So, hullo to all you fine folk here.
I'm interested in getting my feet properly wet with DMing (A terrible, terrible mistake i know), and i'd like to do so via running a game of Costume Fairy Adventures.
So what is costume fairy adventures? Let's just quote the book:
This is a game about fairies. In costumes. Having adventures.
(Fairies are not good at creative titles.)
Right, well that cannot possibly go wrong, i'm sure everything will be fine. In other-words, it's a pretty light heated game about fairies getting up to all sorts of shenanigans and probably causing more problems than they solved.
It's the sort of game where your character dying is a: very likely and b: not a big problem - Fairies will either forget they're dead or get bored of being dead in short order. It's also the sort of game where the rulebook explicitly encourages you to use your best stat for everything, no matter how wildly inappropriate it is (and i as the GM am encouraged to note how things have gotten More On Fire since). Also if things get too peaceful, i can summon Gnihilistic Gnomes to oppose the party, and they explode if you make them feel positive emotions.
Also you get to put on costumes and get powers for them, like the mysterious Squid Hat, or the dashing Star Captain's Uniform.
If you've never heard of the game before, you can get a copy of it via the’s Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. Which you know, super cheap, Very Good Cause.
Rather than playing a campaign i make up, i'm going to use one of the published adventures - The Great Pie Carper. In which our Heros(?) have been invited by 3 different humans to a fantasy medieval-era pie eating competition... each of whom seeks to win the heart of the baker that's currently up to her ears trying to make pies for the competition.
This definitely, 110% cannot possibly go wrong right?
It's worth noting that the Great Pie Carper is not intended to be a long form campaign - it's something we could get done in a couple of afternoons of discord, or similar. Which would be my preferred way to do things - we set up a discord for this, sort out some sort of dice bot for it, find a time that suits everyone and have a rollicking good time. The game ideally wants 2-6 players, +gm. I'm going to say i'd prefer 3-4, simply because as said: I'm new to DMing, and i'm going to need support! I'm open to other suggestions, but voice chat seems best for the sort of free form playing off one another this game wants.
If it's a hit, there's other published campaigns i own we can have a go at - One involves a classic dungeon crawl, just... with fairies, the other involves lawyers. Faries being lawyers. Also ski corgis and the murder of the head sky corgi wrangler (She's a fairy, so she's fine).
If you're interested, post here! If you've got the core book, feel free to roll up a character and share them as well, and let me know what sort of times work for you (I live in NZ - GMT +12, but have no work, so i'm very flexible on timing)
Hope to cause some chaos with you all soon!
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
Certainly, I've seen people talking to the devs on their official tumblr about issues with sharing it related to file size, and the devs haven't said that's an issue). I know i can reproduce the costume deck for everyone.
Hopefully we get a few more signups - dont be scared people! Come and join in.
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
Buuuuutttt... This game does thoughtfully take into account various styles of gaming (live/chat/forum) in its rules, and the handling of Breaks for players who haven't been been active lately is clever and really novel.
I did whip up a character; the actual rules are really simple! If anyone would like some assistance in discussing the rules/character creation, I think I can help.
Player: Bursar
Name: Lemonly
Kind: Brownie
Eyes: Green
Hair: Curly Black
Moxie: 1
Focus: 2
Craft: 4
Grace: 3
Shine: 2
Flight: You can fly with reasonable grace.
Instant Wardrobe: You have an easier time with Costume magic than most fae. Where others need a full change of clothes to take on a new role, you can just quickly swap out a few accessories. You do not need a Break to change Costumes, and can do so any time you’re not actively rolling for a test or contest. You can still use the regular Quick Change rules – paying the usual 1 M cost – if you need to change Costumes mid-roll.
Stress Limit: 10
Low Moxie: Lazy
High Craft: Know-it-All
Player Notes:
Lemonly is reasonably intelligent, or has at least convinced herself that she is. She prefers working with her hands and wits, though that's probably because her own magical affinity is pretty low.
The stats are using the standard array from the rules. I rolled up the Quirks randomly, but I think they'll work well together to create a spirit of helpful annoyance.
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
@Lord Palington It does look like timezones will be tricky, but that's okay. Worse comes to the worse, we can switch to PbP - the rule book is flexible on these things as Bursar notes! If we can get a couple more players, i think we'll be good to kick off - i'd like at least 3, and four seems like a great number. We'll make it work - this is a chance for me to get my feet wet, and everyone else try out a very fun TTRPG, so i think it's okay that things are a bit up in the air you know?
