same general. I started right during the monster hunter event and them having a rathlos/fatalis weapon for every class literally carried me up until i was able to start making the chimeratech stuff.
My understanding is to save the damascus bars for the 2nd tier high dragon trial weapons
Phraeganoth Omega is less of a pushover than recent omegas have been, which is nice. I cleared it on the first attempt and never felt in danger of dying, but at least the DPS check was tight (cleared with under 30 seconds left). And it looks like there are two Omega raids coming up -- "Omega Level 1" and "Omega Level 2". Glad they're adding more difficulty at the top end!
same general. I started right during the monster hunter event and them having a rathlos/fatalis weapon for every class literally carried me up until i was able to start making the chimeratech stuff.
My understanding is to save the damascus bars for the 2nd tier high dragon trial weapons
I actually manged to get all of the falchions. Shortly after I posted, I did some napkin math and realized that I could grind out 1 million fervor before the event ended by spamming the fight against Chrom repeatedly. So I did that. It was an obnoxious mix of auto-battles and spam tapping my screen, but I got a sunstone out of it so that's a win. I finished with maybe 15 minutes left on the clock. That update that got pushed 30 minutes before the event ended had me sweating bullets.
I don't understand a thing that you said though. Rathlos? Fatalis? Chimeratech? I don't think any of those were things when I quit around the time of the summer event last year. I logged on for halloween but only long enough to roll halloween mym.
I think Marth is my best unit. I'm still not sure if I'm going to get back into this game or not. Still kinda bummed out that I missed out on Gala Alex since I do not fancy my odds of ever getting her. This is from a "character that I like" perspective and not an esports one, although from what I've heard she's bonkers.
rathlos/fatalis are monster hunter dragons that were the bosses in a monster hunter crossover event they did and unlike most events that just give you 1-2 weapons (like falchion), that one let you buy weapons for each class, like this was a monster hunter game and we were crafting them from parts of each dragon. basically it just gave me 5* weapons right when i started that carried me for a long time.
Chimeratech is made from the Chimera bosses in the void battles section. They are stronger than the basic 5* craftable weapons and are way way way easier to farm and make. The chimera bosses are kind of pushovers and easy to co-op for if you aren't able to solo them immediately. There's currently fire, wind, and dark options available. If you scroll down in the crafting menu then they're all past the basic 3/4/5* section and void weapon section and have unique panels to distinguish them.
Marth is for sure strong, and yeah Galex is very good and I don't know what the odds on gala characters when they're not the focused gala are like, I assume it's just normal drop rates. The good news is shadow has a giant pile of busted strong adventurers so it's not like a giant loss if you have any of the other shadow units that you think are cool.
Chimeratech is made from the Chimera bosses in the void battles section. They are stronger than the basic 5* craftable weapons and are way way way easier to farm and make. The chimera bosses are kind of pushovers and easy to co-op for if you aren't able to solo them immediately. There's currently fire, wind, and dark options available. If you scroll down in the crafting menu then they're all past the basic 3/4/5* section and void weapon section and have unique panels to distinguish them.
So what I'm hearing is that the effort that I put into crafting Levatein, the basic 5* elemental fire sword, was wasted, and that I should just work on getting one of these chimeratech swords? At least I never unbound levatein since I didn't have enough bars to do it at the time.
3DS Friend Code:
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
KakodaimonosCode fondlerHelping the 1% get richerRegistered Userregular
No, Levatein is required to unlock the high dragon tier weapons, so it's not a complete waste.
Now that they’ve added the circus event to the compendium, I finally have all of the facilities. Would have been better a few months ago while I was still getting might hated out of Zodiark by a 20 some odd might... but I take what I can get.
ShadowfireVermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered Userregular
The circus going up to 35 is a pretty nice bonus for poor light teams.
