And that's a wrap on the seasonal. I had a great time since I quite enjoy playing Ionia decks, especially Lee, but I know that's definitely not a universal opinion.
Match Score (3-3, plus 3 forfeits)
Game Score (9-7)
This is basically the lineup everyone ran. Nami with TF so you have Lee free, Akshan Lee, and then whatever third deck you feel comfortable on.
Opponent's decks:
6x Nami Ionia (TF/Fizz/Lee)
5x Akshan Lee
3x Fiora Panth
2x Kat Yasuo, Norra Swain
1x Anivia, Annie Jhin, Heimer Jayce, Norra Veigar, Scouts, Spooky Karma Yi, Sun Disc, Zed Gwen, Zil Xerath
Full Notes:
Match 1 (0-0 Bracket)
Akshan Lee, TF Nami, Zed Gwen
I ban TF Nami, opponent bans TF Nami
Game 1: Fiora Panth (L) v Akshan Lee
Game 2: Fiora Panth (W) v Zed Gwen
Game 3: Akshan Lee (L) v Zed Gwen
Match 2 (0-1 Bracket)
Zil Xerath, Norra Swain, Nami Fizz
I ban Nami Fizz, opponent bans TF Nami
Game 1: Fiora Panth (L) v Zil Xerath
Game 2: Fiora Panth (W) v Norra Swain
Game 3: Akshan Lee (W) v Norra Swain
Match 3 (1-1 Bracket)
Akshan Lee, Nami TF, Fiora Panth
I ban TF Nami, opponent bans Akshan Lee
Game 1: Nami TF (L) v Fiora Panth
Game 2: Nami TF (W) v Akshan Lee
Game 3: Fiora Panth (L) v Akshan Lee
Match 4 (1-2 Bracket)
Spooky Karma Yi, Akshan Lee, TF Nami
I ban TF Nami, opponent forfeits
Match 5 (2-2 Bracket)
TF Nami, Fiora Panth, Akshan Lee
I ban TF Nami, opponent forfeits
Match 6 (3-2 Bracket)
Kat Yasuo, Sun Disc, Nami Lee (This is probably a guy who has two pet decks, doesn't know how to play Nami Lee and just brought it to eat bans)
I ban Kat Yasuo
Game 1: Akshan Lee (W) v Sun Disc
Game 2: Fiora Panth (W) Sun Disc
Match 7 (4-2 Bracket)
Norra Swain, Heimer Jayce, Anivia
I ban Heimer Jayce, opponent bans Fiora Panth
Game 1: Akshan Lee (W) v Anivia
Game 2: TF Nami (W) v Norra Swain
Match 8 (5-2 Bracket)
Scouts, Annie Jhin, Kat Yasuo (This guy had the anti-Nami lineup and these games were still very close anyway)
I ban Kat Yasuo, opponent bans Fiora Panth
Game 1: Akshan Lee (L) v Annie Jhin
Game 2: Akshan Lee (W) v Scouts
Game 3: TF Nami (L) v Scouts
Match 9 (5-3 Bracket)
Fiora Panth, Norra Veigar, Akshan Lee
I ban Akshan Lee, opponent forfeits
Early consensus seems to be that Varus stinks, and I’m inclined to agree after trying him a few times. Just seems far too difficult to level for what you get. The other two new champs seem fun, though.
New set, new gauntlets. As always jamming Noxus aggro against against the unoptimized, plus Viktor Lee because the third Noxus deck should probably be Rumble Vayne but I only have one Vayne.
