Jack: To stay back and assist the innocents in the crowd/the struggling guards of FIRE+WATER, please make two Survival Checks (one to see how well you can help others/ one to see how well you keep yourself safe). To escape safely with the Teleport Stone back to the departing SS OAK, please make a Acrobatics Roll to see how well you can place your shot!
I'll take half the wolves, and send the other half with Barnabas as guard dogs and let the crew keep the area safe. I feel like anyone else who appears on the street would be better served by an actual person and not growling wolf.
Urixes, Jack, Oak: After @Denada checks in, where are you planning on sailing this tub? (Someone will need to steer the thing; someone will need to watch out for dangers; other issues may soon arise as well...)
Jack has gained Inspiration for his heroic dive into the rioting crowd! (Reminder- Current Inspiration found underneath your PC portrait in the 5th post of this thread) Jack has also gained the following damage:
Geth roll 1d3 slashing
Geth roll 1d3 bludgeoning
Geth roll 1d3 piercing Arno: Rolling Barnabas's Insight to assist in peering down the alleys; otherwise you'll be going in more or less blind...
Looking at the map, could we steer towards Hook's end? See if it's not safer there?
Jack should probably take over steering.
Yes. But it'll take awhile, and the Ark of the Exotic (#8) is right in the way of things at the moment. You guys could shave off time by sticking as close to the city as possible, cutting tight corners, maybe even seeing if you could go right under most of the Ark. Or you could try to play it "safe" and stay further out, well away from the boardwalks and riots, but keep in mind: the further from civilization you guys are, the more dangerous the water becomes; and, you're probably not the only group to think about cutting and running under the current circumstances
I'm completely misunderstanding where we are maybe.
We're over on Freebooter's way by Fire+Water (#11) right?
Did the Ark swing around from the other side where it was?
OK, I can see what happened here: at some point, I must've stumbled over my own notes, and misplaced FIRE+WATER (#11) (the heavy-duty, ship altering blacksmith and outfitters) for RUBY+SAPPHIRE (#14) (the more low-end, individual outfitters). Apologies for the confusion, that was 100% my fault!
To remedy the situation, I'll simply swap the two properties in my notes: everything else should remain exactly the same! The SS Oak is still at the end of Cutthroat Alley (the reason for the price/location for the Safehouse), sitting in the shadow of Tick Tock Tower, and just across the street from FIRE+WATER (but rapidly departing!)
Below- Blue Arrow (SS OAK location); Pink Arrow (ARNO'S posse's location)
That makes more sense, as I didn't think we were in Freebooters way, but was looking more at locations than at where you had said we were.
So, with that location in mind, do we want to go the other way around towards Murderer's row? Or, maybe we try and just float by the Ark of the Exotic till everything settles down and dock again, so not too far out into the waters, but we also aren't docked?
Or do we just swing around the Ark so we can dock?
Yeah I'm thinking we just swing around the Ark on our way to the Curse, it's not that far away from the docks if we stick close to it, and it might give us some cover from the view of the streets.
Arno:Perception or Survival check to make your way down this incredibly dangerous, smoke-and-fire obscured alley, and hopefully find any danger before it finds you! And Animal Handling to keep your Good Boys alert, aware, and in a tight defensive formation under frightening and unknown circumstances!
Geth roll 1d20-1 for Nothing, Probably Jack:Dexterity Check, (with Proficiency from your Watercraft Skills!), to guide the SS OAK safely and quickly south in an expert manner! As well, please make a Survival Check to find that sweet spot between keeping your Ship “too-close" to town and “too-far" out to sea
Oak:Insight or Perception, (with Advantage!), to take account of what’s going on with the nearby riot/the sea and Ships before you as you all sail along. And a Survival Check to keep any eye on the SS OAK's defenses as well; making sure the Ship isn’t currently attracting stowaways/attention/idle gunfire/worse things
Urixes: The Warlock will be the first of the group to find the basement of the Ship slowly, but steadily flooding from below. The Tiefling may have a spell to keep this craft patched in the short term, but is there a way solve the problem in a more permanent fashion, and make this Ship less of a liability? The leaks seem to be coming from outside the craft…and there’s enough active sealife out there that Urixes could probably “borrow their eyes”, and look around…
Urixes, Constitution Check to start bailing out the Ship with the buckets on the top deck, if you choose to hold off on magical means for now! Then, please make a Animal Handling Check to find ready, open minds among the sealife below (the ones that aren’t currently too busy fleeing/hiding/eager to dine on sailorflesh from the riot) to get an eye on the sea beneath the Ship. And to gauge how well the Tiefling can “peer” through underwater eyes as all this madness goes on, please make a Insight, Perception, or Survival Check!
