Hard as a [Phalla] Tournament - Finished

Sir FabulousSir Fabulous Malevolent Squid GodRegistered User regular
edited March 2020 in Critical Failures
It's been

One week since the invitation arrived, but you've been training for years. The premiere martial arts tournament, the Hard as a Rock Competition is once again seeking to determine the greatest fighters of this generation.

Will you prove an unshakeable mountain? Or will your discipline crumble to sand under the fierce blows of your adversaries?


What's all this then?
This is an experimental, Phalla-like tournament game where you will create a fighter and engage in a free-for-all fighting competition with the hope of coming out on top and becoming Hard as a Rock!

So how do I win?
Your success in the tournament is represented by Power Points (PP)! Once the game is completed, the players with the three highest PP will have completed their Primary Win Condition. Players 4-10 will be considered to have achieved a Secondary Win Condition.

Power Points are distributed as follows:
1. 2 PP for defeating another fighter
2. 1 PP for each fighter knocked out of the tournament before you, whether you contributed or not.
3. 10 PP for a podium finish (one of the last three players remaining)
4. 1 PP for each correct answer on the Participant Exam


Each fighter will be differentiated from their competitors by two mechanics: Stats and Traits.
After signups are closed, there will be a Day 0 where each player builds their fighter before the tournament proper begins.

Each fighter has 3 stats - STRength, AGiLity, and ENDurance

Strength is--generally--your offensive capability
Agility is--generally--your defensive capability
Endurance influences your HP according to the following formula [HP = 10 + (2*END)]

Each stat begins at 0. You have 9 stat points to allocate to your fighter. You may, if you so desire, place all 9 points into one stat. This is likely to result in you either not being able to do damage or folding to any strike like wet paper, but you do you.

Traits are additional abilities, actions, or perks that you may select during night 0. Each trait is likely to prioritise or deprioritise certain stats or nightly actions. As a rule, no Trait will appear on more than 2 fighters. Keeping your Trait a secret is likely to benefit you in several ways!

On Day 0 you will submit to me an ordered list of your top 3 desired Traits, as well as a Stat Spread to accompany each Trait.

1. Lithe (STR: 0, AGL: 5, END: 4,)
2. Cannibal (STR: 7, AGL: 2, END 0)
3. Ki Blast (STR: 3 AGL: 3 END: 3)

I will then determine fighters in the following method:
First, each player will get their number #1 Trait choice, unless there are 3 or more fighters who have that Trait listed at # 1.
If 3 or more fighters have a certain Trait listed at #1, two fighters will be selected at random to receive the Trait.
This process then repeats for the #2 Trait for all fighters who have yet to be assigned a Trait.
Any fighter who has not received a Trait after 3 rounds will have to participate in the tournament without a Trait.

Click the spoiler for an in-depth example.
Jdarksun, Bedlam, Gizzy, and Premium have all sent the host their desired fighters as listed above (1st choice: Lithe, 2nd choice: Cannibal, 3rd choice: Ki Blast).

Because there are more than three or more fighters who have Lithe listed as their #1 Trait, two are chosen at random to receive it. Bedlam and Gizzy are selected.

Jdarksun and Premium are now looking to be assigned Cannibal. Unfortunately, AustinP0027 listed Cannibal as his #1 Trait. This means that a maximum of one more fighter may be a Cannibal.
Premium is randomly selected to be a Cannibal.

Jdarksun, now starting to get desperate, is now trying to be assigned Ki Blast. Much to his chagrin, Phyphor selected Ki Blast as his #1 Trait and ObiFett chose it as his #2. No more fighters may be assigned the Ki Blast Trait, so jdarksun doesn't even get to try at it.

Having exhausted all his other options, jdarksun must participate in the tournament without a Trait.


1. ‘Defeating an enemy’: You will be considered to have defeated an enemy IF you reduce their HP to 0, OR if you dealt at least 25% of their health the same night they died. This means multiple people may be considered to have defeated one person.