For myself i'm currently going through the rule book and making sure i understand everything
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
I'm local with a somewhat open schedule but no rp experience outside pbp
The fact that you're involved in a pie eating competition is a middling detail, you're a Serious Fairy dammit. The wacky will happen in the background, but you're here to get things done. (Also, mechincally in the game winning a contest gives you narration rights, so you can be as serious as you want when you win rolls. It'll just make for a funnier contrast)
@Bursar @Lord Palington - Would jus doing this as PbP be easier for you both? My thoughts would be if someone dosent post in a 24 hour peroid, we say they're on a break - otherwise people can post as they want to describe what's going on/waht they're trying to do, use the dice bot when they need to make a roll, and if they win it (and it's not a contest), they can post again immediately to describe the outcome, given the narration rights.
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
Here's how i'm thinking to handle it: If you dont post for 24 hours, just assume you're on a Break as per rules. If you need to roll for something, roll it - if it's not a contest and you win the result, go ahead and post what happens. If it is a contest, wait for me to roll in return (or i'll declare that i'm challenging one of you as part of things!). Keep a total of your magic points in your post - that should save us all book keeping. (everyone starts with 3, you gain one for every 6 you roll, you spend them on costume abilities, to get an extra die to roll, or for Wishful thinking). Likewise, i'll track my trouble dice in posts.
Once everyone has a character ready, we'll roll up everyone's starting costumes - are people okay if i roll em up for you? You'll have a chance to veto any you dont like as per the rules.
Anyone who's reading this who'd like to jump in: Please feel free to roll up a character. If you need a copy of the rules, get in touch with me, and we'll figure something out. Once we actually start, if you'd like to jump in, please message me.
Interms of what we're acutally going to do, let me just quote from the playset:
"Three humans have made the drastic error of inviting you and your fairy friends to interfere with the annual pie-eating contest, hoping to secure their own victory and win the heart of the fair baker.
They’ll learn the hard way that fairies honor the letter and not the spirit of humans’ requests, but not before you’ve brightened up the festival with pranks, shenanigans and general mayhem".
Said fair baker is Mae, and she's up to her ears in pies not to mention behind schedule on making said pies for the contest, so this is clearly a GREAT time for each of these humans to declare their love for her. What could possibly go wrong?
In the process, you'll be completing Shennagins. think of these like achievements... if achievements were fairy bargains. You'll always know what the main ones are, you'll be able to find out any side ones by talking to npcs in teh area. And, you are of course free to create ones on the fly - maybe Rose Carter will enlist you to OVERTHROW THE MAYOR, or the truth behind two of the rivals ridiculous rivalry. I'm sure the fairies can resolve whatever mystery that is, right? As you knock these off, it'll progress the game and lead towards some sort of conclusion.
In general, the rules for this playset assume that 2-3 successful roles (For any vague solution that sort of fits) or a single successful use of wishful thinking will let you solve an optional shenanigan. Core ones are going to be a bit more stringent, since you'll actually need to resolve the situation at hand.
In otherwords: Go hog wild. Feel free to run off in separate directions ,and solve as many as you can! Or team up and definitely not make things worse at all because fairies are like cats.
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
Alright, not really feeling the elvish style right now so I'm back to leaning goblin, though I doubt the end result would be super-close to what I described above, especially with the costume mechanism in play. I'll borrow Bursar's formatting for consistency:
Player: Maclay
Name: Thistle
Kind: Goblin
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Silver, short, messy
Moxie: 3
Focus: 4
Craft: 2
Grace: 2
Shine: 1
Agility: You can’t fly, but you can scuttle up walls and even across ceilings like a spider, squeeze through tiny gaps, and leap great distances.
Keen Senses: All of your senses are just as acute and discerning as your eyesight. You can navigate a dark room by touch, sense a human’s mood by scent, or even read a book by taste (but don’t, because it’s gross). You may count this Power as a bonus Quirk that stacks with your Personal Quirks on any roll. In addition, Surprise Attacks don’t count as Surprise Attacks against you.
Stress Limit: 10
Magic Points: 3
Low Shine: Insecure
High Focus: Sneaky
Player Notes:
Thistle wants you to think she's really cool, all broody and lowering her voice a few octaves, trying to disappear when you turn your back for a few seconds, but she feels like she's lacking that special something that so many others seem to have - also the flying, flying looks real fun and cool.
