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[OOC D&D 5E:] Crew of the Whispered Curse



  • DenadaDenada Registered User regular
    Okay there's a lot going on so hopefully I've got it all straight:

    The Sun Prince is causing a riot in Chaff in a bid to take over the city. The city has cannon defenses which Prince-people are trying to destroy. The Prince also has a small fleet of ships cutting off escape from Chaff.

    There's also a flying monster of some kind that's attacking (or defending?) the clock tower, and our best bet at stopping the attack in the city is to kill the flying monster, which would be easiest to do from the top of the tower.

    The little orphan girl is part of a group that did something involving the tower but we don't know what, and she seems to recognize me but it was probably the shape shifter impersonating me.

    The Hadozee that just joined us aren't involved in any of this, they're just trying to survive the riot.

    So if I've got it all straight, then I'm thinking we need to find Arno and head to the tower, kill the thundercougarfalconbird, end the riot, and enjoy the resulting hero status once the smoke clears? Maybe have the Hadozee provide covering fire as we make our way up the tower?

  • DenadaDenada Registered User regular
    Geth, roll 1d20+3 for Wisdom Save

    Wisdom Save:
    1d20+3 19 [1d20=16]

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Wisdom eh? No particular benefits there...

    Geth, roll 1d20 for Wisdom Save

    Wisdom Save:
    1d20 11 [1d20=11]

  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    Everyone's in the clear on Fright via "feverish orphan girl singing you a creepy pirate song about your death"

    Denada's current summary of the situation is (nearly) completely accurate. That said: how/where does the current crew of the SS Oak choose to proceed from here?

  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    Jack votes they commandeer a balloon, but he might just be wanting to joyride one. We will never know.

  • zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    AC: 13
    HP: Woofer ;15 Pupper ;3
    Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4+1 to hit, magical, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (3d4 + 2) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
    Pack tactics

    geth roll 2d20k1+5 for Pupper attack
    geth roll 3d4+2 for Pupper dmg

    geth roll 2d20k1+5 for Woofer attack
    geth roll 3d4+2 for woofer dmg

    Geth roll 1d20+4 for insight on Barnabas

    Pupper attack:
    2d20k1+5 11 [2d20k1=[6], 2]
    Pupper dmg:
    3d4+2 11 [3d4=2, 4, 3]
    Woofer attack:
    2d20k1+5 18 [2d20k1=[13], 2]
    woofer dmg:
    3d4+2 9 [3d4=1, 3, 3]
    1d20+4 16 [1d20=12]

  • zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    I think with a 30ft cube I can get two fires, the big one on the boat next to me, and the one behind the ogre #1. If the wolves move towards the ogre #1's back, they should be covered by the smoke from both, but if I can't get both they'll maneuver closer to the big fire to get it's smoky cover. Priority is to give the wolves cover. And hopefully my 16 insight gives me some idea of what's going on out there as I continue toward the boat.

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Find Arno first? Or say to meet up at the tower?

  • zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    You guys should head to the tower, Arno is God knows where as far as you know.

  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    I'm a-okay with heading for the tower!

  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    SS Oak: Headed towards the patrolling Modrons/the Shipping Warehouse to borrow/take a Floating Dirigible and then head towards Tick Tock Tower, correct? In the current moment aboard ship, do you take any evasive measures against the Dog Patrols, or just sail straight and hope they leave you be? (leave an agree or correct me on any specifics)

    I'll leave your Hadozee firing squad in passive/defensive mode until one of you say otherwise!

    Geth roll 1d30+4 Strength Save vs. Wolves (Ogre 1)

    Strength Save vs. Wolves (Ogre 1):
    1d30+4 14 [1d30=10]

  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    Geth roll 1d20+4 Phone Postin' Edit

    Phone Postin' Edit:
    1d20+4 5 [1d20=1]

  • zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    Ha, Ogre fall on butt.

  • PakuPaku Registered User regular

    The fires in this area have grown!

