I've been getting a few emails and PMs on what's going on with next year, so I figured I'd answer the big ones here:
1. The date?
August 26th, 27th and 28th.
2. Three days, huh?
Yes- we'll be moving to a three day, non-24 hour format. A bunch of bad stuff happened in the wee hours of the morning last year, plus we want to promote afterhours parties and such. It'll still be open super late on Friday and Saturday night... 1 or 2 AM at the earliest.
3. Cost?
It won't be too much more expensive than last year.. possibly cheaper on a daily basis.
4. Venue?
We're juggling a few right now, but i'm sure the guys will announce it on the front page once we know. Let's just say we want to make sure the overcrowding of last year doesn't happen again.
5. The Concert? Who's playing? Will I actually get to see them this year?
Think last year and more. And yes, you'll definitely be able to see them this year. The theatre section will seat 1,000+ easy.
6. When does registration start?
January at the latest.
Anything else I missed?
Some guy.
Does this mean we get the enforcer "Teams of roaming assholes" to clear everyone out at closing time?
And put it on freeplay.
I say they get a Drummania 8th Mix machine instead.
Trust me, I live here.
Beatmania IIDX RED was released not too long ago in JP arcades.
Us college kids usually are just starting our first week of classes that week
I think it's mostly because there are a ton of other conventions right before it and they would rather pick a free weekend then have to cram a whole ton of stuff in at once.
Even moving it up one week would make a huge difference.
But it's perfect for us Canadians! Right after summer parties start to dim down and right before school starts for everyone.
Well, that's you Canadians.
Crazy Canadians. Up there in your Canadia.
It's the 26th through the 28th, they've decided on that because THAT'S WHEN THEY FUCKING WANT IT TO BE. It's going to be in Seattle because THAT'S WHERE THEY FUCKING WANT IT TO BE. If they wanted it in fucking Chula Vista or fucking Red Deer or wherever the fuck you simps want it to be, they'd put it there. Do they? Probably not. It's a sure thing that it's going to be in Seattle. Deal.
Schedule not right for you? Don't fucking go. Go to college or school or fucking GED cram classes or whatever. Big lot of learning you'll be missing out for five or six days, that'll totally ruin your ENTIRE COLLEGE CAREER. Seriously though, how many of you are actually going to be missing enough course material to fuck you completely? Have someone take notes for you and slip 'em a twenty for their troubles while you're in Seattle.
I feel like an inconvenience because I'm demanding certain games be there, and you people have the fucking audacity to bemand a change of the city where it's located and the dates? You all should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.
But the main points were:
1. Yes, we knew that some schools (especially those on the semester system) would conflict with the dates at PAX. But it was the earliest we could make it while still accommodating for point #3.
2. Holiday weekends are suicide for conventions because most families take off during those times... the destination generally decided by their parents.
3. So why'd we choose that date? Easy: Gencon (the weekend before), Wizard World (two weeks before), San Diego Comic-con (four weeks before). Why didn't we choose the "three weeks before?" Well, quite frankly we weren't ready. We were still prepping for everything a few days before the event.
Hopefully that gives you guys some insight as far as the planning- we do apologize to those that couldn't make it tho based on the dates.
Hey people, don't be so fucking rigid.
Oh, you were talking to him. Right, carry on, then.
I for one am going to be there... unless I'm dead, that would hinder me a bit.
If I wind up going this year, maybe you can give me a lesson in how to not suck at IIDX.
I totally understand why you guys had it when you did last time as for not being ready but with the coming PAX this next year is there any other reason why you couldn't have it that week after Comic-Con since you obviously have a lot more time to plan and setup the event.
I will still be attending like I did last year but it just seems to me that having it on that empty weekend after Comic-Con would allow more people to attend especially when you have more time to plan the event this year.
Since I'm planning to go to both, I know I would be.
If PAX was right after Comic Con last year, I wouldn't have been able to go to one of them because I used the time inbetween the two to get more money for PAX.
And after going to them both and having massive amounts of fun, I couldn't imagine missing them both. :P But I don't think I'm going to ComicCon this year, since I've moved. But you never know. If I get this job and keep it, I should have a weeks paid vacation by then...
2. Put protective drapings (blankets, comforters, etc.) over screen and inputs
3. Rent a forklift
4. Forklift the fuckin' thing