Let me know if I'm missing anything important
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
Name: Price
Kind: Elf
Eyes: Emerald
Hair: Silver and gold braids, weaved in intricate patterns
Moxie: 3
Focus: 2
Craft: 1
Grace: 4
Shine: 2
Twinkle Toes: You can walk on air as though it were solid ground. When you use this Power, your footsteps emit puffs of sparkles and a noise like tiny bells.
Protagonist Syndrome: It’s strangely difficult to upstage you or make you look foolish. You always have perfect dramatic lighting, and getting dirty or beat up just makes you look dashing or lends you a rough dignity, whichever best suits your idiom. You get +1 edge against any opponent who has at least +1 edge against you.
Stress Limit: 10
Low Craft: Impulsive
High Grace: Sophisticated
Player Notes: Price wants to make sure everyone around him knows that he knows big words. He's less worried about using them correctly, because really, who would know what they actually mean? And if he's the one that knows the most and biggest words, then whatever plan he makes (or makes up as he goes) has to be smart, right?
I'm good with you rolling up starting costumes.
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
“Kazbang!”, a voice shouts—that’s lightning striking.
The Terrible One appears in a puff of smoke. They cough and wave it away.
Player: Endless_Serpents
Name: Nefari
Kind: Goblin
Eyes: Red
Hair: White, long, straight
Moxie: 2
Focus: 2
Craft: 3
Grace: 1
Shine: 4
Agility: You can’t fly, but you can scuttle up walls and even across ceilings like a spider, squeeze through tiny gaps, and leap great distances.
Keen Senses: All of your senses are just as acute and discerning as your eyesight. You can navigate a dark room by touch, sense a human’s mood by scent, or even read a book by taste (but don’t, because it’s gross). You may count this Power as a bonus Quirk that stacks with your Personal Quirks on any roll. In addition, Surprise Attacks don’t count as Surprise Attacks against you.
Stress Limit: 10
Magic Points: 3
Low Shine: Schemer
High Focus: Creepy
Player Notes:
Wearing black lipstick and laughing villainously is cool, right? What if you did a crime... and got away with it?! All the best costumes are for baddies, everyone knows it!
Is that right?
For looks I’m thinking they’ve got blue skin too, and much shorter than everyone, even for a fairy.
@Endless_Serpents your starting costumes as the Tramps Rags (#354), Bee Suit (#124), and Devil Corset (#154) (...I think i know which you'll be starting in!)
@Lord Palington Your starting costumes are the Stripey Scarf (#341), Ruffled Tunic (#311) and Football Uniform (#211)
@Bursar your starting costumes are the Stylish Tux (#342), Nun's Habitat (#246), and Clockwork Couture (146)
@Maclay your starting costumes are the Robe and Wizard hat (#266), Cape and Tights (#133) and Valkyrie Armor (#356)
Please feel free at this point to discard any of these and re-roll for costumes. Use 3d6, and treat the first die as if it was a d3 (So 1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3). Please note you cant have a costume someone else is already wearing, or any of the below costumes - if you land on one of those, you'll need to reroll it. Also, you're stuck with whagever you reroll! Faeries dont have That much time to fuss around on costumes. Go ahead and do this somewhere off forum - i trust you all, and if you happen to end up with somehow extra fititng costumes, i'm not going to judge too hard =P
Please note, the following costumes are unavailable (they're "hidden" throughout the adventure) - Chef's Smock (#136), Gothic Dress (#215), Maid's Uniform (#236), and Pot Lid Armor (#262).
For rolls here we'll be using geth - Good ol robo moderator themselves. You can get geth to make a roll via the format of (Geth) (roll) (1d6) (for whatever) - just remove the brackets.
So i could go geth roll 3d6 for costume
Once you've all got your costumes sorted (make sure to choose which one you're starting in!), i'll post the intro and some quick details on the cast (Your fairies have picked up SOMETHING about their neighbors. Probably...) and we'll be away! Dont stress about posting - it'd be nice if you can all post 1/day or more, but if you cant... that's cool! This game is very flexible, and if a fairy mysteriously vanishes, it can just be assumed they got bored and wandered off somewhere else - You can rejoin what's going on at any time!
For now though, here's the 3 requests that have summoned your 'helpful' Fairies to the Village on this day, found in the woods you all live in, a not even a day's walk from this humble village...