Alien - Humans think that their Earth tournaments truly represent who is strongest? That's quaint. You're a pretty minor fighter on you home planet, but you think you can probably take these guys. Your strange physiology probably helps things out.
Benefit: The effects of Head Strikes and Leg Strikes on you are reversed. Additionally, because your have no vital organs in your torso, your Torso Blocks completely negate the effects of Torso Strikes.

Analyst - Although your physical abilities are nothing to sneeze at, your true power lies in your keen mind. You are easily able to discern your foes patterns and fighting styles. The longer you're in the fight, the more information you have to work with.
Benefit: Each night you may select a Fighter. You will receive a complete history of which offensive and defensive actions they have taken over the course of the tournament. After Day 5, you will be instantly able to discern their Trait.

Arrogant - You know you're going to dominate this tournament, as you have every other competition in your life. You've never let an opponent stay standing for more than two rounds, and frankly, you have no idea what you'd do if they did.
Benefit: Start with +1 STR, + 1 AGL, and + 8 HP. Lose 2 STR and 2 AGL when your HP falls below half.

Berserker - You're normally a careful and reserved fighter, but when you start to see red, there's no stopping you. Many opponents have thought you defeated, only to have their hopes, dreams, and noses broken moments later.
Benefit: The first time you are reduced to 0 HP, instead set your HP to 1. Then, become immune to damage for the remainder of the night and permanently gain +10 STR.

Bleeding Heart - Tournaments aren't about beating each other to a pulp. They're about testing friendships in the heat of battle! If you team up with a friend, no other single fighter can take you down!
Benefit: During character creation, choose another fighter. At the end of the game, your PP will be calculated based on either their final placing or yours, whichever is higher. You may use your defensive action to block for a different fighter.

Cannibal - You have focused your training not on enhancing your own abilities, but on stealing the skills of those who have fallen. If you are close enough to an unconscious opponent, you can take some of their essence, becoming stronger with no limit.
Benefit: Defeating an opponent causes you to acquire their Trait. You may have multiple Traits active at the same time. If any two Traits are incompatible, the newest Trait will override the older.

Illusionist - While your real body is actually quite frail, you have created a puppet fighter that does most of your combat for you. It does not feel pain. Your opponent's only hope is to aim for you directly.
Benefit: You are always considered to be blocking all parts of your body simultaneously. Your HP = 5, regardless of END.

"Just this once, let me go all out." - You have inherited a forbidden technique from your long deceased master. You swore you would never use it. But sometimes, in the heat of battle, your willpower is tested.
Benefit: Once per game, you may instantly reduce another fighter to 0 HP as your offensive action.

Ki Blast - Your ability to channel the inherent spiritual energy that surrounds every fighter allows you to outrange every other competitor.
Benefit: Every other night, you may channel a long-range ki attack. A blocked ki attack does cause the attacker to suffer retaliation damage.

Lithe - Your immense speed allows you to put devastating momentum behind your punches, even though you're really not that strong. You're not bulky enough to survive many hits either.
Benefit: Your strikes use AGL instead of STR to determine damage. Your HP is halved.

Poison Fist - You're not a bad fighter per se, but sometimes your opponents need a little... encouragement to stay down. You've hidden tiny needles up your sleeves. Even the briefest contact is enough to spell doom for your rivals, given enough time.
Benefit: Your strikes deal an additional 1 poison damage. Poison damage cannot be blocked, and recurs each subsequent night at your initiative order. Hitting an opponent multiple times can stack your poison damage (i.e. If you hit the same person twice, they would take 2 unblockable damage each subsequent night). This damage will persist after your defeat, and can score PP for you if it manages to defeat a fighter.

Shounen Protagonist - This tournament is really all about you. You're the strongest fighter in the world. You're leagues ahead of everyone else. You know this. Now it's time to prove it.
Benefit: *This Trait is limited to one fighter, as opposed to the regular two. In addition, if you submit your desire to be a Shounen Protagonist, you may not select a 2nd or 3rd backup Trait.*
A Shounen Protagonist gains an additional 7 points to spend on their stats. A Shounen Protagonist's vote is worth double that of a regular fighter.