Viktor Lee (1-0, 3 bans)
Match 1
Vayne Gwen, Illaoi Udyr, Soraka Shyvana
I ban Vayne Gwen, opponent bans Viktor Lee
Game 1: Pirates (W) v Soraka Shyvana
Game 2: Annie Jhin (L) v Soraka Shyvana
Game 2: Annie Jhin (W) v Illaoi Udyr
Match 2
Yi Varus, Jax Vayne, Seraphine Ez
I ban Seraphine Ez, opponent bans Annie Jhin
Game 1: Viktor Lee (W) v Yi Varus
Game 2: Pirates (L) v Jax Vayne
Game 3: Pirates (L) v Yi Varus
Match 3
LeBlanc Sivir, Yuumi Bard BC, Zed Hecarim
I ban Yuumi Bard, opponent bans Viktor Lee
Game 1: Annie Jhin (L) v Zed Hecarim
Game 2: Annie Jhin (W) v LeBlanc Sivir
Game 3: Pirates (W) v LeBlanc Sivir
Match 4:
Kat Yasuo, Akshan Udyr, Seraphine Aphelios
I ban Seraphine Aphelios, opponent bans Viktor Lee
Game 1: Annie Jhin (W) v Akshan Udyr
Game 2: Pirates (W) v Akshan Udyr
Match 5:
Varus Kayne, Gwen Viego Shurima, Norra Bard
I ban Viego, opponent bans Pirates
Game 1: Annie Jhin (L) v Norra Bard
Game 2: Annie Jhin (L) v Varus Kayne
Easy 15-6 (71%) climb to Diamond with Sej/Ren. Meta isn't running a lot of stuns, frostbites, or instant kills spells so your OW units get in for free. Crush Vayne/Sera/EZ with their puny health pools.
Keep Ancient Yeti/Battle Fury in the mulligan, play an OW unit, BF on turn 5 or 6, collect LP,
Really didn't know what to bring this week. There's a lot of good stuff, including Seraphine and Vayne, but nothing is particularly exceptional. Ultimately just went to my preferred stats website and sorted by winrate.
Match Score (4-1)
Game Score (9-2)
Gwen Noxus (3-0, 1 ban)
Kat is weak to Mystic Shot so she's been cut for Elise given Seraphine's popularity
MF Swain (3-1, 3 bans)
This is a weird mix between proper Pirates and TF Swain, but it performs better than either one does right now, RIP Decimate
Sivir Akshan Demacia(3-1, 1 ban)
Akshan's synergy with equipment accelerating his landmarks continues to be very strong
Match 1
Mono Freljord Pile, Leona Yasuo, Mono Shurima Pile
I ban Leona Yasuo, opponent bans Gwen Noxus
Game 1: MF Swain (W) v Mono Shurima
Game 2: Sivir Akshan (W) Mono Freljord
Match 2
Ez Sera Noxus, Kindred Nasus, Udyr Akshan
I ban Ez Sera, opponent bans MF Swain
Game 1: Gwen (W) v Udyr Akshan
Game 2: Sivir Akshan (W) v Udyr Akshan
Match 3
Norra Veigar, Ez Sera Noxus, Azirelia
I ban Ez Sera, opponent bans MF Swain
Game 1: MF Swain (L) v Norra Veigar
Game 2: MF Swain (W) v Azirelia
Game 3: Sivir Akshan (L) v Azirelia
Match 4
Kindred Nasus, Vayne Rumble, Lee Akshan
I ban Lee Akshan, opponent bans MF Swain
Game 1: Sivir Akshan (W) v Kindred Nasus
Game 2: Gwen (W) v Kindred Nasus
Match 5
Vayne Zed, Kat Yasuo, Sej Swain
I ban Vayne Zed, opponent bans Sivir Akshan
Game 1: MF Swain (W) v Sej Swain
Game 2: Gwen (W) v Kat Yasuo
After getting to Diamond with Sej/Ren, I switched over to a fun Darius/Yeti deck on found on Twitter/YT. It's pretty funny when you drop Darius, causing them to tap out of mana, only to surprise them with the 2-mana stun/rally. THEY NEVER SEE IT COMING!
Need a voice actor? Hire me at
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051 Steam ID Twitch Page
I didn't think there could be a better PoC champ than Jinx, but Teemo actually blows her out of the water. Galeforce + double Gatebreaker puts you at over 6,000 mushrooms at the end of your second attack.