These core shenanigans are in effect the entire time until they're completed - It doesnt matter where you are in the village, as long as you can justify how what you're doing helps advance these, you can make progress on them.
You found the following note strapped to a side of bacon hung halfway up a tree:
“Dear Fairies, that bastard Bill Harvey has almost won my beloved Mae over, and I can’t have that. Stop him from winning tomorrow’s pie-eating contest, and you’ll have enough sausages for a year.”
Core Shennagin: Burn His Wick (10 Motes) Ensure that the candlestick maker Bill Harvey does not win the pie-eating competition, by any means necessary.
You found the following note tied to a burning scented candle in a beautiful brass candlestick hastily mounted on a road sign:
“Dear Fair Folk, I have almost won the heart of my beloved Mae, but that awful John Thompson is always getting in the way. Make sure he doesn’t win tomorrow’s pie-eating contest, and your lairs will not be dark for a year.”
Core Shennagin: Spoil His Meat (10 Motes) Ensure that the butcher John Thompson does not win the pie-eating competition, by any means necessary.
You found the following note in the hands of an exquisitely dressed doll seated serenely in the middle of a fairy stone circle:
“Noble Fair Ones, I want to tell my beloved Mae how I feel, but I can never get a moment alone with her. Can you arrange for us to have some time to speak tomorrow, without those oafs Bill and John or all the stress of the pie competition? If you can, you’ll have dresses for a year. Yours, Tanya Barrington.”
Core Shennagin: Playing at Cupid (10 Motes) Arrange for the tailor Tanya Barrington to have some peaceful time alone with the baker Mae Honeydew, the busiest woman in the village, on the day of the pie-eating competition.
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
Geth roll 3d6 for costume
Geth roll 1d6 1d6 1d6
Okay, cool, the Xd6 format works fine. We only need D6s for this!
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
“Dresses for a year? All for a moment alone with her?... She didn’t say it had to go well...”
Nefari rubs their hands together, then sneaks off in an exaggerated manner. It’s broad daylight and she doesn’t actually hide so much as prance off around a corner. No one was watching to start with, anyway.
“It is time... for crimes!”
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
Sweet, i apologize for being thick then =D
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
Unfortunately, Lemonly doesn't find any Xs or Qs in the notes left behind by the Big Folk, which is most rude of them. However, one detail has not escaped her notice: an invitation to a pie-eating contest! It sounds like a fancy dinner party, but dispensing with all the boring meat-and-veggies stuff and getting right to the best part of dinner--dessert!
She changes into her most dinner party-worthy costume (the Clockwork Couture, which is specifically Dapper) and meanders in the direction of town.
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
So, some bookeeping first: You all start with 3 magic dice. Whenver you roll a 6, you'll gain a magic dice - i'm assuming you've all read what you can do with them! Please keep a running total in each of your posts. Keeping a running total of candy as your magic points (and eating it when you use them up) is not mandatory, but highly encouraged.
I, meanwhile, start with 4 trouble dice.
Trouble dice are my liscene to screw with you all, basically - i can use them to give npc more dice to roll, summon NPCs, Invoke quirks against you (Given the diffuclty of doing this in PbP, i'll warn you ahead of time when i've done it. Do note if this reduces your dice to 0, you automatically fail the roll). Add complications ("Yes, but..."), or if i'm feeling particularly vindinctive/bored/trollish, Summon Disaster. Or i can just drop ninjas on you (Gnomish ninjas.)
For the record: I'm not your opponent here - this is just my licence to screw with you all in the finest fairy fashion. Roll less sixes, and i'll have less trouble dice!
With that out of the way, let's get this show on the road
Penguin's trouble dice: 4
Today's the day, the bestest day of all as far as fairies are concerned: The PIE EATING CONTEST. And some damn fool mortals have invited you all. Moving as a pack, you quickly find yourselves in the town square, the heart of the contest! It's buzzing with people, and five long tables have been setup north of the statue of the town's founder, Miranda Clegg.
You can see a number of bigfolk standing around. One looks to be a female shepherd (A very, very bulky shepard with a suspiciously horrifying aura of competence), a blacksmith (indeed, the platonic ideal of a blacksmith!), a thin young woman (Who's staring off in the direction of the bakery), an imposing but jovial looking gentleman, and a much smaller and considerably more fashionable gentleman (Who also seems to be looking whistfully... at the bar). Most of them keeping a wary eye on both the pies that have been delivered... and on each other. Things seem tense!