    The Ogre (#2) has destroyed the second cannon from within the artillery unit (7/9)

  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    edited December 2021
    SS OAK:

    - Performance Check to convince them you’re friendly and mean no harm

    - Perception Check to figure out why this part of Hook’s End stayed so peaceful

    - History Check if there’s something about the Modron’s behavior that you can use

    - Nature Check or Religion Check if there’s something about the Modron’s shape you can use

    - Stealth Check to ignore their order and try to sneak past them into the warehouse (presumably one of you while the rest of the group stays here and distracts the Modrons)

    - Sleight of Hand Check to give a wordless signal to Bash the Hadozee for his men to get their weapons ready for a fight

    Or surprise me! :)

    Paku on
  • zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    So Arno is almost certainly grappled, but that Ogre missed my pups, so hopefully he's near death. Now, can this fancy suited person breath down here? Also, if my perception is high enough, can I see a shark or other sea creature nearby that I might want to charm?

    Can't leave Barnabas hanging, so I'll keep concentration up and not call down 8 giant wolf spiders on these jokers. Hope they appreciate my kindness.

    Geth roll 1d20+3 for athletics to resist the grapple

    Geth roll 1d20=7 for perception to figure if they can breath down here

    AC: 13
    HP: Woofer ;15 Pupper ;3
    Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4+1 to hit, magical, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (3d4 + 2) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
    Pack tactics

    geth roll 1d20+5 for Pupper attack pack tactics offset disdvantage
    geth roll 3d4+2 for Pupper dmg

    geth roll 1d20+5 for Woofer attack
    geth roll 3d4+2 for woofer dmg

    athletics to resist the grapple:
    1d20+3 5 [1d20=2]
    Pupper attack pack tactics offset disdvantage:
    1d20+5 7 [1d20=2]
    Pupper dmg:
    3d4+2 9 [3d4=2, 2, 3]
    Woofer attack:
    1d20+5 19 [1d20=14]
    woofer dmg:
    3d4+2 8 [3d4=1, 4, 1]

  • zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    Geth roll 1d20+7 for perception, can this guy breath down here?

    perception, can this guy breath:
    1d20+7 24 [1d20=17]

  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    zekebeau wrote:
    So Arno is almost certainly grappled, but that Ogre missed my pups, so hopefully he's near death.

    Very near death, after that last bite from Woofer. A swift kick in the teeth (-10 hp) should do him in!

    Geth roll 1d20+4 Strength Save vs. Wolves (Ogre#1)
    zekebeau wrote:
    Now, can this fancy suited person breath down here?

    Perception Check: Success: No. But, he looks fairly athletic. The guy could probably hold his breath for awhile, definitely longer than your average schlub
    zekebeau wrote:
    Also, if my perception is high enough, can I see a shark or other sea creature nearby that I might want to charm?

    Perception Check: Success:The Hunter Sharks are still hunting around the edges of the city, not quite yet brave enough to head towards the central district. Even still, all the other water animals near here have gone into hiding, under rocks or in crevices. Near the ocean floor, you spy a specific pair of giant fellas hiding underneath the large boulder that holds steady the anchor for the craft over your heads:


    Arno, while Grappled you have Disadvantage on Concentration Checks. Your current speed is zero. You may use your Action to Escape (another contested Strength vs. Athletics/Acrobatics Check); to Attack; or to cast a Spell (if you assume gills/anything similar that would enable you to speak underwater)

    Strength Save vs. Wolves (Ogre#1):
    1d20+4 17 [1d20=13]

  • zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    BOO! they both rolled so freaking high.

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    I'll try to post tonight, otherwise will tomorrow morning.

    Sorry for barely being around, just came off a bout of Covid on Monday so catching back up to normal

  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    I'll try to post tonight, otherwise will tomorrow morning.

    Sorry for barely being around, just came off a bout of Covid on Monday so catching back up to normal

    @AustinP0027 No worries in the least, at all! If you need the night, or a week, or a month, just PM me and we'll work it all out!

