, we found out that this was being caused by my Windows 10 computer not syncing time correctly. Yup, weird but that was it.
For some reason if I sync my time with microsoft time, it goes 4 minutes into the future. So I manually set my time to match my phone and voilá, I can view streams.