Slow and Steady - You have won many tournaments in the past. Not because of your explosive strength or dizzying skill, but because of your patience, determination, and endurance. When all other fighters are dead on their feet, you're still raring to go another round.
Benefit: At the end of each night, heal for 20% of your max HP.

Star Punch - You've never faced an opponent who wasn't bigger, stronger, and meaner than you. That hasn't stopped you from having a flawless record.
Benefit: Each successful block gives you 1 Star Point. Spend 1 Star Point to increase the damage of one strike by 3.

Trickster - To you, this tournament is less about proving you're the strongest and more about messing with a bunch of meatheads.
Benefit: Forgo your defensive action to redirect another fighters offensive action, or your offensive action to redirect another fighter's defensive action. You get 1 extra PP for each person who incorrectly guesses your Trait on the Participant Exam.

Weighted Clothing - You have a secret. Your shirt? It weighs 50 pounds. Your shoes? 40 pounds each. Headband? 100 pounds. Your competitors haven't even begun to see your true potential.
Benefit: Each night you may choose to swap your STR and AGL stats. Each night that your STR stat is higher than your AGL stat, gain +1 END.

Wrestler - While most competitors have chosen to focus on punches or kicks, your style is focused around grapples and holds.
Benefit: Your grapple action cannot fail. Deal 1/2 STR damage (rounded down) on a successful grapple.

Each night all players may take an Offensive and a Defensive action.
Defensive actions are simultaneous among all fighters and precede Offensive actions.
Offensive actions resolve based on AGL.

Offensive Actions
Head Strike: Deals STR*3 damage to a target
Torso Strike: Deals STR*2 damage to a target
Leg Strike: Deals STR damage to a target, and reduces their AGL to 0 until the next night
Grapple: If the attacker’s STR is higher than the defender's AGL, prevents them from taking any actions the following night. Otherwise, no effect.

Defensive Actions
Head Block: Prevents effects of Head Strike and deals 2*AGL damage as a counterattack
Torso Block: Prevents AGL damage from Torso Strike
Leg Block: Prevents effects of Leg Strike and deals AGL damage as a counterattack

The Vote
Each day there will be a vote amongst participants about a fighter that may be cheating.
The fighter who wins the vote will be attacked by the referee. The referee has STR 20 and AGL 20. He always chooses to launch a Torso Strike.

Vote closes at 12:00 am EST. Failure to vote may result in expulsion from the tournament.

The Participant Exam
After the conclusion of the tournament, there will be an exam.
The number of questions on the exam is equal to the number of fighters in the tournament.
For each fighter, simply list the Trait that you believe they were assigned on Day 0 of the tournament.

All other rules about outside communication and game etiquette are the same as your standard Phalla.
Signups will end at some point in the next week and a half, probably.


Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
Sir Fabulous on


  • Sir FabulousSir Fabulous Malevolent Squid God Registered User regular
    edited March 2020
    Player List

    1. Burnage
    2. Bluecyan
    3. Grunt’s Ghosts
    4. AustinP0027
    5. Egos
    6. Discrider
    7. Jdarksun
    8. Shalmelo
    9. Wildcat
    10. Locus
    11. Gizzy
    12. Premium
    13. ObiFett
    14. JusticeforPluto
    15. Virgil_Leads_You
    16. Romantic Undead
    17. Lucedes
    18. Zombie Hero
    19. 38thDoe
    20. Arasaki

    and so on...

    Sir Fabulous on

    Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
  • BurnageBurnage Registered User regular
    :winky: :winky: :winky: :winky: :winky:

    !sign up

    :winky: :winky: :winky: :winky: :winky:

  • BluecyanBluecyan Buzz.. Buzz Buzz? BUZZ! Buzz buzz BuzzRegistered User regular
    Mara, the massive cycloptic fighter has entered the fray. Truly a monster among men.

  • Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    You all should just go home. I'd hate to hurt you amateurs with my God-Like skill and power.