One more prime, just playing a generic 'all the best decks' lineup. All of them are getting nerfed on Tuesday, but I'm hoping Rumble Vayne survives. I've barely laddered this season but it seems like it would be a fun choice for it.
Match Score (4-1)
Game Score (9-2)
Ez Sera (2-0, 3 bans)
Match 1
Annie Jhin, Zed Lucian, Gwen Vayne
I ban Annie Jhin, opponent bans Ez Sera
Game 1: MF Swain (W) v Gwen Vayne
Game 2: Rumble Vayne (L) v Gwen Vayne
Game 3: Rumble Vayne (L) Zed Lucian
Match 2
Panth Varus, Norra Veigar, Kayn Vayne
I ban Norra Veigar, opponent bans Rumble Vayne
Game 1: Ez Sera (W) v Panth Varus
Game 2: MF Swain (W) v Panth Varus
Match 3
Norra Veigar, Vayne Scouts, Fiora Panth
I ban Norra Veigar, opponent bans Ez Sera
Game 1: MF Swain (W) v Vayne Scouts
Game 2: Rumble Vayne (W) v Vayne Scouts
Match 4
Annie Ez, TF Sera, Eve Kai'Sa
I ban Annie Ez, opponent bans Ez Sera
Game 1: MF Swain (W) v Eve Kai'Sa
Game 2: Rumble Vayne (W) v TF Sera
Match 5
Zed Vayne, Viktor Sera, Kindred Nasus
I ban Viktor Sera, opponent bans MF Swain
Game 1: Ez Sera (W) v Kindred Nasus
Game 2: Rumble Vayne (W) v Kindred Nasus
More gauntlets, more primes. New patch so back to aggro.
Match Score (4-0)
Game Score (8-1)
Zoe Teemo (2-0, 2 bans)
This is just the best modern take on 'ye olde elusives.dec' now that Sera is dead and spot removal is rare again.
Draven Jinx DIscard (2-0, 2 bans)
People are playing Jinx again now that she's been buffed. It has been semi-relevant in exactly one game, where someone chose to remove Jinx over a different threat in fear that I'd flip her that turn (I couldn't).
Match 1
Plunder, Fiora Shen, Nightfall
I ban Nightfall, opponent bans Discard
Game 1: Zoe Teemo (W) v Fiora Shen
Game 2: Annie Jhin (W) v Fiora Shen
Match 2
Quinn Vayne, Norra Bard, Ez Sera
I ban Ez Sera, opponent bans Discard
Game 1: Zoe Teemo (W) v Norra Bard
Game 2: Annie Jhin (L) v Quinn Vayne
Game 3: Annie Jhin (W) v Norra Bard
Match 3
Anivia, Norra Elise, Cait Teemo
I ban Anivia, opponent bans Zoe Teemo
Game 1: Discard (W) v Norra Elise
Game 2: Annie Jhin (W) v Norra Elise
Match 4
Fiora Shen, Zed Hecarim, Norra Bard
I ban Norra Bard, opponent bans Zoe Teemo
Game 1: Discard (W) v Fiora Shen
Game 2: Annie Jhin (W) v Fiora Shen
Expansion shifted gauntlets coming for a bit, available all week long and with only certain card sets available
11/24-12/21: Foundations Only
12/22-1/4: Rising Tides + Foundations
1/5-1/15: Call of the Mountain + Rising Tides + Foundations
Unclear whether these are the cards as they were at the time or their current versions. If the latter some of the Foundations decks have had a big bump. Stuff like Midrange Bannerman will love buff Fiora and Garen.
Reaching 7 wins give you an icon like the original gauntlets, this time you get the Gold constructed icon from that season.
Foundations gauntlet was neat. I was expecting to see a lot of Demacia but actually there's a huge amount of SI. 6 mana Vengeance is very strong and there's a lot of triple SI lineups, myself included. No notes because Thanksgiving but I think I went 7-3 or so.