I have to say, our rolls are on fire right now, the lowest we've seen was a 9 from Arno. Can't wait to catastrophically crash our boat into the side of the Curse.
OOC: Hey guys! Every single member of my family got sick in these last few days, so haven't had the mental energy for RP...should be making an update later today, though! Just wanted to give everyone a heads up
No worries. We're literally in the same place (except me, I guess) so I've definitely not been stressing out about not having something outside of errands and medicine giving to do.
Arno: A battle begins! The Ogre (#1) overhead nearly managed to get the drop on you, but your Wolf Friend stepped in and took the hit at the last moment!
Geth roll 1d20+6 Greatclub (Wolf 1)
Geth roll 2d8+4 Bludgeoning
The other two enemies, currently occupied with dismantling the Cannon Array, haven’t noticed you yet…but they definitely just heard their buddy hit the deck, and will be looking this way soon!
Due to your excellent Animal Handling roll from previously, please add a +1 to hit and an additional 1d4 piercing damage for each of your puppers on their attack rolls!
Red Areas- Fires in the Area (moving through/stopping in will do 1d4 and 2d4 fire damage, respectively). Left untended, the larger fires may begin to spread
Green Xs- Considered Difficult/Destroyed Terrain. Also assumed to contain: chains, broken boards, rusty nails, twisted metal, etc.
Blue Circles- The Nine Cannons constituting this Arsenal Array. Currently being destroyed by the Ogre at the direction of one of the Dogs. They’re clearly in a big hurry to bust up the array and get out of here ASAP
Green Watercraft- The Boat these three came in on, tentatively tied to the array
Initiative goes to Arno and their Wolf Pack!
Edit- I can't even tell on my lousy PC/Phone Screens; is the map readable? Does it need any clarification?
Urixes has successfully found a temporary patch for the gaping holes in the bottom of the craft (should buy you enough time to get to the Curse, as long as the ship doesn’t sustain *anymore* damage). He has also managed to foresee the dangers of the Grey Ooze upon the hull of the Ark, circumventing that particular danger as well!
Current Questions/Priorities:
-You’ve made out that the Black Robes seem to be working with the Prince’s Dogs, and the Ogres that were brought in to dismantle the City’s cannons. Do you think you’ve put together what’s happening with this riot? Do you share any of your discoveries with your probably-fine-right-now friend Arno?
-The Orphan, hooked to the Ship and injured in the water: do you pull her up? Try to heal her? Question her? All of the above? None? Maybe, she’s another Little Witch…
-The Ship that subtly hooked to your own, with its hidden crew (and is currently a drag on your steering/forward progress): do you hail them? Cut them loose? Open fire on them? Invite them aboard? Something else?
-The Terror which floats in the skies above the terrified masses of Chaff: do you maybe recognize its yell, from books or legends or tavern tales?
As all these issues resolve, Jack will be artfully steering the SS OAK, around the port bow of the Ark, and onwards towards Hook’s End and the Shipyard. There, something awaits you…
Stats of the wolfs are below, ogre took out wolf one in a single shot. Please clarify, am I in melee range of the ogre? If yes, I'll disengage and leap into the water and swim to under the Dog's ship. If no, I'll fire off a lvl 2 ice knife at the Dog and then move to the water outside of the Ogre's range.
