Let's go!🎵
Let's dream!
Come along with me!
EPYC is calling!
All aboard for a fantasy!
Have you ever doubted yourself? Sometimes, you don't know what the future holds, but I have
lots of friends with stories about overcoming their fears and living an adventure!
The world's full of wonder
There's so much we can be
Thanks to imagination
and the E-P-Y-C!
Reply with
!Draw or
Choose your role, then type your name to make organization go smoother. Such as "!Filler Perrsun"
If you type any words similar to "your name" in place of your name, you have forgotten the face of your father.
Signups open until July 5th, 2021-ish.
Current signup list (7/1/21)
!Filler Peen
!Filler see317
!Filler Disruptedcapitalist
!filler KetBra
!Filler Elaro
!filler Houk the Namebringer
!filler Slym
!filler discrider
!Filler Chall
!Filler shalmelo
!Filler bucketman
!Filler Fishman
!Filler Jedoc
!Filler TheySlashThem
!filler Dr. Flamingo
!filler Kristmas Kthulhu
!filler Cello
!filler SporkAndrew
!filler bwanie
!Caption LuvTheMonkey
!Caption Weaver
!caption Captain Inertia
!Caption Munkus Beaver
!caption Nirya
!caption Kupi
!caption Usagi
!caption Lucedes
!caption Ketar
!Caption Psykoma
!Caption Skeith
!caption bendery it like beckham
!caption MrMonroe
!caption Luiane
!Caption ASimPerson
!caption spono
!Caption DrZiplock
!Caption Mayabird
!Caption sarukun
!Caption Madican
!Caption Noggin
!Caption godmode
!caption Tef
!caption spool32
!Caption Mulysasempronius
!caption SirToasty
!caption JayKaos
!caption gsm
!Draw 3cl1ps3
!Draw Tonkka
!draw Tallahasseeriel
!draw Platy
!draw Alexandier
!draw tynic
!draw Xaquin
!draw PwnanObrien
!Draw Tofystedeth
!Draw miscellaneousinsanity
!Draw DarkPrimus
!draw Deans
!draw Mariisun
!Draw Joolander
!draw Mr Fuzzbutt
!Draw Taya
!Draw Raijin Quickfoot
!Draw Juggernut I guess
!Draw Veldrin
!Draw #pipe
!draw JebusUD
!draw Gizzy
!draw Goose!
!draw Virgil_Leads_You
Team Cheeky randomized list for qulity assurance.
Captain Inertia
Raijin Quickfoot
Team Helpful
1. !draw PwnanObrien
2. !caption Ketar
3. !Filler DRAW Disruptedcapitalist
4. !caption MrMonroe
5. !draw Platy
6. !Caption Munkus Beaver
7. !Draw DarkPrimus
8. !Caption Psykoma
9. !filler DRAW bwanie
10. !caption spono
11. !draw Xaquin
12. !filler CAPTION Dr. Flamingo
13. !Draw #pipe
14. !Caption godmode
15. !Draw 3cl1ps3
16. !filler CAPTION SporkAndrew
17. !draw JebusUD
18. !caption spool32
19. !Filler DRAW Chall
20. !Caption sarukun
21. !draw Mr Fuzzbutt
22. !Caption Noggin
23. !draw Mariisun
24. !caption Lucedes
25. !Draw Juggernut I guess
Team Friendly
1. !draw Gizzy
2. !caption SirToasty
3. !draw Goose!
4. !caption gsm
5. !filler DRAW KetBra
6. !filler CAPTION Kristmas Kthulhu
7. !Filler DRAW Peen
8. !Caption ASimPerson
9. !draw tynic
10. !Filler CAPTION Jedoc
11. !Filler DRAW see317
12. !Caption Mayabird
13. !Filler DRAW shalmelo
14. !caption Luiane
15. !draw Deans
16. !caption Kupi
17. !draw Alexandier
18. !Caption LuvTheMonkey
19. !Draw Tonkka
20. !caption Tef
21. !Draw miscellaneousinsanity
22. !caption bendery it like beckham
23. !filler DRAW Houk the Namebringer
Team Cheeky
draw Bucketman
!caption Skeith
!Draw Raijin Quickfoot
!caption Jaykaos
!Draw Tofystedeth
!caption Nirya
!filler DRAW discrider
!Filler CAPTION Fishman
!draw Tallahasseeriel
!Caption Weaver
!Draw Joolander
!Filler CAPTION TheySlashThem
!Draw Veldrin
!Caption Madican
!Filler DRAW Elaro
!caption Captain Inertia
!draw Knob
!caption Usagi
!filler DRAW Cello
!Caption Mulysasempronius
!Draw Taya
!Caption DrZiplock
!draw Virgil_Leads_You
!Caption ChicoBlue
!filler DRAW Slym
Oh, so cheeky!
3DS: 2981-5304-3227
I'm "kupiyupaekio" on Discord.
And by filler I very much mean shitty anime filler
It feels like a lot less than a year ago that we last did this dance, but then again time lost all meaning for us last year so
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
i would like to ruin everything again this year, if i am allowed.
If called upon to draw, I will happily sacrifice the ten seconds of time in paint my drawing will require.
hopefully I don't break the forums
You’ll do great!!