Buffs since beta: Harsh Wings, Anivia, Vengeance
This is hands down the best deck in the format. You beat basically everything including the other SI control decks. The only matchup that doesn't feel great is Fiora Shen, but you can just ban it.
Spooky Karma
Buffs since beta: Black Spear, Karma, Vengeance
Nerfs since beta: Twin Disciplines, Shadow Assassin, Brood Awakening
This deck felt very awkard, but I won every game with it. I never played it in beta so I don't really understand how to win with it aside from Karma value but that seemed to work fine.
Corina Control
Buffs since beta: Funsmith, Heimerdinger, Vengeance, Corina Veraza
I believe this deck didn't run Funsmith back in beta. It's very amusing how much value you can get off your pings when you're able to get multiple in play.
New keywords
Assimilate: Transform allies Equipped with Darkin Equipment into their Darkin unit forms. If they are Champions, they Level Up.
Empowered: A unit has its Empowered bonus while its Power is at least the listed number.
Champions all look very cool, Ryze especially.
Topkek at the Vlad support card actually reading 'Kill your blocked aggro 1 drop to push 6-10 damage face'
Wow Snap really killed this thread. Well I picked this back up and I still hate Equipment decks (I'm not OP whining this time, I just find it so annoying), but I got to giga attack with Eternal Dancers reviving Katarina and they only had chump blockers so that's something.
I don't play Snap and I'm also super burnt out. We're on our 17th season I think? I'm not even playing the seasonal, just doing the ladder climb was sufficiently exhausting.
The power creep was kind of unreal when I was playing. It's not really fun when your decks became invalidated as soon as another expansion came out. I didn't really want to run on the treadmill anymore.
I'm skeptical of buy-in modes. It might work here because we all have shards out our ears, but it usually makes the lower 80% of the player pool drop out.
I really enjoyed this beta for the competitive changes. Got the Contender, Reckoner, and World Ender Gladiator titles, now to jam ladder for a week and see if I can also get Divine Flame. Playing 6-8 Bo3s every night at the start was kind of exhausting, but once the format rotated to Bo1 formats it became a lot more doable. I'll probably skip the 30hp Nexus ones, it's going to be like 90% Ryze and 10% people trying to counter Ryze with Azirelia or another, faster, combo deck. They also seem to be using a lot of what they observed from the beta to improve stuff, looking forward to next season too:
I chilled to Diamond with Gwen Kat, I don't think I ever made it to Diamond when I was playing seriously. I don't know what that means. Well I know it means I've been too sad to even open Gwent since they announced its death 😭
it's also a little rougher in this instance because it's not like a clean rotation, like you're going "oh all the year 1 sets are leaving". with something like magic there's an understanding of the ephemeral nature of standard and a clean expiration date on each card
it's also a little rougher in this instance because it's not like a clean rotation, like you're going "oh all the year 1 sets are leaving". with something like magic there's an understanding of the ephemeral nature of standard and a clean expiration date on each card
True, but they didn't rotate out all the Ephemeral cards.
Need a voice actor? Hire me at
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051 Steam ID Twitch Page
Yeah, this post-patch meta is stinky. Would have been a lot better had they hit Nami at the same time. Oh well, next expansion only a few days away.
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
Match Score (3-3, plus 3 forfeits)
Game Score (9-7)
TF Nami (2-2, 3 bans)
Akshan Lee (4-2, 1 ban)
Fiora Panth (3-3, 2 bans)
This is basically the lineup everyone ran. Nami with TF so you have Lee free, Akshan Lee, and then whatever third deck you feel comfortable on.