Also, pour one out for our sword and dagger jumpy animations tonight.
so the new skill share thing seems pretty cool, in theory
but also it's roughly $5 to unlock a skill for everyone to use so i really don't care until i can see the rate events dole them out
(it's probably going to be stingy at first)
ShadowfireVermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered Userregular
so you can 50mc him and then grab his s1 for your light team
ShadowfireVermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered Userregular
The new Royal Regimen that was added this morning is something everyone playing has probably already completed and is worth 4000 wyrmite, 2 tenfold tickets, four adventurer tickets, and three dragon tickets. It's an absurd bonus.
Agito has been killing me and I can't seem to get over that hurdle. I generally try and play healers but that doesn't seem to work.
What is a good team/role for to beat it?
ShadowfireVermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered Userregular
You're not trying them solo are you? Unless your team is built out a ton, that's probably not going to work out. I can do sCeilla solo but I built a team specifically for it (Templar Hope, Sylas, Ranzal, Lowen) and they all have mub chimera weapons.
which Agito? healing for eKai and eCiella is weird in that it can be unnecessary with high enough DPS so a lot of groups are running all DPS comps for kai or 3dps+Tobias(w Freya to heal) for Ciella. I'd say for those you can find groups but it'll be easier if you're hosting the room that way people who are in for whatever will stay and people not into it will just leave instead of yelling at you to drop. Healing for eVolk (i have no idea about mVolk yet) very specifically wants halloween lowen
The new Royal Regimen that was added this morning is something everyone playing has probably already completed and is worth 4000 wyrmite, 2 tenfold tickets, four adventurer tickets, and three dragon tickets. It's an absurd bonus.
Took it all, dumped it into the Yurius/Forte banner, and now 7.5% pity rate. Took the dragon tickets, pulled out Agni, Pazuzu, and Sakuya so that's two dragons I MUB'd with stones a while ago. And not even going to think about using the adventurer tickets until they update the pool.
Free stuff is free but goddamn this pity rate is something else.
From the wiki, looks like it's a static 40/10 for normal/expert mats to level the flame tree. Considering that's about 360 normal mats I don't have, I'm happy to discover that I have enough stacked fire adventurers to put together a Standard Volk auto team.
eHMC just got a whole lot easier to solo. With the new AI changes, AI party members can survive all of HMC's moves -- including the waterfall, homing bubble, and aqueous prison. (Defensive buffs and/or life shields might be required; I was using Templar Hope and Grace, but you could probably get by with just one or the other.)
Warlock82Never pet a burning dogRegistered Userregular
edited May 2020
Compelling story with this new event...
(I understand the world is on fire and all, but did literally no one test this? Half the text strings are missing and it's riddled with typos)
ShadowfireVermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered Userregular
Also 6 free shadow tomes for everyone. Debating a few:
Patia: 15% STR, 25% DEF for the whole team. Very high SP cost!
Curran: Damage I don't care about, but a 5% DEF break is nice. SP cost isn't shabby. I'd have to buy a tome though which I'd probably do.
Cassandra: Damage I don't care about, but inflicts poison is nice, and the 5% max HP boost is pretty great. Inexpensive SP cost.
Too bad they're not flame tomes so I can unlock Pom Pom Pump. :P
I am liking how they are handling the event unit this time. He already comes at 5 stars, so you don't need to use eldwater to promote, and you can get his mana circles maxed out for essentially free. Hopefully they keep this system for all future event characters.
His kit isn't anything special but I appreciate it as someone who's only been playing 3-4 months that I never have to consider using my still limited eldwater supply on him.
All I know is I am as ready for a gala as I'll ever be. Especially with those added professor rewards
initiatefailure on
ShadowfireVermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered Userregular
I am liking how they are handling the event unit this time. He already comes at 5 stars, so you don't need to use eldwater to promote, and you can get his mana circles maxed out for essentially free. Hopefully they keep this system for all future event characters.
And you get extra wyrmite just for unlocking him with the materials they're already giving you.