AC: 13
HP: 15
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4+1 to hit, magical, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (3d4 + 2) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Pack tactics
geth roll 2d20k1+5 for Pupper attack
geth roll 3d4+2 for Pupper dmg
geth roll 2d20k1+5 for Woofer attack
geth roll 3d4+2 for woofer dmg
geth roll 1d20+7 for ice knife attack (if not threatened)
geth roll 1d10 piercing damage to dog
geth roll 3d6 for cold dmg within 5ft DC 15 Dex for half
Arno: You’re currently in Melee Range of the Ogre who just murdered the loyal Barkley. Using your Action to Disengage, you can run through the legs of the creature, and find yourself quickly over the boardwalk and into the waters leading to the enemy’s ship (you’ll have a ways to swim still, past that- about three turns if undisturbed to find your way aboard). Please roll Stealth to determine how quickly you disappear into the murky waters below, and to see if the enemy still keeps tabs on you while you’re down there! (DC-14)
Geth roll 1d20+4 Ogre 1 (Strength Save vs. Prone) Urixes: You will pull up a small, wiry, half-elf orphan girl from the waters. She’s bleeding, badly, from one leg. She’s only semi-conscious right now, and seems deathly afraid of you for the scant seconds she is conscious…but passes out shortly after coming aboard. Besides the leg, the girl seems to have smacked her head, and is probably suffering a concussion. Medicine to care for the young one, and another Animal Handling check to see if you can find anything in the waters behind to slow the sharks trailing in the blood-wake (DC-12/16, and DC-15 respectively)
Jack: Straight Wisdom check to attempt to ID the screaming beast in the skies (maybe he saw it in a dream; heard the witch who cursed him speak of it; had a vision, or heard a tale in a bar shortly after his first nights upon two feet…); Survival Check to listen to familiar-sounding *HOWLS* and *CAWS* within the crowd to sense intentions from Wild-Kind or the Prince’s Dogs within the riot (DC-16/DC-13)
Oak: Insight Check to ID the wary and careful inhabitants of your tailgaters before they present arms and make their case to come aboard; Advantaged Charisma Check (you have them by the *balls* now, after all) to make sure Oak (by himself) can keeps a pack of a group of desperate and organized sailors, while all this madness rages around (DC-12/DC-15)
Jack: Insight Check to scope out the waters ahead and keep an eye on the skies above
Oak, Jack, Urixes: Everyone can be assume to have seen the Hadozee Tailgaters and heard their demands, and each of you may help respond to/escalate/present a solution the situation!
Arno: Hit (almost a kill!) to Pupper; two misses from the Shifter shooting above. Map below:
Are we still in an area where putting out fires will create choking smoke that limits visibility? Thinking puppies might want some cover. Also, can I feel if Barnabas and his puppies are ok? Or should I just keep concentrating and hope for the best?
Are we still in an area where putting out fires will create choking smoke that limits visibility? Thinking puppies might want some cover. Also, can I feel if Barnabas and his puppies are ok? Or should I just keep concentrating and hope for the best?
Yes. If you hit an area containing fire with enough water, the choking smoke will immediately grow to a space twice the size of the fire (disadvantage on all attacks in/out/within; all parties inside technically operating in "Hidden" status)
Insight Check to get a specific sense of Barnabas's predicament from afar, or Animal Handling to feel for a general sense of your pups and how they fare emotionally at this moment
- Ships ahead off the southeastern edge of Chaff. Not fleeing, but actually sitting in wait and pointed in your direction. All armed with big guns. This seems like it could be a problem.
-Less fire/commotion down by the Shipyard. The area around Hook's End in general seems safer and quieter, for some reason...
-Gunfire from somewhere far overhead, and defiant shouting. How is shouting coming from overhead, though?...