Opponent's decks:
6x Nami Ionia (TF/Fizz/Lee)
5x Akshan Lee
3x Fiora Panth
2x Kat Yasuo, Norra Swain
1x Anivia, Annie Jhin, Heimer Jayce, Norra Veigar, Scouts, Spooky Karma Yi, Sun Disc, Zed Gwen, Zil Xerath
Full Notes:
Akshan Lee, TF Nami, Zed Gwen
I ban TF Nami, opponent bans TF Nami
Game 1: Fiora Panth (L) v Akshan Lee
Game 2: Fiora Panth (W) v Zed Gwen
Game 3: Akshan Lee (L) v Zed Gwen
Match 2 (0-1 Bracket)
Zil Xerath, Norra Swain, Nami Fizz
I ban Nami Fizz, opponent bans TF Nami
Game 1: Fiora Panth (L) v Zil Xerath
Game 2: Fiora Panth (W) v Norra Swain
Game 3: Akshan Lee (W) v Norra Swain
Match 3 (1-1 Bracket)
Akshan Lee, Nami TF, Fiora Panth
I ban TF Nami, opponent bans Akshan Lee
Game 1: Nami TF (L) v Fiora Panth
Game 2: Nami TF (W) v Akshan Lee
Game 3: Fiora Panth (L) v Akshan Lee
Match 4 (1-2 Bracket)
Spooky Karma Yi, Akshan Lee, TF Nami
I ban TF Nami, opponent forfeits
Match 5 (2-2 Bracket)
TF Nami, Fiora Panth, Akshan Lee
I ban TF Nami, opponent forfeits
Match 6 (3-2 Bracket)
Kat Yasuo, Sun Disc, Nami Lee (This is probably a guy who has two pet decks, doesn't know how to play Nami Lee and just brought it to eat bans)
I ban Kat Yasuo
Game 1: Akshan Lee (W) v Sun Disc
Game 2: Fiora Panth (W) Sun Disc
Match 7 (4-2 Bracket)
Norra Swain, Heimer Jayce, Anivia
I ban Heimer Jayce, opponent bans Fiora Panth
Game 1: Akshan Lee (W) v Anivia
Game 2: TF Nami (W) v Norra Swain
Match 8 (5-2 Bracket)
Scouts, Annie Jhin, Kat Yasuo (This guy had the anti-Nami lineup and these games were still very close anyway)
I ban Kat Yasuo, opponent bans Fiora Panth
Game 1: Akshan Lee (L) v Annie Jhin
Game 2: Akshan Lee (W) v Scouts
Game 3: TF Nami (L) v Scouts
Match 9 (5-3 Bracket)
Fiora Panth, Norra Veigar, Akshan Lee
I ban Akshan Lee, opponent forfeits
Match Score (3-2)
Game Score (7-6)
Annie Jhin (3-4, 1 ban)
Pirates (3-2, 1 ban)
Viktor Lee (1-0, 3 bans)
Vayne Gwen, Illaoi Udyr, Soraka Shyvana
I ban Vayne Gwen, opponent bans Viktor Lee
Game 1: Pirates (W) v Soraka Shyvana
Game 2: Annie Jhin (L) v Soraka Shyvana
Game 2: Annie Jhin (W) v Illaoi Udyr
Match 2
Yi Varus, Jax Vayne, Seraphine Ez
I ban Seraphine Ez, opponent bans Annie Jhin
Game 1: Viktor Lee (W) v Yi Varus
Game 2: Pirates (L) v Jax Vayne
Game 3: Pirates (L) v Yi Varus
Match 3
LeBlanc Sivir, Yuumi Bard BC, Zed Hecarim
I ban Yuumi Bard, opponent bans Viktor Lee
Game 1: Annie Jhin (L) v Zed Hecarim
Game 2: Annie Jhin (W) v LeBlanc Sivir
Game 3: Pirates (W) v LeBlanc Sivir
Match 4:
Kat Yasuo, Akshan Udyr, Seraphine Aphelios
I ban Seraphine Aphelios, opponent bans Viktor Lee
Game 1: Annie Jhin (W) v Akshan Udyr
Game 2: Pirates (W) v Akshan Udyr
Match 5:
Varus Kayne, Gwen Viego Shurima, Norra Bard
I ban Viego, opponent bans Pirates
Game 1: Annie Jhin (L) v Norra Bard
Game 2: Annie Jhin (L) v Varus Kayne
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
But if I made 2 Vaynes I'd only have 139 champions wild cards.