The town square has the quirks of: Centre of Attention, So Many Pies, Highly Scroungeable
So, other than probably try and steal some pies: Whatcha gonna do, folks?
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
Lemonly oh-so-casually flies into conversation range with the more fashionable gentleman and delivers a tasteful fist bump before barraging him with questions and helpful pie trivia.
"Hello there! Did you happen to see where the appetizer pies are laid out? I didn't see any signs telling us which end of the table to start from. Were we supposed to bring our own plates? Or maybe each pie is a whole dinner altogether, like a slice of salad, a slice of soup, a slice of entree, a slice of dessert, and a slice of apertif? That's a lot of different slices under one roof! Would you still use the same fork to eat all the different course slices, even if they all come from the same pie? That sounds unsanitary; I hope there are a lot of spares. Are you supposed to tip the waiters here, or does this town pay its workers a living wage? Did you know that it's called a 'pie' because if you rolled it on its edge along the ground, it can roll 3.14 full rotations before it's considered too dirty to eat? They figured that out a long time ago. Some old guy called Thagorus discovered it. He made huge strides in bakery math in the ancient times. Old Pie Thagorus, they called him. A lot of people get that wrong!
"Hi, I'm Lemonly!"
She smiles winningly at the man's slightly bug-eyed expression.
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
"So everyone has the plan down, no questions?"
Price slams a small wooden twig against the flatish rock that sports a series of X's, O's, and arrows. The other fairies had already wandered off some time ago. He nods and slams his helmet into place and checks that the various pads are secure around his uniform. His braids spilled out from under the back of his helmet, obscuring the name PRICE written across his back, but not the number 9 (if 3 was the magic number, then three threes had to be way better!).
He sprang into action, his cleats pinging off the empty air beneath them, little sparks and fireworks tracing his path to the shepherd. He was bulky, she was bulky, he was frighteningly competent, she was horrifyingly competent, what could go wrong?
"You seem like you know what you're doing, a real competitor head on your shoulders. You'll want Price on your team for this feudalism."
“I’m very evil”, says Nefari as they lay sideways in a tree. Nefari lifts one leg straight (a very evil pose) to say, “But I think I’ll help you out today, charitably, just to be kind.”
“Looks to me like there’s love in the air. Tell me what you need wonderful, clever woman and I’m sure I can see it come to pass, no strings attached.”
Then Nefari slowly, clumsily gets down from the tree. They take a deep breath. This corset is a nightmare, honestly.
Thistle scampers up the side of a building to get a better look at the area. "This would look so much cooler on a dark, rainy night." She says to herself.
The big folk move about below, equal parts plotting against each other and giving in to the innate and overwhelming need to consume. The scent of a dozen different over-sugared baked goods wafting through the masses and up into the rooftops.
The rewards on offer this day are of varying quality, what need the manifestation of darkness with candles? But she is not alone, perhaps her companions are in need of lighter fare. Lighter. Bit of a stretch, save it for later. The plan is clear, well-charted, thorough and detailed, with all the detail of a professional h-and for some reason a growing desire for pecan. She falls behind, her allies already moving to target noted individuals. No doubt each in possession of some dark seed lurking within that need be met by the swift hand of... "Darn it there's work to be done. Who's left?"
Thistle's eyes fall on the blacksmith: A little too blacksmithy for her liking. Up to something. An enemy hiding in plain sight? Her nose pulls her away as she realises that the jovial gentleman is close to some delicious pecan pie and skitters her way to meet him.
Coming up behind him, hoping to catch him off-guard, "Are you enjoying the PIE sir? After all, what other reason to be here if not for the delicious pie?" She climbs up on a table to confront him. "Certainly there is no VILLAINY afoot, yes?"
Penguins Trouble Dice: 4
Lemonly, the gentleman you've accosted is briefly startled, but his eyes stop being so buggish after a moment and he becomes pleased, leaning in to talk to you. "You got my request, i see. I'm William, the candlestick Artisan!" (Or rather, he wants to be called William. everyone calls him Bill.) "We're not allowed to eat the pies until the competition kicks off, but if you help me deal wit that awful John, i'm sure we can arrange for Pie." He sighs for a moment. "Right now though, i'm desperate for a drink. A man should not eat pie on an empty liver. But contesants are barred from the Rose Gables before the pie-off". He shoots a dirty glare at the smith. "Smithee claims it's tradition. I think he's just trying to get back at me over that metal deal"
Lemonly your innate fairy senses mean you (And the other fairies) now know the following about Bill Harvey
((Fairies always know exactly WHAT sort of mischief they could cause! Again, feel free to suggest or invent your own Shennagins if you think of something fun - i'll tell you how many motes you'll get. Motes are just score/difficulty - You all get the motes when you "win" a shenanigan. 1 mote shennagins can be cleared without a role, 2 motes should take a roll, 5 should take you approx 3 or a useful of wishful thinking, 10 should take 5+ rolls, or a couple of rolls to prime things before you use wishful thinking, and 15 is going to take a whole lot to get done. Good luck!))