    Hope you and your family are all well and on the mend, and that everyone's symptoms are minimal!

    Rest up, Oak! <3

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    I appreciate it, but should be mostly back to normal now.

    My daughter had caught it first, and had it for a week then I managed to pick it up. Thankfully the rest of the family didn't get it (and I locked myself in a room for 10 days to help make sure of that). Mostly it's just catching up on all the stuff that got put on hold, so I think generally I'm good to go now.

    I know there are some rolls you possibly asked for there, but I can't imagine Oak trying to do much other than help out when he sees women and children trying to escape.

  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    Oak, Jack, and Urixes: Find a way to cut in line/get the Professor's attention without setting off the Modrons/pissing off the refugees, or wait while the city burns. As the drunken half-elf probably just pointed out, you guys are still known as rat-fugitives who trashed the town to most people around Chaff for the moment.

    The Hadozee and yourselves have been left your arms, but then, the Modrons and everyone else here is also armed. How do you choose to proceed?

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Want to let Urixes get a chance here. Oak's default mode is "go straight to problem". So either cutting or just straight up yelling at the professor.

    Maybe the others have a better plan.

  • DenadaDenada Registered User regular
    Urixes will scowl appropriately behind Oak, as a sort of anti-hype-man if you will. An Intimidation check to (hopefully) help us cut through the noise:

    Geth, roll 1d20+7 for Intimidation Check

    Intimidation Check:
    1d20+7 20 [1d20=13]

  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    Urixes, Oak, Jack: That Intimidation Check will cut through the noise and cow the crowd, allowing the Wild Bunch to move past without issue (although everyone will be glaring at your backs)! Prepare to meet "The Professor"...
    Arno: waiting on a (Disadvanted) Attack of Opportunity from Woofer towards Ogre#1, then please take your turn! Arno is currently Restrained in fishing line, with a Dexterity Check (DC-3) to escape (as an Action)...

  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    Urixes and Oak: You've never met this man before in your life, but he seems to know who both of you are; and moreover, seems to know that you're not the criminal-dopplegangers who have been impersonating the Bunch. The strange, elderly Artificer seems clever, but a bit senile, and easily distractible. What do you ask of the Professor?


    Jack: as easily and eerily as the Professor identified Oak and Urixes, he doesn't seem to know who Jack is at all . Perhaps for that reason, the man seems utterly fascinated by yourself and Mister Fusspot. Maybe, you can use his clear fascination as an Advantage in getting what you need...?

  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    Jack, Oak, Urixes: Group Skill Check to determine how well you guys were able to learn how to guide a Hot Air Balloon in three minutes from a spacey, distracted Professor (Intelligence- DC-12)


    Do you guys leave here the second the balloon has been filled, or attempt to coax the Professor into allowing one or more Balloons worth of Hadozee to join you? (Persuasion Check)


    Does anyone want to question this guy about how he seems to recognize (most of) you so well? (Persuasion Check)


    And if you're leaving them all here, what parting advice/suggestion/request do you leave with Bash and the other Hadozee?

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Geth has decided we don't get to know why he recognizes us....

  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    ...didn't Oak just recently have a couple of 1s? Jack's unluck is spreading.

  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    Geth has decided we don't get to know why he recognizes us....

    You might find out soon enough anyway! :)

    Still waiting on Intelligence Checks from Oak and Urixes for the Group Skill Check to guide the balloon, and general check-in from Urixes and Arno when @Denada and @zekebeau are ready!

  • DenadaDenada Registered User regular
  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    Denada wrote: »
    Balloon goes up, balloon goes down. You can't explain that.

    You'll convince three, Marksmen-class (their leader Bash not included) Hadozee to join your skyward expedition (given your saving their lives from the drink earlier), who will hang from the sides and ropes of the basket and provide covering fire and extra eyes. This will provide more safety and perception to the craft, but will make it much more potentially catastrophic to lose large amounts of weight from the Balloon at once!