That's just too dire of a commitment Dover.
This is *silly*.
Path is quite honestly a ton of fun. It's sad a lot of people won't even try it. Oh well, there loss I guess.
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
Easy 15-6 (71%) climb to Diamond with Sej/Ren. Meta isn't running a lot of stuns, frostbites, or instant kills spells so your OW units get in for free. Crush Vayne/Sera/EZ with their puny health pools.
Keep Ancient Yeti/Battle Fury in the mulligan, play an OW unit, BF on turn 5 or 6, collect LP,
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
Match Score (4-1)
Game Score (9-2)
Gwen Noxus (3-0, 1 ban)
Kat is weak to Mystic Shot so she's been cut for Elise given Seraphine's popularity
MF Swain (3-1, 3 bans)
This is a weird mix between proper Pirates and TF Swain, but it performs better than either one does right now, RIP Decimate
Sivir Akshan Demacia(3-1, 1 ban)
Akshan's synergy with equipment accelerating his landmarks continues to be very strong
Mono Freljord Pile, Leona Yasuo, Mono Shurima Pile
I ban Leona Yasuo, opponent bans Gwen Noxus
Game 1: MF Swain (W) v Mono Shurima
Game 2: Sivir Akshan (W) Mono Freljord
Match 2
Ez Sera Noxus, Kindred Nasus, Udyr Akshan
I ban Ez Sera, opponent bans MF Swain
Game 1: Gwen (W) v Udyr Akshan
Game 2: Sivir Akshan (W) v Udyr Akshan
Match 3
Norra Veigar, Ez Sera Noxus, Azirelia
I ban Ez Sera, opponent bans MF Swain
Game 1: MF Swain (L) v Norra Veigar
Game 2: MF Swain (W) v Azirelia
Game 3: Sivir Akshan (L) v Azirelia
Match 4
Kindred Nasus, Vayne Rumble, Lee Akshan
I ban Lee Akshan, opponent bans MF Swain
Game 1: Sivir Akshan (W) v Kindred Nasus
Game 2: Gwen (W) v Kindred Nasus
Match 5
Vayne Zed, Kat Yasuo, Sej Swain
I ban Vayne Zed, opponent bans Sivir Akshan
Game 1: MF Swain (W) v Sej Swain
Game 2: Gwen (W) v Kat Yasuo
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
Match Score (4-1)
Game Score (9-2)
Ez Sera (2-0, 3 bans)
MF Swain (4-0, 1 ban)
Rumble Vayne (3-2, 1 ban)
Annie Jhin, Zed Lucian, Gwen Vayne
I ban Annie Jhin, opponent bans Ez Sera
Game 1: MF Swain (W) v Gwen Vayne
Game 2: Rumble Vayne (L) v Gwen Vayne
Game 3: Rumble Vayne (L) Zed Lucian
Match 2
Panth Varus, Norra Veigar, Kayn Vayne
I ban Norra Veigar, opponent bans Rumble Vayne
Game 1: Ez Sera (W) v Panth Varus
Game 2: MF Swain (W) v Panth Varus
Match 3
Norra Veigar, Vayne Scouts, Fiora Panth
I ban Norra Veigar, opponent bans Ez Sera
Game 1: MF Swain (W) v Vayne Scouts
Game 2: Rumble Vayne (W) v Vayne Scouts
Match 4
Annie Ez, TF Sera, Eve Kai'Sa
I ban Annie Ez, opponent bans Ez Sera
Game 1: MF Swain (W) v Eve Kai'Sa
Game 2: Rumble Vayne (W) v TF Sera
Match 5
Zed Vayne, Viktor Sera, Kindred Nasus
I ban Viktor Sera, opponent bans MF Swain
Game 1: Ez Sera (W) v Kindred Nasus
Game 2: Rumble Vayne (W) v Kindred Nasus
They finally acknowledge that Hookmaster was a problem.