Not gonna lie. I always thought that Leif was ultimately gonna be killed off. I viewed him as the respected mentor character and viewed that as a death sentence in regards to the usual story tropes.
3DS Friend Code:
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
ShadowfireVermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered Userregular
Not gonna lie. I always thought that Leif was ultimately gonna be killed off. I viewed him as the respected mentor character and viewed that as a death sentence in regards to the usual story tropes.
I just assumed that part of Patia's story would be Leif dying and her taking up the mantle.
Seriously, I thought that Harle was gonna kill Leif, perhaps as a roundabout result of some shortsighted rash decision on Patia's part, and that Patia would have to come to terms with the death and mature as a character before defeating Harle herself. Granted, I admittedly haven't gotten around to catching up on my missed story chapters and haven't read through Patia's character stories, but Leif is still alive so obviously that didn't happen.
do gatcha games kill off characters that you can play as?
For sure. Dragalia hasn't really, but a bunch of the more recent characters you could summon in Epic Seven are all dead in the story (Kawerik, Diene, Kise, Ruele, Vildred, and Sigret all come to mind immediately). Brave Exvius is straight up summoning dead people.
do gatcha games kill off characters that you can play as?
The question is whether or not they bother to think of an excuse to explain why you can keep playing as the character.
Sometimes they handwave some kinda excuse that your version of the character that you play with is not the "same" one depicted in the story. Example: In fire emblem heroes, they've got a multi-verse going on where you can use dead characters because the ones that you summon aren't from the canonical reality where they died. In Girls' Frontline, most of the units are mass produced androids and the ones depicted in the story are presumed to be different instances of the same model as the ones that you use yourself. However sometimes they just don't address the elephant in the room. Also in Girls' Frontline, the main cast are special one-of-kind prototypes that the story makes a point of highlighting that they both can't be replaced and that their robot minds can't be backed up. One of the story arcs features M16 defecting to the enemy. Yet you can keep using her and can even use her to fight the boss-enemy M16.
I guess in that case I imagine no one would think twice about it except for meme value? Because yeah, I had also been feeling based on story that lief was being set up to die as the non-playable but story important character that pushes us to victory kind of deal.
today I've been kind of frustrated that I finally felt comfortable enough with eCiella to be running 4DPS and now the PUB groups for it have dropped off the face of the world both in number of rooms and quality of groups. It didn't drop this hard in eKai. Come on people. I gotta make lief daddy a sword!
Unsure if I want to dip into my 24k, Wiki needs to update with the mod numbers so I can see if Yurius is worth it over Tiki or MH Sarisse
FFBE: 838,975,107
Dokkan: 1668363315
My understanding is to save the damascus bars for the 2nd tier high dragon trial weapons
I actually manged to get all of the falchions. Shortly after I posted, I did some napkin math and realized that I could grind out 1 million fervor before the event ended by spamming the fight against Chrom repeatedly. So I did that. It was an obnoxious mix of auto-battles and spam tapping my screen, but I got a sunstone out of it so that's a win. I finished with maybe 15 minutes left on the clock. That update that got pushed 30 minutes before the event ended had me sweating bullets.
I don't understand a thing that you said though. Rathlos? Fatalis? Chimeratech? I don't think any of those were things when I quit around the time of the summer event last year. I logged on for halloween but only long enough to roll halloween mym.
I think Marth is my best unit. I'm still not sure if I'm going to get back into this game or not. Still kinda bummed out that I missed out on Gala Alex since I do not fancy my odds of ever getting her. This is from a "character that I like" perspective and not an esports one, although from what I've heard she's bonkers.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Chimeratech is made from the Chimera bosses in the void battles section. They are stronger than the basic 5* craftable weapons and are way way way easier to farm and make. The chimera bosses are kind of pushovers and easy to co-op for if you aren't able to solo them immediately. There's currently fire, wind, and dark options available. If you scroll down in the crafting menu then they're all past the basic 3/4/5* section and void weapon section and have unique panels to distinguish them.