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    edited February 2020
    Witty signup message

    AustinP0027 on
  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Dibs on the Seismic Toss Trait

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    I want to rock the very best, like no rock every was

  • shalmeloshalmelo sees no evil Registered User regular
    I am Rufus L Snide. I came here to drink bourbon and hand dudes their asses and I am damn near out of bourbon

    Steam ID: Shalmelo || LoL: melo2boogaloo || tweets
  • WildcatWildcat Registered User regular
    edited February 2020
    !You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin Temple.

    Wildcat on
  • LocusLocus Trust Me The seaRegistered User regular
    I know kung fu.

  • GizzyGizzy i am a cat PhoenixRegistered User regular

    Switch Animal Crossing Friend Code: SW-5107-9276-1030
    Island Name: Felinefine
  • premiumpremium Registered User regular
    Sign up

  • MamaWolfMamaWolf The wolf pack guides all to safetyRegistered User regular
    I'm not sure if I get it completely, but I'm willing to try new things! Hope you don't mind a lot of questions! haha Oh, I just can't resist!I'll fight in the honor of the wolf pack!

    "May the moon watch over you and keep you safe through the night, 'till the morning comes and MamaWolf can protect you through the day"
  • Sir FabulousSir Fabulous Malevolent Squid God Registered User regular
    I am aware the game is confusing and also I'm half making it up as I go along so yeah question are fine.


    Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    Sign up

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Here's where we hug all game

  • EgosEgos Registered User regular
    Is this starting soon-ish, Sir Fabulous? Or waiting for X number of players?

  • Sir FabulousSir Fabulous Malevolent Squid God Registered User regular
    I’ll ping people who played in the last 3 games but haven’t signed up yet, then wait another day or two. Probably have day 0 over the weekend.


    Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
  • DrezDrez Registered User regular
    This sounds really cool and I’d love to join but starting this weekend I’m going to be sporadically unavailable for a week or two due to turning 40 on Monday.

    I probably won’t be able to join as I don’t want to sign up and then be a dead beat phalla-er but I’ll keep my eye on the thread today and tomorrow.

    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
  • This content has been removed.

  • Virgil_Leads_YouVirgil_Leads_You Proud Father House GardenerRegistered User regular
    !sign up

  • JPantsJPants Registered User regular
    This looks fun but sadly right now is not a great time for me to be committing to playing a game. Too much RL stuff going on the next month.

  • ArasakiArasaki Registered User regular
    It depends when it starts up, so I'll put down for a tentative.

    I'm doing a 12 week module condensed down into a week, and sleeping about 3 hours a night. Phalla would not be good right now.

  • Romantic UndeadRomantic Undead Registered User regular
    Sure, I can make my PP Hard as a Rock for you!

    Sign up

    3DS FC: 1547-5210-6531
  • DrezDrez Registered User regular
    How many PP?

    Daddy have 2 PP.

    Someone better use that in the game.

    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
  • Sir FabulousSir Fabulous Malevolent Squid God Registered User regular

    I think it will start rolling next week. I imagined a playerbase somewhere in the 20s and it looks like we're going to hit that by the weekend.

    That said, despite the myriad rules, I don't think the time commitment is massive. Bare minimum is sending in an attack and a block every night.
    Do I think you'll win? No. Will you be the first one out? Probably. Are you going to want to put in even that much effort when you're doing dodeca-coursework each night? Almost certainly not.

    The choice is yours!


    Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
  • LucedesLucedes Registered User regular
    please be gentle

  • Zombie HeroZombie Hero Registered User regular

    Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
    Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
    3ds: 3282-2248-0453
  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    Cow Companion Bonus

    38thDoE on steam
  • ArasakiArasaki Registered User regular
    Sign up

    I should be able to finish this project by tomorrow, and write it up over the weekend so why not

  • CythraulCythraul Registered User regular
    I'm in the middle of packing my house for a move next week, no way I can give this any attention I'm afraid :/

    Confusion will be my epitaph
  • Sir FabulousSir Fabulous Malevolent Squid God Registered User regular
    A list of Traits will be posted tonight. Once that list is posted, Day 0 will begin. This is the time to create your fighters. Day 0 will end on Sunday night if all fighters have been created. Otherwise it will end on Monday night. Signups will still be accepted during this period, to an extent.