Some of the buffs are comically ineffective, like Wrathful Rider. Happy to see Sai'nen back though, and I like the other Noxus & Demacia buffs.
Like the ionian tellstone change - the options were too good ie what if my deck was homecoming all the way down
Wrathful Rider is going to warp the meta. I even ran a poll:
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
Match Score (4-0)
Game Score (8-1)
Zoe Teemo (2-0, 2 bans)
This is just the best modern take on 'ye olde elusives.dec' now that Sera is dead and spot removal is rare again.
Annie Jhin (4-1, 0 bans)
Draven Jinx DIscard (2-0, 2 bans)
People are playing Jinx again now that she's been buffed. It has been semi-relevant in exactly one game, where someone chose to remove Jinx over a different threat in fear that I'd flip her that turn (I couldn't).
Plunder, Fiora Shen, Nightfall
I ban Nightfall, opponent bans Discard
Game 1: Zoe Teemo (W) v Fiora Shen
Game 2: Annie Jhin (W) v Fiora Shen
Match 2
Quinn Vayne, Norra Bard, Ez Sera
I ban Ez Sera, opponent bans Discard
Game 1: Zoe Teemo (W) v Norra Bard
Game 2: Annie Jhin (L) v Quinn Vayne
Game 3: Annie Jhin (W) v Norra Bard
Match 3
Anivia, Norra Elise, Cait Teemo
I ban Anivia, opponent bans Zoe Teemo
Game 1: Discard (W) v Norra Elise
Game 2: Annie Jhin (W) v Norra Elise
Match 4
Fiora Shen, Zed Hecarim, Norra Bard
I ban Norra Bard, opponent bans Zoe Teemo
Game 1: Discard (W) v Fiora Shen
Game 2: Annie Jhin (W) v Fiora Shen
Expansion shifted gauntlets coming for a bit, available all week long and with only certain card sets available
11/24-12/21: Foundations Only
12/22-1/4: Rising Tides + Foundations
1/5-1/15: Call of the Mountain + Rising Tides + Foundations
Unclear whether these are the cards as they were at the time or their current versions. If the latter some of the Foundations decks have had a big bump. Stuff like Midrange Bannerman will love buff Fiora and Garen.
Reaching 7 wins give you an icon like the original gauntlets, this time you get the Gold constructed icon from that season.
Buffs since beta: Harsh Wings, Anivia, Vengeance
This is hands down the best deck in the format. You beat basically everything including the other SI control decks. The only matchup that doesn't feel great is Fiora Shen, but you can just ban it.
Spooky Karma
Buffs since beta: Black Spear, Karma, Vengeance
Nerfs since beta: Twin Disciplines, Shadow Assassin, Brood Awakening
This deck felt very awkard, but I won every game with it. I never played it in beta so I don't really understand how to win with it aside from Karma value but that seemed to work fine.
Corina Control
Buffs since beta: Funsmith, Heimerdinger, Vengeance, Corina Veraza
I believe this deck didn't run Funsmith back in beta. It's very amusing how much value you can get off your pings when you're able to get multiple in play.
New keywords
Assimilate: Transform allies Equipped with Darkin Equipment into their Darkin unit forms. If they are Champions, they Level Up.
Empowered: A unit has its Empowered bonus while its Power is at least the listed number.
Champions all look very cool, Ryze especially.
Topkek at the Vlad support card actually reading 'Kill your blocked aggro 1 drop to push 6-10 damage face'
Here was my card:
You can hear the judges comments on the card here, starting at 2:19:00.
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
Uh, also Sett dropped today. I'd like to join the rest of the internet in the 'piledrive me daddy' jokes.
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
Back again?
Jack's back.
Back to the past.
...I lost my train of thought.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
Here's a visual list of all champions rotating.
For the non-champ cards, you'll be able to go to your card collection in-game and sort by "Eternal" to see what's out.
And hoo-boy, it's a LOT from what some streamers with early access are discovering.
Edit: Full list here. Good lord!
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
True, but they didn't rotate out all the Ephemeral cards.
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page