What is Final Fantasy Brave Exvius?
A mobile game for iOS and Android, produced in collaboration between Square Enix (Final Fantasy et al) and Gumi/Alim (responsible for Brave Frontier). The game’s story is based around a young knight named Rain and his friend and stepbrother Lasswell, who one day encounter a strange sight: a young girl trapped in a crystal. Following her words, they encounter the power of “Visions,” or the ability to summon warriors from other places and times to assist in battle.
Neo Visions
The New Hotness are Neo Vision units, or NVs. There are two forms of NV unit: Summoned Neo Visions (NV) and Awakened Neo Visions (NVA). NV units are summoned as NV rarity at level 1 and cap at level 120. When summoned, they will come with a Vision Card, which grant base stats and unlockable abilities when equipped to an NV or NVA unit. To Awaken a unit to NVA, first you must have their STMR and an additional copy which you can convert into awakening materials (much like Prism conversion for 7* awakening).
NV units have multiple new awakened states, called EX levels. Both forms of NV unit will start at EX+0. Please refer to the following infographic in the spoiler to see how to EX awaken your NV units, and the rewards for doing so:
There are also, now, PREMIUM NV units. Premium NV units are different in that they have limited fragment availability, give a Vision Card Select ticket at EX+1, unlock additional abilities at EX+2, and drop a special premium Vision Card at EX+3. The known Premium NV units are-
Released: Descendent of Cetra Aerith, Avalanche's Tifa, Legendary Hero Sephiroth, Summoner Yuna, Legendary Guardian Auron, Taivas, Storm Seeker Esther
Upcoming: Dark Rain, Knights of Grandshelt
In addition to this, each NV unit will have Brave Abilities. Brave Abilities can be both active and passive abilities (shown in reddish orange instead of the regular blue) that start at Level 1 and can be upgraded up to Level 5. To do so, you will need new materials called Insignias and Forticite.
Insignias are specific to each NV release and can be farmed from a new challenge boss that comes with their banner (found in the Vortex under the Challenge tab). Global Exclusive (GLEX) units all appear to share the same Insignias.
In general, Summoned NV units will require 180 Insignias to fully upgrade their Brave Abilities, while Awakened NV units will need 225 Insignias.
Forticite can be obtained as rewards from various places, including the Mog King shop.
Helpful Links:ExviusWiki: Best source for Global version information, with maps for exploration dungeons, quest guides, and unit details.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Reddit: The reddit community for FFBE, containing info and updates for both the Japan and Global versions. Check here if you want to know what kind of stuff we'll get 5-6 months in advance since Japan gets it first. Also contains useful player-submitted guides, and has a Wiki which is up to date with the current state of Japan's game, so you can look ahead at unit enhancements and trust masteries, that sort of thing.
FFBE Equip: A site used to help you build your units for whatever content your heart desires. You can even link it to your FFBE account and it will only use gear you personally own. Especially useful for Dark Visions!
Friend ID List!:
To find your friend ID in the game, tap Home in the upper right corner (on most screens), then the Menu icon in the upper right, then Player Info on the left. Your ID should look like this in your little character card: 123,456,789.
Well the major thing about Yuna is she's premium like Tifa/Sephiroth; so you want 60k for the pity and likely more if you're aiming for EX+2/3 to get all the goodies, with minimum free shard support.
Anyway, JP had six banners in between Celes and Yuna. We're likely going to have way more though; but I guess if Gumi goes rush-mode, I suppose the minimum time can be pegged at 2 months. Which would be bang on with 1 MK a month; Celes in August, Roca/Paus in Sept, Yuna in Oct.
But Gumi is stretching this stuff out again. Celes/Cyan is now two banners instead of one; so that's an extra week. Roca/Paus is another dual-banner but those are season 3 units that didn't make much of a splash... so will they be split or is it another Charlotte/Vlad scenario? Then you have to consider a Fan Design unit and possibly a CoW unit each month as well. And there was a Dragon Quest collab in there too, which GL has traditionally been getting, so that one is actually possible.
With that in mind.. I'm seeing Yuna in the first half of November. October will be DQ and Halloween to drain lapis, and then you follow up it with the Yuna/Auron as the next set of "Premium Units" when everyone is now lapis poor.
Also, expect the Cyan to be dry as fuck in terms of content; the careful observer will note that the MK runs for 3 weeks again (store open for 4), so there's likely going to be little if anything dropping with Cyan. Just the Cyan chronicle battle (please Gumi give us the Terra buffs) and maybe something dumb like the punching dummies again.
Roca is NV, I presume. Is she good? I'm one of those who honestly thought Season 3 had a stronger cast than FFBE generally gets, and I'm honestly kind of annoyed that the S3 squad only got 7* units that were dead on arrival. Bruce and Poppy are worth a dozen Akstars each, far as I'm concerned.
DQ is not a concern to me, the only DQ game I lasted more than half an hour playing was Builders. Fan Design or CoW units could be a thing, given that they seem to have a pretty good track record of being rad - Louise and Ling were very cool, and I really like Skye's sprite, so if they make like a rad summoner or red mage for CoW I may be in trouble.
I never go for +3 on anything, really, though, and the turbo expensive units seem a bad place to start. I did hilariously get to EX+2 on Tifa, though.
NV Paus is a mage with SLB again. She has pretty decent chaining bolting strike chains for water or light damage. And then her SLB is a big magic light 300x move that's 32-hits so I'm assuming it matches quad-cast CWA frames.
300% LB modifier, 300% Undead Killer, 200% Human Killer and has SoS Lightning STMR for the chain cap. This becomes a free materia slot still once CoW rewards are out and I can buy the upgraded crown.
Yeah that's not silly at all.
I did get an NV and got excited, but sadly it was just another Sephiroth. I'm pretty sure at this rate I'm going to have an EX+2 Sephiroth (one copy to go) before I end up with my first Yoshikiri.
I did want Skye, so I guess it's something, but still, come on!
(Also, three more Morganas. Seriously, at this point if Morgana got an NVA I could quite literally make her EX+3 instantly and I think I'd have enough Morganas left over to make another EX+2)
Here, I did ten steps and my only onbanner units were a single Umaro and a single Mog. So, as expected, if I actually want a unit for the collection, that means pity time. But I sure as heck ended up with EX+2 Tifa and two Sephiroths despite not particularly wanting the first and actively refusing to use the second!
So uh.. happy 1st anniversary for NV units, I guess.
So, no, I will not be doing that strat. I'll give Skye a 2h spear or 2h sword and use her imperil or Elena's. That was the most miserable thing I've experienced in FFBE. Just the worst
I still have to put together my team for a good clear. Definitely gonna be using my EX+3 Cloud because if not now, when?
And yeah, the Madam's Manor stuff is loooong. It was definitely something that was much better served doing it as it released in chunks instead of doing the multi-hour marathon that it is now. Though I did enjoy the story behind it and such; if you remember Madam Edel's story event with Almaz, it builds off of that and is pretty well done.
Got it done. Max damage on the highest mods I could do. My chain broke for some reason even using mods, so I got, like, a 93 chain and I don't feel like sitting through the fight again to fix it. I'm in the 2k-3k range, which is fine with me.
Looking forward to what is coming down the pike from JP and I'm not excited about any of the units we know of. And CoW seems like a monthly whale-or-failathon. I'm gonna keep playing but I don't know for how long.
So Ygni get! Woohoo!
Too bad this event looks boring as hell since there's nothing to grind.. just clear everything once and all done since the event points don't reset.
Come September 2nd we will probably know how they're handling the Master Crown enhancements, and see how arduous it'll be to make Terra good again.