    If Oak can score an 18 or above on that Intelligence Check (to keep it interesting), he may get a second chance to help save your Balloon from barreling aimlessly and recklessly towards the Tower. Otherwise, it will prove to be a bumpy ride!...

  • DenadaDenada Registered User regular
    Oh I meant the Hadozee like climbing onto roofs or something, but I'm down for a floating barrel of monkeys hurtling uncontrolled towards a flaming clock tower.

  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    edited December 2021
    Denada wrote: »
    Oh I meant the Hadozee like climbing onto roofs or something, but I'm down for a floating barrel of monkeys hurtling uncontrolled towards a flaming clock tower.

    We'll split the difference and do both! 3 with your Balloon; 4+ Bash covering you/the Professor's rescue Operation from the top masts of the Shipping Warehouse!

    Paku on
  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Intelligence? I Barely knew her...

    Geth, roll 1d20-1 for Yikes

    1d20-1 0 [1d20=1]

  • AustinP0027AustinP0027 Registered User regular
    Ok, seriously Geth.

  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    At this point, if mrpaku just crashes the balloon into the side of the tower and they all die in the ensuing explosion all I can do is nod and murmur "that's fair, that's fair".

  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    edited December 2021


    - Rescue Balloon #1 had 4/5 Citizens plunge into the waters/fire below!

    - Rescue Balloon #2 had ALL CITIZENS lost to the chaos and riots below!

    - Rescue Ballon #3 has lost 3 of its citzens in the high-altitude thrashing, leaving 5/8 Citizens in the basket safe!

    - Sharpshooter Hadozee Mara has fallen from the Wild Bunch's Balloon to the streets below!

    - Sharpshooter Hadozee Grush has fallen from the Wild Bunch's Balloon to the streets below!

    - Sharpshooter Hadozee Kashsa, rocked and shaken by the high-altitude encounters, somehow hangs on to the side of the Wild Bunch's Balloon!

    Oak, Jack, Urixes: As mentioned in the IC game thread, Acrobatics Save (DC-15) to avoid 2d6 Bludgeoning damage from the rough flight upwards!

    The dirgible flew too high too fast, and you all took some hits (both to the craft, and likely personally), and there is now a fire threatening to get sucked into the Professor’s “lift” apparatus at the center of the balloon! You have x1 remaining Hadozee Sharpshooters left (Kasha), and are quickly climbing to an unreasonable height above the city of Chaff!

    How do you all choose to proceed? Ask any questions about your current situation/knowledge of the craft/the environment that you wish to determine your Check here

    Paku on
  • PakuPaku Registered User regular
    JACK: Insight or Perception to get a better sense of the Changeling you caught a glance at

    BALLOON-TRAVELLERS: You need to act, and act now! Struggling to remember, the Wild Bunch has three concpets which they sort of gleaned from the Professor’s (incredibly poor) balloon-guiding explanation…

    - There are a pair of large, interior ropes (probably the ones Oak and Urixes grabbed just now to steady themselves) which were supposed to somehow “Steer” the Balloon. Perception Check or Athletics Check for “Learning to Fly in an Air Crash”, to get you guys aimed at your target (the top of Tick Tock Tower) as best you can under trying circumstances!

    - The control panel is still crackling and sizzling, and it’s hooked to the apparatus above which is “Feeding” the balloon. All of this is either on fire or about to be Perception Check or Investigation Check to fiddle with dials and knobs to try to fix it ASAP (and hopefully, not make it worse!). Or, a Strength Check to remove the apparatus entirely, and cast it down into the city below! Or, an Attack Roll (just damage) to try to smash the control panel real-good and hope that that fixes it!

    - Whoever’s left should be keeping an eye and a hand out for everyone else (including Kasha), just in case things somehow go more wrong here. Someone please give me a Surival Check or a Acrobatics Check to keep the basket steady, and your team safely inside!

    Let me know if you have other ideas for how you want to crash this thing! B)

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