    1. ‘Defeating an enemy’: You will be considered to have defeated an enemy IF you reduce their HP to 0, OR if you dealt at least 25% of their health the same night they died. This means multiple people may be considered to have defeated one person.



    Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
  • Sir FabulousSir Fabulous Malevolent Squid God Registered User regular
    edited February 2020
    Rules have been added to the OP.

    Note also this important rule change:

    Power Points are distributed as follows:
    1. 2 PP for landing a finishing blow on another fighter


    Power Points are distributed as follows:
    1. 2 PP for defeating another fighter

    Sir Fabulous on

    Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
  • Sir FabulousSir Fabulous Malevolent Squid God Registered User regular
    edited February 2020
    Traits are posted below. Day 0 has officially started.
    You may talk among yourselves, if you so desire. Remember to include me in game related PMs!

    Reminder, unless otherwise stated, each trait may be selected by a maximum of two fighters!
    Illegal Traits are listed in red.


    Alien - Humans think that their Earth tournaments truly represent who is strongest? That's quaint. You're a pretty minor fighter on you home planet, but you think you can probably take these guys. Your strange physiology probably helps things out.
    Benefit: The effects of Head Strikes and Leg Strikes on you are reversed. Additionally, because your have no vital organs in your torso, your Torso Blocks completely negate the effects of Torso Strikes.

    Analyst - Although your physical abilities are nothing to sneeze at, your true power lies in your keen mind. You are easily able to discern your foes patterns and fighting styles. The longer you're in the fight, the more information you have to work with.
    Benefit: Each night you may select a Fighter. You will receive a complete history of which offensive and defensive actions they have taken over the course of the tournament. After Day 5, you will be instantly able to discern their Trait.

    Arrogant - You know you're going to dominate this tournament, as you have every other competition in your life. You've never let an opponent stay standing for more than two rounds, and frankly, you have no idea what you'd do if they did.
    Benefit: Start with +1 STR, + 1 AGL, and + 8 HP. Lose 2 STR and 2 AGL when your HP falls below half.

    Berserker - You're normally a careful and reserved fighter, but when you start to see red, there's no stopping you. Many opponents have thought you defeated, only to have their hopes, dreams, and noses broken moments later.
    Benefit: The first time you are reduced to 0 HP, instead set your HP to 1. Then, become immune to damage for the remainder of the night and permanently gain +10 STR.

    Bleeding Heart - Tournaments aren't about beating each other to a pulp. They're about testing friendships in the heat of battle! If you team up with a friend, no other single fighter can take you down!
    Benefit: During character creation, choose another fighter. At the end of the game, your PP will be calculated based on either their final placing or yours, whichever is higher. You may use your defensive action to block for a different fighter.

    Cannibal - You have focused your training not on enhancing your own abilities, but on stealing the skills of those who have fallen. If you are close enough to an unconscious opponent, you can take some of their essence, becoming stronger with no limit.
    Benefit: Defeating an opponent causes you to acquire their Trait. You may have multiple Traits active at the same time. If any two Traits are incompatible, the newest Trait will override the older.

    Illusionist - While your real body is actually quite frail, you have created a puppet fighter that does most of your combat for you. It does not feel pain. Your opponent's only hope is to aim for you directly.
    Benefit: You are always considered to be blocking all parts of your body simultaneously. Your HP = 5, regardless of END.

    "Just this once, let me go all out." - You have inherited a forbidden technique from your long deceased master. You swore you would never use it. But sometimes, in the heat of battle, your willpower is tested.
    Benefit: Once per game, you may instantly reduce another fighter to 0 HP as your offensive action.

    Ki Blast - Your ability to channel the inherent spiritual energy that surrounds every fighter allows you to outrange every other competitor.
    Benefit: Every other night, you may channel a long-range ki attack. A blocked ki attack does cause the attacker to suffer retaliation damage.

    Lithe - Your immense speed allows you to put devastating momentum behind your punches, even though you're really not that strong. You're not bulky enough to survive many hits either.
    Benefit: Your strikes use AGL instead of STR to determine damage. Your HP is halved.