Bill Harvery,
Candlestick Artisan, Didn’t Plan on Being Sober.
[*] Quirks: Too Slick for This Town, Better When I’m Tipsy
[*] Ability: Infuriatingly Slick: Inflicts +1 stress when using Shine in contests.
Side Shennagins:
[*] Enabler (5 Motes): Deliver Bill a copy of the key to John’s house
[*] Guilty Conscience (5 Motes): Trick Bill into thinking he’s under investigation by the Imperial Tax Service.
Price, you're met with a low chuckle. "Thank you little fellow, but i'm sure i'll be just fine. I'll tell you who could really use some help though - poor Bills's not had a drink." she shakes her said in a mockingly sad way. "Poor, poor fellow. He could really use someone as capable as you on his side!"
Price, your innate SPORTY fairy senses mean you've picked up the following about Allison Carter (again, the other fairies have picked this up too.!)
Allison Carter
Shepherd/Ranger Multiclass, Pie-eating Challenger
[*] Quirks: Hero’s Destiny, Ready for Your Shenanigans, Knows the Land
[*] Ability: So Close yet So Far: Allison wins ties.
Side shennagins:
[*] Mandate of the fields (1 Mote per order; max. 5 Motes): Convey fabricated “suggestions” from Allison to Rose, Jack and the Mayor. Bonus: Actually getting someone to follow through counts as an extra minor (2 Mote) Shenanigan. (You havent met any of Jack, Rose or the Mayor yet - assume for now you all realize that there are improtnat people in the village who Allison holds sway over)
[*] Get Carter (15 motes): Successfully prank Allison.
For your part, Neferi, the thin young woman looks delighted, and quickly steps closer to the tree. "You got my request!" she says breathlessly, vibrating with excitement and/or romance slightly. "Please, please! I must win the heart of my beloved Mary, it just has to be today!." after a moment she pauses and realizes that she's forgotten small, but important details. "I'm Tanya! Please! We just have to save Mae from the stress of all this... thissness! and those tow oafs!" She gestures widely at the pie competition, before pointing at what must be BIll and John. She is of course completely ignoring that by participating in the competition, she is implicitly adding to the stress of it.
Neferis innate fairy senses kick in! Devilishly accurate information gained!
Tanya Barrington
Expert Tailor, Incurable Romantic
[*] Quirks: Overactive Imagination, Overactive Metabolism
[*] Hasn’t Quit Her Day Job: Tanya can quickly repair a Costume lost to Stressing Out if asked. I'll gain 3 Trouble dice each time any of you take this option.
[*] Professional Advantage: If Tanya inflicts stress on a fairy in a contest, she may spend 1 trouble die to force the fairy to discard her current Costume instead
Side Shennagins:
[*] Playing the Field (5 Motes): Send Tanya on a date with any woman other than Mae.
[*] Very Big Sister (5 Motes): Convince Tanya to join you in cosplay
The jovial gentleman is like anyone confronted by a suddenly superheroic (...not that late medieval fantasy villagers know what a super hero is!) fairy in his face, mildly startled. His startlement drops when he realizes you must be here to answer his request "The villainy afoot is that bastard Bill trying to win the heart of my beloved! And break the rules to get a drink! And win the competition!" You get the distinct impression that he'd be roaring, if it wouldn't draw undue attention. "I'm John, Butcher! I meant every word of my offer to you fine folk." He extends one meaty hand to shake
Thistle's cunningly investigative Private eye skills have also kicked in, yielding an imaginary dossier full of sordid details!
John Thompson
Veteran Butcher, Doesn’t Think Things Through
[*] Quirks: Pointlessly Competitive, Ruthless Efficiency
[*] Abilities: Clear, Simple and Wrong: +1 edge when taking action detrimental to his own goals.