Everyone aboard the SS Oak: please make a Wisdom Saving Throw to avoid getting Frightened from the Orphan Girl's Pirate Lullaby (DC-10 to avoid Fright from the Black Robes)
Oak, Jack, Urixes: Southern Chaff by Boat, Riot-Edition
1. SS Oak (Oak, Urixes, Jack, Unnamed Orphan girl, Bash, 7 Hadozee)
2. Fleeing Ships (fleeing the fires/fleeing the Sharks/currently following the SS Oak, because it left first and seems to know what it’s doing)
3. Black Robe Patrols: 3 Pinnance-type light boats, one cannon each (but it seems like a doozy), three crewmen a piece. Currently watching, but not firing
4. Shipping Warehouse: a strange, fabric-like bulge is emerging from the top of the Shipping Warehouse. Anyone may make an Investigation Check right now to attempt to identify it (DC-12)
5. Garbage/Debris/Rock Clusters: Trash, fishing line, bottles and piles of trash have begun to accumulate among the Southern end of Chaff. You could likely use the bergs’ of trash as a place to attempt to hide, lose pursuers, or just something to take cover behind, if you knew what you were doing with the boat…
6. Kobolds-in-Charge- Where the Kobolds currently running the artillery campaign seem to be conducting their offensive from. Approaching may be an issue
7. Modrons-in-Charge- Where certain Modrons seem to be standing still and “directing traffic” for the defensive around the Shipping Warehouse. Approaching may be an issue
X- Current Location of the Whispered Curse
Purple Circle- Choking Cloud of Dream Smoke obscuring the end of Hook’s End
Red Circle- Area of Kobold control via artillery/firepower around the Shipyard
Orange Circle- Area of Modron control around one of the Shipping Warehouses in particular
Bash’s Hadozee are yours to order for the moment, but make sure you don’t lose their loyalty through bad judgement! The Fleeing Ships will likely not follow the SS Oak back into the City, but that makes them welcome targets for the Black Robe Patrols. How do you choose to proceed?
Split the party. Split the party!
I'll take half the wolves, and send the other half with Barnabas as guard dogs and let the crew keep the area safe. I feel like anyone else who appears on the street would be better served by an actual person and not growling wolf.
Hope I don't loose concentration!
Jack has gained Inspiration for his heroic dive into the rioting crowd! (Reminder- Current Inspiration found underneath your PC portrait in the 5th post of this thread) Jack has also gained the following damage:
Geth roll 1d3 slashing
Geth roll 1d3 bludgeoning
Geth roll 1d3 piercing
Arno: Rolling Barnabas's Insight to assist in peering down the alleys; otherwise you'll be going in more or less blind...
Geth roll 1d20+4 (Barnabas-Insight)
Jack should probably take over steering.
Yes. But it'll take awhile, and the Ark of the Exotic (#8) is right in the way of things at the moment. You guys could shave off time by sticking as close to the city as possible, cutting tight corners, maybe even seeing if you could go right under most of the Ark. Or you could try to play it "safe" and stay further out, well away from the boardwalks and riots, but keep in mind: the further from civilization you guys are, the more dangerous the water becomes; and, you're probably not the only group to think about cutting and running under the current circumstances
We're over on Freebooter's way by Fire+Water (#11) right?
Did the Ark swing around from the other side where it was?
OK, I can see what happened here: at some point, I must've stumbled over my own notes, and misplaced FIRE+WATER (#11) (the heavy-duty, ship altering blacksmith and outfitters) for RUBY+SAPPHIRE (#14) (the more low-end, individual outfitters). Apologies for the confusion, that was 100% my fault!
To remedy the situation, I'll simply swap the two properties in my notes: everything else should remain exactly the same! The SS Oak is still at the end of Cutthroat Alley (the reason for the price/location for the Safehouse), sitting in the shadow of Tick Tock Tower, and just across the street from FIRE+WATER (but rapidly departing!)
Below- Blue Arrow (SS OAK location); Pink Arrow (ARNO'S posse's location)
Geth roll 1d4
So, with that location in mind, do we want to go the other way around towards Murderer's row? Or, maybe we try and just float by the Ark of the Exotic till everything settles down and dock again, so not too far out into the waters, but we also aren't docked?
Or do we just swing around the Ark so we can dock?
