Objective: Draw or paint your desk workspace as a still life.Medium: Whatever you want.
Reccomended mediums: Those with a full range of tonal value. Charcoal, paint, digital, etc. Graphite pencil if you have very soft, 7-9B pencils at your disposal. Pen and ink if you don't fear very subtle cross-hatching and/or dappling.What Is the Point, Man?: To emulate, as closely as possible, the phyiscal reality of the still life, as a test of one's pure observational and rendering skills. Without having to worry about subjects such as gesture, anatomy, style, etc., the focus becomes purely on being able to hone the essential skills of light, shade, form, and perspective.
Also, since most of us are lazy fucks, drawing your desk means you don't even have to get up or put any thought into getting a subject. It's right there in front of you,
get at it.How Long Should I Spend on This: As long or as short as you want. This sort of rendering can admittedly take awhile, so it would be cool to see progress pics along the way, if you are really going all out.
Where's Your Picture, Asshole?:First IterationWhat, that's it?: Hey, I'm still working on it.
Anything else?: Only that if possible, it is probably preferable to have the lighting while you're drawing to be direct light- single lamps, rather than overhead fluorescent lighting. This way you can focus on looking how a single direct light source affects the lighting of the objects, rather than being befuddled by the comlexities resulting from a diffused, flat lighting setup. However, this is just a reccomendation.
Here's my initial pen sketch. I'll work on colors in Photoshop later.
BTW- is that Coke Zero on your desk, AoB?
If the answer is "Yes", go ahead and do that. I just picked the "your desk" because it's convenient for most people and doesn't require any prep. The important bit is doing the still life exercise.
And it's Cherry Coke Zero, if you must know.
And then I have a deviantART here: http://scottewen.deviantart.com
And I tweet: http://www.twitter.com/scottewenartist
This was my uncle's desk. I'll do one of my own after exams are over, and on a decent sheet.
Ya'know, if it was a competition. And, I mean, the internet is basically just one big pissing contest anyway, am I right?
I'll try to get one of these done. You can expect Sobe bottles out the wing-wang.
Duh! How is anyone ever going to beat a still life filled with Cherry Coke Zero?
They don't even sell that stuff around here!!
Unfortunately, I got bored before I could be bothered to finish. But not before I learned that I really, truly bite at drawing technological items, such as satellite speakers and monitors. Geh. >_> And because it's daytime I can't control the whole lighting thing as I'd prefer. Darn daylight!
Let me also add that Yoda's curved lightsaber brings joy to my heart.
As to keep my word:
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i really dig this one alot nice happy medium between sketch and photoshop, i think its really well done, im a sucker for art like this, regardless well done!
Hiking Essentials