Side Shennagins:
[*] Leverage (5 Motes): Steal Bill Harvey’s most prized possession and deliver it to John.
[*] Puppies Before Paramours (5 Motes): Arrange for John to adopt a pet.
Youv'e all also realized some ways the town square could be made more fantastic:
Side Shennagins:
Historical Revisionism (5 Motes) Turn Miranda Clegg (the statue of the town's founder) into a fairy.
Pointless Competitiveness (5 Motes) Hold an impromptu no-holds-barred race around the outside of the square. Go! Special: The winner gains 3 magic points.
As a reminder, the Village Square has the quirks of Centre of Attention, So Many Pies, Highly Scroungeable
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
Nefari doesn’t have a plan, really, and hasn’t a clue what they’re doing. They look great doing it though.
[OOC: I’m going to look through the rules again after work and I’ll do a proper post then.]
Lemonly nods sagely to Bill. "You always should have a good drink handy when you're eating. It can help you if you start choking. In fact, I'd say it's downright dangerous not to have something to wet your whistle! WHAT KIND OF DEATHTRAP ARE YOU PEOPLE RUNNING HERE?!" This last part is yelled at a surprisingly high volume, causing many onlookers to turn in surprise momentarily, then look away nervously rather than get involved with whatever trouble the chandler has gotten himself into.
Lemonly visibly reins it in, then buzzes closer conspiratorially. "Speaking of deathtraps, Billy, which one of you is John? And more importantly, how do you win a pie-eating contest?"
[ OOC: I propose the following Shenanigan, for funsies:
Candleman, Candleman (1 Mote): Get William to say his own name five times ]
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
(OOC: Approved! No need for a roll, just narrate it out!)
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
Thistle stares suspiciously at the butcher's hand, brings her head close and inhales deeply. "Ahhh, the stench of death. Do you slay the beasts yourself or task others with that duty? Does the hunter hate the rabbit? Does the butcher despise the swine? I'm sure they are much loved after a time on the spit. No matter." She turns to face the crowd. "The candle still burns... Shall I snuff it out? Mayhaps. She has your heart, but what have you of her? Would she truly appreciate the companionship of one with so much blood on his hands? Is she in possession of any cute, fuzzy little critters of her own? What does she see when she looks upon you, Provider of Meat?" Thistle turns back to him one last time. "Be better for her. Because while I intend to remove one obstacle from your path, you might remain one yourself." She suddenly looks to her left dramatically, before darting under a table to her right.
(OOC: Thistle is trying to influence him, one way or another. I was aiming for intimidation (I'd argue Moxie), but I don't think I have any quirks I can apply right now and this is presumably a contest. I guess I'll spend a magic so I at least have two dice. Otherwise I suppose it must be time to start rolling some dice)
Geth roll 2d6 for Intimidation (3?)
Seeing that Thistle has dramatically exited her conversation with John, Lemonly sees a chance to score some more information.
"Worry not, Wilma, I'm just off to do some oppo research. That's short for 'opposition,' you know, which is short for 'opposing position,' see, because he's on the other side of you in this. Unless there are more than the two of you in this contest, in which case he'd only really be on the opposite side if there are an even number of sides and you're sitting directly across from each other. Which, for the sake of this exercise, you should try to do to make it easier on all of us. Byeeeeee!"
Without waiting for a response from William, Lemonly is already making her way over to where the butcher is standing.
The brownie performs an odd little dance with John's hand: she slaps his thumb with her left hand, then her right, then does a backflip in midair and gives him a double-blast of fingerguns. "Hey!"
"Hi, John! I know who you are. People say things. Things like, 'That's John, over there.' Never mind why. Anyway, I have a question for you, but like the mythical hydra this question has many heads, and when I say 'many' in this case I mean 'two.'
"First head! Are you willing to do what must be done to win this pie-eating contest?
"Second head! What do you have to do to win this pie-eating contest?"
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
“After that I have another plan (they do not have another plan) that’ll get you together right quick! Trust me, I’m evil, evil is very good at plans.”
Playing the Field (5 Motes): Send Tanya on a date with any woman other than Mae.
Nefari will try transforming into a hot chick once Tanya has said she’s going on a date. Can I do that?
Geth roll 2d6 for Making Her Jealous
So go ahead and reroll if you'd like
What are you trying to influence him to do?
If you successfully win the roll, you're getting narration rights, so use that to your advantage!
Switch: 0293 6817 9891