A bit of feedback: The pronouns are included in the About section of a user's profile, which is displayed below all of their Badgers. My issue is that posters who have a fair amount of badgers have the About section pushed down to where one has to scroll down to see that information (Tube's profile is a good example). Would it be possible to re-arrange things so that the About section is displayed first, and then the Badgers below?
A bit of feedback: The pronouns are included in the About section of a user's profile, which is displayed below all of their Badgers. My issue is that posters who have a fair amount of badgers have the About section pushed down to where one has to scroll down to see that information (Tube's profile is a good example). Would it be possible to re-arrange things so that the About section is displayed first, and then the Badgers below?
I'm not sure of the scope of that, but it might be possible with the tools I have.
AthenorBattle Hardened OptimistThe Skies of HiigaraRegistered Userregular
I just went in and set mine, it was about 2/3 down the page of custom fields.
Is there any way you can have it show next to someone's avatar or in their sig, at least on the main site? If it's not filled in give it something cool like "Mysterious" so people don't feel bad about filling it in, but still helping to normalize the practice...
He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
We're using a really old and floppy plugin to get this to work at all, so it's missing some features that you would otherwise expect. Notably, I can't move the position of it at all. I'd recommend throwing pronouns in your title or signature to make it more prominent.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
I'm not sure of the scope of that, but it might be possible with the tools I have.
Is there any way you can have it show next to someone's avatar or in their sig, at least on the main site? If it's not filled in give it something cool like "Mysterious" so people don't feel bad about filling it in, but still helping to normalize the practice...
I see:
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So if someone uses that field for aggressive jackholery about how dare they be asked that question, is that reportable?