Geth roll 1d20-1 for Nothing, Probably
Jack: Dexterity Check, (with Proficiency from your Watercraft Skills!), to guide the SS OAK safely and quickly south in an expert manner! As well, please make a Survival Check to find that sweet spot between keeping your Ship “too-close" to town and “too-far" out to sea
Oak: Insight or Perception, (with Advantage!), to take account of what’s going on with the nearby riot/the sea and Ships before you as you all sail along. And a Survival Check to keep any eye on the SS OAK's defenses as well; making sure the Ship isn’t currently attracting stowaways/attention/idle gunfire/worse things
Urixes: The Warlock will be the first of the group to find the basement of the Ship slowly, but steadily flooding from below. The Tiefling may have a spell to keep this craft patched in the short term, but is there a way solve the problem in a more permanent fashion, and make this Ship less of a liability? The leaks seem to be coming from outside the craft…and there’s enough active sealife out there that Urixes could probably “borrow their eyes”, and look around…
Urixes, Constitution Check to start bailing out the Ship with the buckets on the top deck, if you choose to hold off on magical means for now! Then, please make a Animal Handling Check to find ready, open minds among the sealife below (the ones that aren’t currently too busy fleeing/hiding/eager to dine on sailorflesh from the riot) to get an eye on the sea beneath the Ship. And to gauge how well the Tiefling can “peer” through underwater eyes as all this madness goes on, please make a Insight, Perception, or Survival Check!
Geth roll 1d20+6 Greatclub (Wolf 1)
Geth roll 2d8+4 Bludgeoning
The other two enemies, currently occupied with dismantling the Cannon Array, haven’t noticed you yet…but they definitely just heard their buddy hit the deck, and will be looking this way soon!
Due to your excellent Animal Handling roll from previously, please add a +1 to hit and an additional 1d4 piercing damage for each of your puppers on their attack rolls!
Red Areas- Fires in the Area (moving through/stopping in will do 1d4 and 2d4 fire damage, respectively). Left untended, the larger fires may begin to spread
Green Xs- Considered Difficult/Destroyed Terrain. Also assumed to contain: chains, broken boards, rusty nails, twisted metal, etc.
Blue Circles- The Nine Cannons constituting this Arsenal Array. Currently being destroyed by the Ogre at the direction of one of the Dogs. They’re clearly in a big hurry to bust up the array and get out of here ASAP
Green Watercraft- The Boat these three came in on, tentatively tied to the array
Initiative goes to Arno and their Wolf Pack!
Edit- I can't even tell on my lousy PC/Phone Screens; is the map readable? Does it need any clarification?
Current Questions/Priorities:
-You’ve made out that the Black Robes seem to be working with the Prince’s Dogs, and the Ogres that were brought in to dismantle the City’s cannons. Do you think you’ve put together what’s happening with this riot? Do you share any of your discoveries with your probably-fine-right-now friend Arno?
-The Orphan, hooked to the Ship and injured in the water: do you pull her up? Try to heal her? Question her? All of the above? None? Maybe, she’s another Little Witch…
-The Ship that subtly hooked to your own, with its hidden crew (and is currently a drag on your steering/forward progress): do you hail them? Cut them loose? Open fire on them? Invite them aboard? Something else?
-The Terror which floats in the skies above the terrified masses of Chaff: do you maybe recognize its yell, from books or legends or tavern tales?
As all these issues resolve, Jack will be artfully steering the SS OAK, around the port bow of the Ark, and onwards towards Hook’s End and the Shipyard. There, something awaits you…
AC: 13
HP: 15
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4+1 to hit, magical, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (3d4 + 2) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Pack tactics
geth roll 2d20k1+5 for Pupper attack
geth roll 3d4+2 for Pupper dmg
geth roll 2d20k1+5 for Woofer attack
geth roll 3d4+2 for woofer dmg
geth roll 1d20+7 for ice knife attack (if not threatened)
geth roll 1d10 piercing damage to dog
geth roll 3d6 for cold dmg within 5ft DC 15 Dex for half
* of course it's a different name, can't you hear the difference?
