Looking for a recliner, gotta rock, can't be huge, should be comfy, can buy new or willing to do refurb if they deliver because my honda fit isn't fitting a recliner in the back (probably). The problem comes that layzboy (and others, that's just the name I know) have a ton of small variations and stitching patterns and I've got no idea what is good because the only reviews are either on the furniture stores (and could be pruned) or they are bullshit review sites that scrape those reviews and feed them into an algorithm to write the review. Hilariously, if layzboy had less choices, I'd probably have already bought one by now. So....what's good in recliners? Bonus points if it can swivel, but that's a super low priority, and not worth the hundreds extra in the price I'm seeing. Just not too huge, and must rock. No leather (yay cats) Please don't quote it but I AM going to link Donovan Puppyfucker here because they have an opinion on literally every consumer good, and can tell me what bad ass one I should be buying but can't afford.
No really though hit me with those brands, or the "they are all about the same just pick one ya like in budget". Normally id be doing more sit testing but A. I'm not THAT picky, and B. The Rona.