    Poison Fist - You're not a bad fighter per se, but sometimes your opponents need a little... encouragement to stay down. You've hidden tiny needles up your sleeves. Even the briefest contact is enough to spell doom for your rivals, given enough time.
    Benefit: Your strikes deal an additional 1 poison damage. Poison damage cannot be blocked, and recurs each subsequent night at your initiative order. Hitting an opponent multiple times can stack your poison damage (i.e. If you hit the same person twice, they would take 2 unblockable damage each subsequent night). This damage will persist after your defeat, and can score PP for you if it manages to defeat a fighter.

    Shounen Protagonist - This tournament is really all about you. You're the strongest fighter in the world. You're leagues ahead of everyone else. You know this. Now it's time to prove it.
    Benefit: *This Trait is limited to one fighter, as opposed to the regular two. In addition, if you submit your desire to be a Shounen Protagonist, you may not select a 2nd or 3rd backup Trait.*
    A Shounen Protagonist gains an additional 7 points to spend on their stats. A Shounen Protagonist's vote is worth double that of a regular fighter.

    Slow and Steady - You have won many tournaments in the past. Not because of your explosive strength or dizzying skill, but because of your patience, determination, and endurance. When all other fighters are dead on their feet, you're still raring to go another round.
    Benefit: At the end of each night, heal for 20% of your max HP.

    Star Punch - You've never faced an opponent who wasn't bigger, stronger, and meaner than you. That hasn't stopped you from having a flawless record.
    Benefit: Each successful block gives you 1 Star Point. Spend 1 Star Point to increase the damage of one strike by 3.

    Trickster - To you, this tournament is less about proving you're the strongest and more about messing with a bunch of meatheads.
    Benefit: Forgo your defensive action to redirect another fighters offensive action, or your offensive action to redirect another fighter's defensive action. You get 1 extra PP for each person who incorrectly guesses your Trait on the Participant Exam.

    Weighted Clothing - You have a secret. Your shirt? It weighs 50 pounds. Your shoes? 40 pounds each. Headband? 100 pounds. Your competitors haven't even begun to see your true potential.
    Benefit: Each night you may choose to swap your STR and AGL stats. Each night that your STR stat is higher than your AGL stat, gain +1 END.

    Wrestler - While most competitors have chosen to focus on punches or kicks, your style is focused around grapples and holds.
    Benefit: Your grapple action cannot fail. Deal 1/2 STR damage (rounded down) on a successful grapple.

    Sir Fabulous on

    Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
  • BurnageBurnage Registered User regular
    @Sir Fabulous I just want to make sure I'm understanding the combat system here.
    Head Strike: Deals STR*3 damage to a target
    Torso Strike: Deals STR*2 damage to a target

    Head Block: Prevents effects of Head Strike and deals 2*AGL damage as a counterattack
    Torso Block: Prevents AGL damage from Torso Strike

    So, let's say somebody attacking me has 10 STR and I have 10 AGL. If I Torso Block, and my opponent Torso Strikes me, will I receive 10 damage (because I ignore the same number of damage as my AGL)? If I Head Block and they Head Strike, will all damage be ignored completely?

  • Sir FabulousSir Fabulous Malevolent Squid God Registered User regular
    Correct on both counts.


    Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
  • Sir FabulousSir Fabulous Malevolent Squid God Registered User regular
    edited February 2020
    One last note, for those wondering about what information will be public.

    I will provide a list at the beginning of the game of which Traits were selected and which Traits (if any) are absent from the game entirely.

    Each Narration will provide some very general information about how the night's combat went. Especially significant deaths may receive special attention (for example, a death caused by "Just this once, let me go all out"). Specific Traits tied to specific fighters will never be explicitly called out in Narration, nor will the Traits of defeated fighters be revealed.

    Each night you will receive a status PM notifying you of the results of your offensive and defensive actions. It will look somewhat similar to this:

    Last night you blocked your head. This prevented 2 attacks from landing!
    You still took 14 damage!

    You struck at [Burnage]'s Legs, dealing 4 points of damage.

    Sir Fabulous on

    Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    edited February 2020
    What is a Ki Blast?

    discrider on
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