Geth roll 1d20+4 Ogre 1 (Strength Save vs. Prone)
Urixes: You will pull up a small, wiry, half-elf orphan girl from the waters. She’s bleeding, badly, from one leg. She’s only semi-conscious right now, and seems deathly afraid of you for the scant seconds she is conscious…but passes out shortly after coming aboard. Besides the leg, the girl seems to have smacked her head, and is probably suffering a concussion. Medicine to care for the young one, and another Animal Handling check to see if you can find anything in the waters behind to slow the sharks trailing in the blood-wake (DC-12/16, and DC-15 respectively)
Jack: Straight Wisdom check to attempt to ID the screaming beast in the skies (maybe he saw it in a dream; heard the witch who cursed him speak of it; had a vision, or heard a tale in a bar shortly after his first nights upon two feet…); Survival Check to listen to familiar-sounding *HOWLS* and *CAWS* within the crowd to sense intentions from Wild-Kind or the Prince’s Dogs within the riot (DC-16/DC-13)
Oak: Insight Check to ID the wary and careful inhabitants of your tailgaters before they present arms and make their case to come aboard; Advantaged Charisma Check (you have them by the *balls* now, after all) to make sure Oak (by himself) can keeps a pack of a group of desperate and organized sailors, while all this madness rages around (DC-12/DC-15)
If this works, I plan to cut the rope of the boat. Dog seems pretty nervous about being caught out here.
Oak, Jack, Urixes: Everyone can be assume to have seen the Hadozee Tailgaters and heard their demands, and each of you may help respond to/escalate/present a solution the situation!
Arno: Hit (almost a kill!) to Pupper; two misses from the Shifter shooting above. Map below:
Yes. If you hit an area containing fire with enough water, the choking smoke will immediately grow to a space twice the size of the fire (disadvantage on all attacks in/out/within; all parties inside technically operating in "Hidden" status)
Insight Check to get a specific sense of Barnabas's predicament from afar, or Animal Handling to feel for a general sense of your pups and how they fare emotionally at this moment
[edit] And Jack remains oblivious~
- Ships ahead off the southeastern edge of Chaff. Not fleeing, but actually sitting in wait and pointed in your direction. All armed with big guns. This seems like it could be a problem.
-Less fire/commotion down by the Shipyard. The area around Hook's End in general seems safer and quieter, for some reason...
-Gunfire from somewhere far overhead, and defiant shouting. How is shouting coming from overhead, though?...
Exactly- like a blockade to keep people in the city. You have any ideas?
Oak, Jack, Urixes: Southern Chaff by Boat, Riot-Edition
1. SS Oak (Oak, Urixes, Jack, Unnamed Orphan girl, Bash, 7 Hadozee)
2. Fleeing Ships (fleeing the fires/fleeing the Sharks/currently following the SS Oak, because it left first and seems to know what it’s doing)
3. Black Robe Patrols: 3 Pinnance-type light boats, one cannon each (but it seems like a doozy), three crewmen a piece. Currently watching, but not firing
4. Shipping Warehouse: a strange, fabric-like bulge is emerging from the top of the Shipping Warehouse. Anyone may make an Investigation Check right now to attempt to identify it (DC-12)
5. Garbage/Debris/Rock Clusters: Trash, fishing line, bottles and piles of trash have begun to accumulate among the Southern end of Chaff. You could likely use the bergs’ of trash as a place to attempt to hide, lose pursuers, or just something to take cover behind, if you knew what you were doing with the boat…
6. Kobolds-in-Charge- Where the Kobolds currently running the artillery campaign seem to be conducting their offensive from. Approaching may be an issue
7. Modrons-in-Charge- Where certain Modrons seem to be standing still and “directing traffic” for the defensive around the Shipping Warehouse. Approaching may be an issue
X- Current Location of the Whispered Curse
Purple Circle- Choking Cloud of Dream Smoke obscuring the end of Hook’s End
Red Circle- Area of Kobold control via artillery/firepower around the Shipyard
Orange Circle- Area of Modron control around one of the Shipping Warehouses in particular
Bash’s Hadozee are yours to order for the moment, but make sure you don’t lose their loyalty through bad judgement! The Fleeing Ships will likely not follow the SS Oak back into the City, but that makes them welcome targets for the Black Robe Patrols. How do you choose to proceed?
Geth, roll 1d20+1 for Wisdom Saving Throw
Geth, roll 1d20 or Wassat