Marth is for sure strong, and yeah Galex is very good and I don't know what the odds on gala characters when they're not the focused gala are like, I assume it's just normal drop rates. The good news is shadow has a giant pile of busted strong adventurers so it's not like a giant loss if you have any of the other shadow units that you think are cool.
So what I'm hearing is that the effort that I put into crafting Levatein, the basic 5* elemental fire sword, was wasted, and that I should just work on getting one of these chimeratech swords? At least I never unbound levatein since I didn't have enough bars to do it at the time.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Also, pour one out for our sword and dagger jumpy animations tonight.
but also it's roughly $5 to unlock a skill for everyone to use so i really don't care until i can see the rate events dole them out
(it's probably going to be stingy at first)
Also every character has Ellisanne's strength buff which really lowers the usefulness of Emma, Chitose, and other units quite a bit.
so you can 50mc him and then grab his s1 for your light team
What is a good team/role for to beat it?
Took it all, dumped it into the Yurius/Forte banner, and now 7.5% pity rate. Took the dragon tickets, pulled out Agni, Pazuzu, and Sakuya so that's two dragons I MUB'd with stones a while ago. And not even going to think about using the adventurer tickets until they update the pool.
Free stuff is free but goddamn this pity rate is something else.
at 1.5m eldwater i feel no need to use them soon, but also... they will never update the adventurer pool.
at least i finally MUBed Long Long from the dragon tickets.
(I understand the world is on fire and all, but did literally no one test this? Half the text strings are missing and it's riddled with typos)
Patia: 15% STR, 25% DEF for the whole team. Very high SP cost!
Curran: Damage I don't care about, but a 5% DEF break is nice. SP cost isn't shabby. I'd have to buy a tome though which I'd probably do.
Cassandra: Damage I don't care about, but inflicts poison is nice, and the 5% max HP boost is pretty great. Inexpensive SP cost.
Too bad they're not flame tomes so I can unlock Pom Pom Pump. :P
Event characters are also on the banner which... sure. If I'm gonna roll for them, I'd rather they be on the rate up.
All I know is I am as ready for a gala as I'll ever be. Especially with those added professor rewards
And you get extra wyrmite just for unlocking him with the materials they're already giving you.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
I figured that would be Valyx.
Seriously, I thought that Harle was gonna kill Leif, perhaps as a roundabout result of some shortsighted rash decision on Patia's part, and that Patia would have to come to terms with the death and mature as a character before defeating Harle herself. Granted, I admittedly haven't gotten around to catching up on my missed story chapters and haven't read through Patia's character stories, but Leif is still alive so obviously that didn't happen.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
For sure. Dragalia hasn't really, but a bunch of the more recent characters you could summon in Epic Seven are all dead in the story (Kawerik, Diene, Kise, Ruele, Vildred, and Sigret all come to mind immediately). Brave Exvius is straight up summoning dead people.
The question is whether or not they bother to think of an excuse to explain why you can keep playing as the character.
Sometimes they handwave some kinda excuse that your version of the character that you play with is not the "same" one depicted in the story. Example: In fire emblem heroes, they've got a multi-verse going on where you can use dead characters because the ones that you summon aren't from the canonical reality where they died. In Girls' Frontline, most of the units are mass produced androids and the ones depicted in the story are presumed to be different instances of the same model as the ones that you use yourself. However sometimes they just don't address the elephant in the room. Also in Girls' Frontline, the main cast are special one-of-kind prototypes that the story makes a point of highlighting that they both can't be replaced and that their robot minds can't be backed up. One of the story arcs features M16 defecting to the enemy. Yet you can keep using her and can even use her to fight the boss-enemy M16.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
today I've been kind of frustrated that I finally felt comfortable enough with eCiella to be running 4DPS and now the PUB groups for it have dropped off the face of the world both in number of rooms and quality of groups. It didn't drop this hard in eKai. Come on people. I gotta make lief daddy a sword!